Ratlarda hepatit B aşılamasına karşı gelişen immun yanıta diyet çinko içeriğinin etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
7. Özet: Amaç: Çinkonun bir iz element olarak immun sistem üzerine etkileri bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada, yeterli ve düşük oranlarda çinko içeren yemle beslenen iki grup ratta hepatit B aşılamasına karşı antikor ve in- vitro T lenfosit proliferasyon yanıtının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Zootekni bilim dalında kalori, protein, iz element ve diğer nutrientleri standart, ancak çinko içeriği 10 ve 30 mg/g kuru yem ağırlığı olan farklı 2 grup yem hazırlandı. Doğal çinko kaynaklarından uzaklaşılmak için semisentetik protein kazein kullanıldı. Yirmiiki genç erişkin rat 2 gruba ayrılarak birinci grup (no: 14) düşük çinko içeren yem ile, ikinci grup (no:8) ise normal çinko içeren yem ile beslendi ve tridistile su verildi. Sekizinci haftanın sonunda 4 ünite hepatit B aşısı (Engerix B) uyluk ön yüz kas içerisine uygulandı ve 1 ay sonra 2. doz rapel yapıldı. İkinci aşıdan 15 gün sonra intrakardiak steril kan toplanarak karaciğer diseke edildi ve ratlar sakrifiye edildi. Alınan kan örneklerinden periferik kan mononükleer hücreleri ayrılarak in-vitro PHA ve HBsAg (2,5, 5, lO^g/ml) ile stimüle edildi. Inkübasyon sonrası proliferasyon, cell titer-96 aqueous one solution cell proliferation assay kullanılarak ELISA yöntemiyle ölçüldü. Anti-HBs antikor titresi (ELİSA) ve serum çinko düzeyi (atomik absorpsiyon spektrofotometri, AAS) çalışıldı. Çıkarılan karaciğer örnekleri yaş yakma metodu ile AAS'de çinko içeriği yönünden incelendi. Düşük ve yeterli çinko içeren yem ile beslenen ratlann aşı sonrası antijen spesifik in-vitro lenfosit proliferasyon ve antikor yanıtları karşılaştırıldı. Sonuçlar: Canlı ağırlık artışı ve yem tüketimi heriki grup arasında benzer bulundu (p:0.9). Medyan serum çinko düzeyi grup I ve II raflarda, 37sırasıyla 39 (23-75) jig/ml and 76 (64-111) (iıg/ml ölçüldü (p:0.03). Gruplar arasında kuru karaciğer çinko düzeyleri arasında fark izlenmedi (37mg/g grup I ve 32mg/g grup II). Medyan anti-HBs düzeyi grup I ratlarda 741 (0-9000) mlU/ml, grup II ratlarda 5791 (558-10000) mlU/ml ölçüldü (p:0.01). Aşılama sonrası HBsAg ile uyarısı ile in-vitro T lenfosit proliferasyonu çinkodan yeterli beslenen hayvanlarda grup l'e oranla belirgin arttı (p:0.009, p:0.01). Yorum: Hepatit B aşılaması sonrası oluşan immun yanıt, diyetin çinko içeriğinden etkilenmektedir. Anahtar sözcük: hepatit B, çinko, aşılama, immun yanıt, in-vitro lenfosit proliferasyonu 38
8. Summary Aim: To evaluate in-vitro response to hepatitis B vaccination in two groups of rats fed with normal and depleted dietary zinc content Methods: Twenty-two Wistar-AIbino rats (275±27g) were randomly assigned into two groups and were fed with constant protein (casein), mineral and energy content and tridistilated water. Zinc was suplemented 10 mg/g dry-weight in group I (n:14) and 30 mg/g dry-weight in group II (n:8). Hepatitis B vaccine (Engerix B, 4 U) was administered intramuscularly after 2 months on feeding and a booster dose was aplied 1 month after the first injection. Rats were sacrified 21 days after the second injection while sterile blood was collected by intracardiac punction and liver was disacted. Separated peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated in-vitro by PHA (10 jig/ml) and hepatitis B surface antigen (2.5, 5, 10 fig/ml). After incubation process, proliferation was evaluated by ELISA (cell titer-96 aqueous-one solution cell proliferation assay). Serum zinc (atomic absorption spectrophotometry, AAS) and anti-HBs titer (ELISA) were also measured. Zinc per dry liver weight was evaluated by AAS. Two groups were compared with respect to antigen spesific antibody and lymphocyte proliferation responses. Results: Weight gain and feed consumption were comparable for two groups (p:0.9). Median serum zinc was 39 (23-75) p.g/ml and 76 (64-1 11) |j.g/ml of group I and II rats, respectively (p:0.03), while there was no difference in liver zinc content between the groups (37mg/g dry-eight vs. 32mg/g dry-weight). Median anti-HBs levels of group I and II were 741 (0-9000) mlU/ml, 5791 (558-10000) mlU/ml, respectively (p:0.Q1). 39Lymphocytes were proliferated significantly when 5 or 10 |j.g/ml HBsAg were used as an antigen. Proliferation of lymphocytes of rats in group II was significantly higher than group I in both 5 or 10 |ug/ml HBsAg concentrations (p:0.009, p:0.01). Conclusion: Dietary zinc content is associated with in-vitro lymphocyte proliferation and spesific antibody response against hepatitis B vaccination. Key words: hepatitis B, zinc, vaccination, immune response, in-vitro lymphocyte proliferation 40
8. Summary Aim: To evaluate in-vitro response to hepatitis B vaccination in two groups of rats fed with normal and depleted dietary zinc content Methods: Twenty-two Wistar-AIbino rats (275±27g) were randomly assigned into two groups and were fed with constant protein (casein), mineral and energy content and tridistilated water. Zinc was suplemented 10 mg/g dry-weight in group I (n:14) and 30 mg/g dry-weight in group II (n:8). Hepatitis B vaccine (Engerix B, 4 U) was administered intramuscularly after 2 months on feeding and a booster dose was aplied 1 month after the first injection. Rats were sacrified 21 days after the second injection while sterile blood was collected by intracardiac punction and liver was disacted. Separated peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated in-vitro by PHA (10 jig/ml) and hepatitis B surface antigen (2.5, 5, 10 fig/ml). After incubation process, proliferation was evaluated by ELISA (cell titer-96 aqueous-one solution cell proliferation assay). Serum zinc (atomic absorption spectrophotometry, AAS) and anti-HBs titer (ELISA) were also measured. Zinc per dry liver weight was evaluated by AAS. Two groups were compared with respect to antigen spesific antibody and lymphocyte proliferation responses. Results: Weight gain and feed consumption were comparable for two groups (p:0.9). Median serum zinc was 39 (23-75) p.g/ml and 76 (64-1 11) |j.g/ml of group I and II rats, respectively (p:0.03), while there was no difference in liver zinc content between the groups (37mg/g dry-eight vs. 32mg/g dry-weight). Median anti-HBs levels of group I and II were 741 (0-9000) mlU/ml, 5791 (558-10000) mlU/ml, respectively (p:0.Q1). 39Lymphocytes were proliferated significantly when 5 or 10 |j.g/ml HBsAg were used as an antigen. Proliferation of lymphocytes of rats in group II was significantly higher than group I in both 5 or 10 |ug/ml HBsAg concentrations (p:0.009, p:0.01). Conclusion: Dietary zinc content is associated with in-vitro lymphocyte proliferation and spesific antibody response against hepatitis B vaccination. Key words: hepatitis B, zinc, vaccination, immune response, in-vitro lymphocyte proliferation 40
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları, Child Health and Diseases