Çilek bitkisinin farklı gelişim dönemlerinde bitki besin maddesi alınım seyrinin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Çilek yetiştiriciliğinde Ege Bölgesi ve ülkemiz için önemli bir potansiyel olan Menemen İlçesi Emiralem beldesinde seçilen plantasyonlarda iki vejetasyon yılı sürdürülen bu araştırmada; plantasyonlara ait toprak ve tüm bitkilerin beslenme durumu ile farklı bitki gelişim dönemlerinde, kök, sap, yaprak ve meyveler ile alınan bitki besin maddeleri miktarları belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın sürdürüldüğü her iki yılda da nötr – hafif alkali reaksiyonlu belirlenen yöre topraklarında tuzluluk tehlikesi bulunmamıştır. Kum/kumlu – tın bünyeye sahip topraklar, çilek yetiştiriciliği için idealdir. Toprakların % 85'inin kireç içeriği yüksek, %80'inin organik madde içeriği düşüktür. Azot, fosfor, kalsiyum, magnezyum ve mangan her iki vejetasyon yılında tüm çeşitlerde ve dönemlerde en fazla yapraklar ile kaldırılırken bunu kökler ve saplar izlemiştir. Potasyumda ise bu sıralama; başlangıç ve hasat dönemlerinde yaprak>sap>kök, diğer dönemlerde yaprak>kök>sap olarak belirlenmiştir. Demir, bakır ve çinko besin elementlerinde bu karşılaştırma; yıl, çeşit ve dönemlere göre organlar arasında farklılık göstermiştir. Çilek bitkisi (kök+sap+yaprak) ile hasat döneminde iki vejetasyon yılının ortalama miktarlarına göre; 2.2 kg N da-1, 0.28 kg P da-1,2.5 kg K da-1,2.0 kg Ca da-1ve 0.67 kg Mg da-1, 22 g Fe da-1,1.3 g Cu da-1, 3.5 g Zn da-1 ve 4.7 g Mn da-1 kaldırıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Oransal olarak % 33 pay ile en fazla potasyum alınmıştır. Bunu sırası ile azot (%28), kalsiyum (%26), magnezyum (%9), fosfor (%3,5) ve mikro besin elementleri (%0,4) izlemiştir. Çilek bitkisinin ihtiyaç duyduğu besin element miktarlarının yarısı, dinlenme dönemine kadar (dikimden sonraki 3 ay içerisinde) verilmelidir. Meyveler ile 354 g N, 22 g P, 179 g K, 30 g Ca, 15 g Mg, 1.02 g Fe, 0.13 g Cu, 0.20 g Zn ve 0.25 g Mn 100 kg taze meyve-1 kaldırılmıştır. Bu verilerin oransal miktarları ise % 58,8 N, % 29,8 K, % 5 Ca, % 5.7 P, % 2,5 Mg ve % 0,3 mikro elementler olarak belirlenmiştir.
The study was conducted over two vegetation years in selected plantations in the town of Emiralem in Menemen district, which has an important potential for strawberry growing for the Aegean Region and for Turkey as a whole. Amounts of plant nutrients taken up by the roots, stems and leaves were determined for the soil conditions of the plantations and for all plant nutrition conditions at different stages of plant development. In the two years of the study, the soils of the area were neutral to slightly alkaline, and there was no danger of salinity. The soils have sandy to sandy-loamy structure, which is ideal for strawberry growing. The lime content of 85% of the soils is high, and the organic matter content of 80% is low. In both vegetation years and varieties and at all periods, the leaves took up the most nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and manganese, followed by the roots and stems. For potassium, the sequence was determined as leaf>stem>root at the beginning and during the harvesting period, and as leaf>root>stem at other periods. Iron, copper and zinc uptake showed variations between the organs according to year, variety and period. It was found that the mean uptake for the two years of nutrient elements by the strawberry plants (root+stem+leaf) in the harvesting period was as follows: 2.2 kg N da-1, 0.28 kg P da-1, 2.5 kg K da-1, 2.0 kg Ca da-1 and 0.67 kg Mg da-1, 22 g Fe da-1, 1.3 g Cu da-1, 3.5 g Zn da-1 and 4.7 g Mn da-1. The relatively greatest uptake was potassium with a share of 33%. This was followed by nitrogen (28%), calcium (26%), magnesium (9%), phosphorus (3.5%), and micronutrient elements (0.4%). The fruits took up 354 g N, 22 g P, 179 g K, 30 g Ca, 15 g Mg, 1.02 g Fe, 0.13 g Cu, 0.20 g Zn and 0.25 g Mn 100 kg fresh fruit-1. The relative amounts were determined as 58.8% N, 29.8% K, 5% Ca, 5.7% P, 2.5% Mg and 0.3% micro-elements.
The study was conducted over two vegetation years in selected plantations in the town of Emiralem in Menemen district, which has an important potential for strawberry growing for the Aegean Region and for Turkey as a whole. Amounts of plant nutrients taken up by the roots, stems and leaves were determined for the soil conditions of the plantations and for all plant nutrition conditions at different stages of plant development. In the two years of the study, the soils of the area were neutral to slightly alkaline, and there was no danger of salinity. The soils have sandy to sandy-loamy structure, which is ideal for strawberry growing. The lime content of 85% of the soils is high, and the organic matter content of 80% is low. In both vegetation years and varieties and at all periods, the leaves took up the most nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and manganese, followed by the roots and stems. For potassium, the sequence was determined as leaf>stem>root at the beginning and during the harvesting period, and as leaf>root>stem at other periods. Iron, copper and zinc uptake showed variations between the organs according to year, variety and period. It was found that the mean uptake for the two years of nutrient elements by the strawberry plants (root+stem+leaf) in the harvesting period was as follows: 2.2 kg N da-1, 0.28 kg P da-1, 2.5 kg K da-1, 2.0 kg Ca da-1 and 0.67 kg Mg da-1, 22 g Fe da-1, 1.3 g Cu da-1, 3.5 g Zn da-1 and 4.7 g Mn da-1. The relatively greatest uptake was potassium with a share of 33%. This was followed by nitrogen (28%), calcium (26%), magnesium (9%), phosphorus (3.5%), and micronutrient elements (0.4%). The fruits took up 354 g N, 22 g P, 179 g K, 30 g Ca, 15 g Mg, 1.02 g Fe, 0.13 g Cu, 0.20 g Zn and 0.25 g Mn 100 kg fresh fruit-1. The relative amounts were determined as 58.8% N, 29.8% K, 5% Ca, 5.7% P, 2.5% Mg and 0.3% micro-elements.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çilek, Vejetasyon Dönemleri, Toprak Özellikleri, Kaldırılan Besin Elementleri, Strawberry, Developmental Periods, Soil Properties, Nutrient Taken Up