Brezilya Gezisi Sonrası Dermatobia Hominis'in Neden Olduğu Subkutanöz Miyaz Olgusu
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Miyaz Diptera takımında bulunan çeşitli sinek cinslerine ait larvaların neden olduğu istila türü bir hastalıktır. Dermatobia hominis larvalarının neden olduğu subkutanöz miyaz yaygın gözlenen bir hastalıktır. Yurt dışı seyahat öyküsü olan 26 yaşında kadın hastada D. hominis kaynaklı subkutanöz miyazı gözlenmiştir. Altı ay Brezilya, Amazon ormanlarında bulunan hasta, seyahat dönüşünde karnının sağ alt kadranı ve sakral bölgesinde hassas ve kaşıntılı iki küçük kırmızı papül gözlemlemiştir. Papüllerden çıkarılan iki adet larva ile Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Polikliniği'ne başvurmuş ve larvalar tür tayini için parazitoloji polikliniğine gönderilmiştir. Gerekli makroskobik ve mikroskobik incelemelerden sonra miyaz etkeninin D. hominis olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Coğrafi olarak doğal dağılım alanı Güney Amerika ülkeleri olan D. hominis'in farklı yumurta dağıtım mekanizmasını tanıtmak ve larvalarının sebep olduğu, Brezilya'ya seyahat öyküsü olan bir Türk hastada görülen ilk olgu olması nedeniyle miyaz olgularında da anamnezin önemini ortaya koymak açısından sunulması düşünülmüştür.
Myiasis is an invasive diseases caused by larvae of various Dipterian flies. Subcutaneus myiasis cases are commonly observed by Dermatobia hominis larvea. A 26-year-old female patient with a history of travel abroad. Brasil diagnosed with subcutaneous myiasis originating from D. hominis. After spending six months in Amazon forests, Brasil, patient observed two small erythematous papules on right lower quadrant abdomen and delicate and itchy in the sacral region. Two larvae removed from the papules were sent to Ege University Medical Faculty Polyclinic of Infectious Diseases and sent to the parasitology polyclinic for the identification of larval species. After the necessary macroscopic and microscopic examinations, D. hominis was obtained as aresult of myiasis effect. Geographically, natural distribution of D. hominis is South American countries. In this case report we want to introduce the mechanism of egg distribution and take attention to the importance of medical history on myiasis cases. Since it is the first case seen in Turkish patients, it is thought to be presented in terms of revealing the importance of anamnesis in myiasis cases.
Myiasis is an invasive diseases caused by larvae of various Dipterian flies. Subcutaneus myiasis cases are commonly observed by Dermatobia hominis larvea. A 26-year-old female patient with a history of travel abroad. Brasil diagnosed with subcutaneous myiasis originating from D. hominis. After spending six months in Amazon forests, Brasil, patient observed two small erythematous papules on right lower quadrant abdomen and delicate and itchy in the sacral region. Two larvae removed from the papules were sent to Ege University Medical Faculty Polyclinic of Infectious Diseases and sent to the parasitology polyclinic for the identification of larval species. After the necessary macroscopic and microscopic examinations, D. hominis was obtained as aresult of myiasis effect. Geographically, natural distribution of D. hominis is South American countries. In this case report we want to introduce the mechanism of egg distribution and take attention to the importance of medical history on myiasis cases. Since it is the first case seen in Turkish patients, it is thought to be presented in terms of revealing the importance of anamnesis in myiasis cases.
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Onkoloji, Üroloji ve Nefroloji
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