Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde Ocak 2005 ile Mayıs 2014 yılları arasında tiroid operasyonu olan basedow-gravesli,hashimoto tiroiditli ve nodüler guatrlı hastalarda tiroid kanseri görülme sıklığının retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Tiroid kanseri endokrin sistemde en fazla görülen kanser türüdür. Basedow-Graves hastalığı ve Hashimoto tiroiditi ise sık görülen otoimmun tiroid hastalıklarıdır. Basedow-Graves ve Hashimoto tiroiditi hastalıklarının tiroid kanseri ile olan ilişkileri tartışmalı bir konudur. Çalışmanın amacı tiroid operasyonu olmuş, tiroid bezinde nodül bulunan Basedow-Graves ve Hashimoto tiroiditi hastalarının patoloji sonuçlarını inceleyerek, bu hastalıkların tiroid kanseri gelişimi üzerine olan etkilerini değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde 2005-2014 yılları arasında tiroid bezinde nodül bulunan, tiroid operasyonu geçirmiş toplam 1668 hasta saptandı. Basedow-Gravesli 78 hasta (61 kadın, 17 erkek; ort. yaş 39,42), Hashimoto tiroiditli 138 hasta (126 kadın, 12 erkek; ort. yaş 49,24) saptandı. Hastaların demografik bilgileri, tiroid fonsiyon testi, tiroid otoantikor, tiroid usg, tiroid sintigrafisi ve tiroid patoloji sonuçları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Tüm veriler SPSS 20,0 paket programı kullanılarak analiz edildi.
Bulgular: Çalışmada Basedow-Graves hastalarının %23,1’ inde, Hashimoto tiroiditi hastalarının %52,2’ sinde, Nodüler guatr hastalarının %38,7’ sinde tiroid kanseri saptandı. Basedow-Graves ile Hashimoto tiroiditi hastaları karşılaştırıldığında tiroid kanserinin Hashimoto tiroiditi hastalarında daha sık (p<0,001) görüldüğü saptandı. Basedow-Graves ile Nodüler guatr hastaları karşılaştırıldığında tiroid kanserinin Basedow-Graves hastalarında daha az (p=0,008) görüldüğü saptandı. Hashimoto tiroiditi hastalarıyla Nodüler guatr hastaları karşılaştırıldığında tiroid kanserinin Hashimoto tiroiditi hastalarında daha sık (p=0,003) görüldüğü saptandı. Hashimoto tiroiditli hastalarda (ort. yaş 46,53) tiroid kanseri görülme yaşının Nodüler guatrlı hastalara (ort. yaş 51,02) göre daha erken yaşta görüldüğü (p=0,019) saptandı. Basedow-Gravesli hastalarda tümör boyutunun Hashimoto tiroiditi ve Nodüler guatrlı hastalara göre daha küçük (p<0,05) olduğu görüldü. Basedow-Gravesli hastalarda papiller mikrokarsinom görülme sıklığının Hashimoto tiroiditli ve Nodüler guatrlı hastalara göre daha fazla (p=0,004) olduğu bulundu. Tiroid kanseri olan Basedow-Gravesli hastalarda tiroid reseptör antikorunun daha düşük (p<0.05) olduğu saptandı. Tiroid otoantikorlarının tiroid kanseri gelişimi üzerine etkisi olmadığı (p>0,05) belirlendi.
