İzmir çevresinde ticari amaçla yetiştirilen süs bitkilerinde zararlı Trialeurodes vaporuriorum (westur) (Hom. alegrodidae)'un yayılışı konukçuları ve zarar şekli üzerinde incelemeler
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışma 1990-1991 yallarında îzmir ve ilçele rinde yürütülmüştür. İncelemeler sonunda süs bitkisi lire - tirn alanları, yoğuniuk olarak en fazla Merkez (Balçova,Nar- lıdere, Bahçearası, Güzelbahçe ). de bulunmakta olup, daha sonra sırası ile Menderes, Urla, Seferihisar, Bayındır. öde miş, Torbalı ve Tire takip etmektedir. Çalışmaya EylUl 1990 tarihinde başlandığı ve kış ayları süresince 'devam edildiği için çoğunlukla seralarda yetiştirilen süs bitkilerinden örnekler alınmış ve değerlen dirilmiştir. Açıkta yetiştirilen süs bitkiler indeki çalışma, lar ise 1991 yılı Haziran ve Eylül aylarında yapılmıştır. T. vapor ar lor um kesme çiçeklerden Gerbera (Gerbera sp. ), Kala ( 2antedeschia sp. ), Gtyl ( Rosa sp. ), Glayöl ( Glad/"ölü63 sp. ), Suzi ( Calendula,, officinalis ), Kasımpa- ti ( Chrysanthenum sp. ) Zambak ( Lftlium sn. ) 'da besle - nip zarar, yapmaktadır. Saksı çiçeklerinden ise Begonya (Be- flonla sp. ), Sardunya ( Pelargonium sp. ), Gülyağı bitki si ( Pteris argyrea ), Hoff manya ( Hoffman ia discolor )f Kızılkedi Kuyruğu ( Acalvpha sp, ), Atatürk çiçeği ( Eup horbia pulcherrima ), Begonvil ( Begonvilla an. ) Süs narı ( Punic a granattım ), Küpe çiçeği ( Fuchsia sp. ), Mine çi çeği ( Mina la bat o ) ve Ateş çiçeği ( Salvia splendeş ) 'de beslenip zarar yaptığı saptanmıştır
SUMMARY This study has done in Izmir and its- countres bet ween 1990-1991. By the end of the researches, it has been found that most of the fields raising decorative plants are at the oenter ( Balçova, Narlıdere, Bahçearası, GUzelbahçe) and then coinsequently Menderes, Urla, Seferihisar, Bayın dır, ödemiş, Torbalı anda Tire come. Since the research was started in September, 1990 and continued during the winter months, mostly the decora tive plants grown in greenhouses were taken as samples and were evaluated. The studies done with the ones grown out were done in June and September, 1991. The Cut flowers of T. vapor ariorum, Gerbera sp, Zantedeschia sp, ), Rosa sp., Gladiolus sp,, Calendula officinalis, Chryaanthenum sp., LAI ium sp, are among it's hosts for the hot flowers ; Begonia sp., Pt er is argyrea. Hoffman ia discolar. Acalypha sp., Euphorbia pulcherrima. Begonvilla sp, Punica gran a turn, Fuchsia sp., Mina labata and S el via s pi end es feed thens elves give harm. I' At the end of the studies, it was observed that T. van or ariorum prefers young leaves and by the help of its trunk, it sucks plant juice to feed itself. Because of this absorption, the plant becomes curled and dry and its32 leaves fall out before the usual time. Tha plant geta thin ner dies before the time Besides, it secretes a sweety substance it covers the up surface of the leaves, so the leaf cannot perform ihe. physiological events which are ne cessary for itself. Because of this reason the leaves of the decorative plants can not grow, the flowers are cove red with fumajin, there fore are covered with fumaj in, there fore their market valve decreases and causes very signif i - cant economical loses.
SUMMARY This study has done in Izmir and its- countres bet ween 1990-1991. By the end of the researches, it has been found that most of the fields raising decorative plants are at the oenter ( Balçova, Narlıdere, Bahçearası, GUzelbahçe) and then coinsequently Menderes, Urla, Seferihisar, Bayın dır, ödemiş, Torbalı anda Tire come. Since the research was started in September, 1990 and continued during the winter months, mostly the decora tive plants grown in greenhouses were taken as samples and were evaluated. The studies done with the ones grown out were done in June and September, 1991. The Cut flowers of T. vapor ariorum, Gerbera sp, Zantedeschia sp, ), Rosa sp., Gladiolus sp,, Calendula officinalis, Chryaanthenum sp., LAI ium sp, are among it's hosts for the hot flowers ; Begonia sp., Pt er is argyrea. Hoffman ia discolar. Acalypha sp., Euphorbia pulcherrima. Begonvilla sp, Punica gran a turn, Fuchsia sp., Mina labata and S el via s pi end es feed thens elves give harm. I' At the end of the studies, it was observed that T. van or ariorum prefers young leaves and by the help of its trunk, it sucks plant juice to feed itself. Because of this absorption, the plant becomes curled and dry and its32 leaves fall out before the usual time. Tha plant geta thin ner dies before the time Besides, it secretes a sweety substance it covers the up surface of the leaves, so the leaf cannot perform ihe. physiological events which are ne cessary for itself. Because of this reason the leaves of the decorative plants can not grow, the flowers are cove red with fumajin, there fore are covered with fumaj in, there fore their market valve decreases and causes very signif i - cant economical loses.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Entomoloji, Entomology, Süs bitkileri, Ornamental plants, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Zararlı böcekler, Insect pests