Cicer arietinum L. 'da naringenin uygulamasının simbiyotik azot fiksasyonu üzerine etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ı^<4sr ÖZET Cıcer arietinum L.'DA NARİNGENİN UYGULAMASININ SİMBİYOTİK AZOT FİKSASYONU ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ ARAR, Özcan Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Avni GÜVEN Şubat 1999, 49 sayfa Bu çalışmada, simbiyotik azot fikse eden Cicer arietinum L. bitkilerine uygulanan naringenin'in protein, total azot, yaprak klorofil ve karötenoid pigment içerikleri üzerine etkisini incelemek amaç edinilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, 100 ppm naringenin uygulanan bitkilerde yaprak protein miktarı artarken yaprak klorofil miktarı ve karötenoid miktarı önemli ölçüde azalmıştır. 200 ppm naringenin uygulanan bitkilerde, yaprak protein miktarı ve karötenoid miktarı çok düşük oranda azalırken, yaprak klorofil miktarı önemli oranda azalmıştır. Diğer yandan bu uygulamalar sonucunda, bitkilerin total azot miktarı önemli ölçüde azalmış, bununla birlikte kökteki total azot miktarı gövdedeki total azot miktarından daha fazla olmuştur. Steril toprakta yetiştirilen bitkilerde ise, yaprak proteini, klorofil, total azot ve karötenoid miktarlarının azaldığı saptanmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Cicer arietinum L., naringenin, yaprak proteini, total azot, klorofil, karötenoid
VI ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF NARINGENIN APPLICATION ON SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN FIXATION IN Cicer arietinum L. ARAR, Özcan Msc in Biology Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Avni GÜVEN February 1999, 49 pages In this study, it is aimed to investigate effects of naringenin which applied to symbiotically nitrogen fixing Cicer arietinum L. on protein, total nitrogen, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents. According to the obtained results, as the amount of leaf protein increased in the plants which 100 ppm naringenin is applied to, the amount of leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid decreased considerably. As the amount of leaf protein and carotenoid decreased slightly in the plant which 200 ppm naringenin is applied to, the amount of leaf chlorophyll decreased considerably. On the other hand, as a result of these applications, the amount of total nitrogen in the plants decreased considerably, however the amount of nitrogen in in the root was more than the amount of nitrogen the stem. In the plants grown in the sterilized soil, it was found out that the amount of leaf protein, chlorophyll, total nitrogen and carotenoid decreased. Keywords: Cicer arietinum L., naringenin, leaf protein, total nitrogen, chlorophyll, carotenoid.
VI ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF NARINGENIN APPLICATION ON SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN FIXATION IN Cicer arietinum L. ARAR, Özcan Msc in Biology Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Avni GÜVEN February 1999, 49 pages In this study, it is aimed to investigate effects of naringenin which applied to symbiotically nitrogen fixing Cicer arietinum L. on protein, total nitrogen, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents. According to the obtained results, as the amount of leaf protein increased in the plants which 100 ppm naringenin is applied to, the amount of leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid decreased considerably. As the amount of leaf protein and carotenoid decreased slightly in the plant which 200 ppm naringenin is applied to, the amount of leaf chlorophyll decreased considerably. On the other hand, as a result of these applications, the amount of total nitrogen in the plants decreased considerably, however the amount of nitrogen in in the root was more than the amount of nitrogen the stem. In the plants grown in the sterilized soil, it was found out that the amount of leaf protein, chlorophyll, total nitrogen and carotenoid decreased. Keywords: Cicer arietinum L., naringenin, leaf protein, total nitrogen, chlorophyll, carotenoid.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Klorofil, Chlorophyll, Naringenin, Naringenin, Nohut, Chickpea, Proteinler, Proteins