Sonuç: Çalışmamızda Hashimoto tiroiditli hastalarda tiroid kanseri gelişimi daha fazla görülmekle beraber kesin bir yargıya varabilmek için daha fazla sayıda prospektif çalışmaya ihtiyaç olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Aim: Thyroid cancer is a kind of cancer that is most seen in endocrine system. Basedow-Graves disease (BGH) and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) are frequent diseases of autoimmune thyroiditis. It is argued that the relationship between Hashimoto’s thyroiditis diseases and thyroid cancer. The aim of this work is to evaluate effects of these diseases on the progress of the thyroid cancer by investigating pathological result of the BG and HT patients who had an thyroid operation and had nodule on thyroid gland. Material and Methode : It was determined 1668 patients in total who had an thyroid operation and had nodule on thyroid gland in Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital between 2005 and 2014. It was determined 78 patients having BG (61 female,17 male; average age: 39.42), 138 patients having HT (126 female, 12 male; average age: 49.24). It is examined demografic informations, thyroid function test, thyroid antibody, thyroid USG, thyroid scintigraphy and thyroid pathological results of these patients as retrospective. All parameters are analysed by using SPSS 20.0 packaged software. Results: It was determined thyroid cancer in 23.1 percent of BG patients, 52.2 percent of HT patients, 38.7 percent of NG patients in this work. When BG patients was compared with HT patients, it was determined that thyroid cancer was more often seen (p<0,001) in HT patients. When BG patients was compared with NG patients, it was determined that thyroid cancer was less seen (p=0,008) in BG patients. When HT patients was compared with NG patients, thyroid cancer was more often seen (p=0,003) in HT patients. When HT patients(average age: 46.53) was compared with NG patients (average age: 51.02), it was determined that thyroid cancer was seen in the earlier age (p=0,019) in HT patients. It was found that the frequency of papillary microcarcinoma in patients with BG was more (p=0,004) in comparison with HT and NG patients. It was seen that tumor size in BG patients was smaller in comparison with HT and NG patients. It was detected that TRAB was lower (p<0.05) in BG patients being thyroid cancer. It was stated that thyroid antibodies had no effect (p>0,05) on thyroid cancer development. Conclusion: Thyroid cancer development is seen more in patients with HT in our work on the other hand it thought that it needs more prospective work to arrive at a decision exactly.
Aim: Thyroid cancer is a kind of cancer that is most seen in endocrine system. Basedow-Graves disease (BGH) and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) are frequent diseases of autoimmune thyroiditis. It is argued that the relationship between Hashimoto’s thyroiditis diseases and thyroid cancer. The aim of this work is to evaluate effects of these diseases on the progress of the thyroid cancer by investigating pathological result of the BG and HT patients who had an thyroid operation and had nodule on thyroid gland. Material and Methode : It was determined 1668 patients in total who had an thyroid operation and had nodule on thyroid gland in Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital between 2005 and 2014. It was determined 78 patients having BG (61 female,17 male; average age: 39.42), 138 patients having HT (126 female, 12 male; average age: 49.24). It is examined demografic informations, thyroid function test, thyroid antibody, thyroid USG, thyroid scintigraphy and thyroid pathological results of these patients as retrospective. All parameters are analysed by using SPSS 20.0 packaged software. Results: It was determined thyroid cancer in 23.1 percent of BG patients, 52.2 percent of HT patients, 38.7 percent of NG patients in this work. When BG patients was compared with HT patients, it was determined that thyroid cancer was more often seen (p<0,001) in HT patients. When BG patients was compared with NG patients, it was determined that thyroid cancer was less seen (p=0,008) in BG patients. When HT patients was compared with NG patients, thyroid cancer was more often seen (p=0,003) in HT patients. When HT patients(average age: 46.53) was compared with NG patients (average age: 51.02), it was determined that thyroid cancer was seen in the earlier age (p=0,019) in HT patients. It was found that the frequency of papillary microcarcinoma in patients with BG was more (p=0,004) in comparison with HT and NG patients. It was seen that tumor size in BG patients was smaller in comparison with HT and NG patients. It was detected that TRAB was lower (p<0.05) in BG patients being thyroid cancer. It was stated that thyroid antibodies had no effect (p>0,05) on thyroid cancer development. Conclusion: Thyroid cancer development is seen more in patients with HT in our work on the other hand it thought that it needs more prospective work to arrive at a decision exactly.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tiroid Kanseri, Basedow-Graves, Hashimoto Tiroditi, Nodüler Guatr, Thyroid Cancer, Basedow-Graves Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Nodular Goitre