Ege Bölgesinin kalkınmasında imalat sanayinde müteşebbis tiplerin rolü
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
"Azgelişmiş/kapitalist bir ülkede sanayileşmenin lokomotif gücü addedilen girişimcinin sosyolojik bir analizini yapmayı hedefleyen bu çalışma, girişimciyi kalkınma/modernleşme kuramları dahilinde ele alınan yaklaşımlara eleştiriler bir bakış getirebilmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Azgelişmiş bir ülkede, gelişmiş bir bölgenin sanayicisinde girişimsel etkinliğin bölgesel ekonomik yapılanmasında ne derece etkili olduğunu, gelişmiş ve az gelişmiş ülkelerdeki girişimsel etkinliğin yapısal farklılıklarını karşılaştırarak ölçmeyi hedefleyen bu çalışma için ege bölgesi sanayi odası istatistikleri temel alınarak bölge imalat sanayinde 115 büyük ve orta ölçekli firma sahibi ile görüşülmüş ve sonuçlar alanda geliştirilen bir ekonomik tutum ölçeği yardımı ile yorumlanmıştır. Alan çalışmasında ayrıca bir denetim odağı ölçeği ve bir özsaygı ölçeği de kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları ile bölge girişimcisinin bir genel profili çıkarılmış ve ayrıca bölge imalat sanayinde bir arada varlığını sürdüren çoklu sosyo-ekonomik yapılanmalarının sonucu olan çeşitli girişimci guruplar incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar; Ege Bölgesi sanayicilerinin genel olarak az gelişmiş ülke girişimcilerinin profiline benzer bir yapı gösterse de, ayrıntılı olarak incelendiğinde yedi ayrı girişimci tipi gösterdiğini bulgulamaktadır. Bu tipler farklı girişimsel performanslar göstermelerine rağmen aynı ekonomik şartlar ve aynı piyasa koşulları içerisinde firmaların benzer biçimde başarılı kılmaktadır. Kalkınmayı veya kapitalistleşmeyi sanayileşme veya bağımlı olmayan yoldan sanayileşmeye; öte yandan bu sürecin itici gücü rolünü girişimci (özelliklede endüstriyel girişimci)/ kapitalist bireye indirgeyen davranışlar, azgelişmiş/kapitalist ekonomide aynı ekonomik koşullar içinde çoklu yapılar arz eden girişimcilerin nasıl olup da farklı girişimsel aktivitelerin rağmen varlıklarını sürdürmeye çalıştıkları ve bu soruya ek olarak kalkınma misyonunu hangi tür girişimcinin üstlendiğine ilişkin anlamlı verilerin olmayışını açıklamakta kısıtlı kalabilmektedir. Dolayısıyla kalkınmanın başlatıcısı sürdürücüsü ve çekici gücü addedilen girişimcinin, gelişme/kalkınma için gerek şart olan pek çok değişkenden sadece birisi olduğunu ve sosyo-ekonomik yapısı ve kişisel kimliklerinin içinde bulunduğu ülkenin şartları ile büyük oranda belirlendiğini söylemek olanaklıdır.
The main purpose of this study is to cany out a sociological analysis of the enterpreneur considered as the leading force of industrialization in an underdeveloped/capitalist society. More specifically, the present study aims to express a critical view of the approaches dealing with the enterpreneur and entrepreneurship in terms of the development/modernization theories. On the basis of the statistics obtained from the Agean Chamber of Industry, the owners of 115 large and middle scale firms in the reional product industry were interviewed in an attempt to examine to what extent the enterprising performances have a determining effect on the regional economic structuring, as far as the industrialists of a developed region in an underdeveloped country areconcerned. The results of these interviews were interpreted by referring to an Economic Attitude Scale developed for the area. In addition, a Locus of Control Scale and a Self-Esteem Scale were employed in this field study. On the basis of the research findings, we were able to obtain a General Profile of the regional enterpreneurs, and also to examine various types of enterpreneurs appeared due to the multiple socio-economic structurings that happen to co-exist within the regional manufacture industry. The results demonstrated that the industrialists in the Agean District, in general terms, display a profile similar to that of the enterpreneurs in the other underdeveloped societies. Yet, a detailed investigation of these results indicated the existance of seven different types of enterpreneurs. Despite the fact that these different types exhibit different enterprising performances, they meet with success in similar ways while managing their firms under the same economical and market conditions. Findings obtained from all of the analyses also emphasized that the relations between the socio-economic backgrounds of enterpreneurs along with the characteristics of their firms and the enterprising performances. The approaches that reduced development or capitalization to independent industrialization and the enterpreneur's-particularly industrial enterpreneur's- role as a driving force in this process to a capitalist individual seem to be inadequate to explain the issue of how the enterpreneurs with the multi socio-economic backgrounds manage to survive in an underdeveloped/capitalist economy under the same economical conditions, in spite of their diferent enterprising performances and also the issue of lack of significant data describing the types of the enterpreneurs that are engaged in fulfilling the task of "development". Thus, it seems plausible to say that the enterpreneur considered as the initiating, driving and the leading force of development is only one of the many variables necessary for progress/development, and that the enterpreneur's socio-economic background and personel characteristics are greatly determined by the conditions of the society in which s/he lives.
The main purpose of this study is to cany out a sociological analysis of the enterpreneur considered as the leading force of industrialization in an underdeveloped/capitalist society. More specifically, the present study aims to express a critical view of the approaches dealing with the enterpreneur and entrepreneurship in terms of the development/modernization theories. On the basis of the statistics obtained from the Agean Chamber of Industry, the owners of 115 large and middle scale firms in the reional product industry were interviewed in an attempt to examine to what extent the enterprising performances have a determining effect on the regional economic structuring, as far as the industrialists of a developed region in an underdeveloped country areconcerned. The results of these interviews were interpreted by referring to an Economic Attitude Scale developed for the area. In addition, a Locus of Control Scale and a Self-Esteem Scale were employed in this field study. On the basis of the research findings, we were able to obtain a General Profile of the regional enterpreneurs, and also to examine various types of enterpreneurs appeared due to the multiple socio-economic structurings that happen to co-exist within the regional manufacture industry. The results demonstrated that the industrialists in the Agean District, in general terms, display a profile similar to that of the enterpreneurs in the other underdeveloped societies. Yet, a detailed investigation of these results indicated the existance of seven different types of enterpreneurs. Despite the fact that these different types exhibit different enterprising performances, they meet with success in similar ways while managing their firms under the same economical and market conditions. Findings obtained from all of the analyses also emphasized that the relations between the socio-economic backgrounds of enterpreneurs along with the characteristics of their firms and the enterprising performances. The approaches that reduced development or capitalization to independent industrialization and the enterpreneur's-particularly industrial enterpreneur's- role as a driving force in this process to a capitalist individual seem to be inadequate to explain the issue of how the enterpreneurs with the multi socio-economic backgrounds manage to survive in an underdeveloped/capitalist economy under the same economical conditions, in spite of their diferent enterprising performances and also the issue of lack of significant data describing the types of the enterpreneurs that are engaged in fulfilling the task of "development". Thus, it seems plausible to say that the enterpreneur considered as the initiating, driving and the leading force of development is only one of the many variables necessary for progress/development, and that the enterpreneur's socio-economic background and personel characteristics are greatly determined by the conditions of the society in which s/he lives.
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