Yerli yapım bazı tarım makinalarında malzeme bakımından kalite kavramı ve kalitenin iyileştirilmesi üzerinde bir çalışma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET YERLİ YAPIM BAZI TARIM MAKİNALARINDA MALZEME BAKIMINDAN KALİTE KAVRAMI VE KALİTENİN İYİLEŞTİRİLMESİ ÜZERİNDE BİR ARAŞTİRMA ÇAKMAK, Bülent Doktora Tezi, Tarım Makinalan Bölümü, Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Ediz ULUSOY Ağustos 1999, 244 sayfa Bu çalışmanın amacı;. Yerli tarım alet ve makinalan sektöründe yaygın kullanılan çeşitli malzemeleri saptamak,. Sözkonusu malzemelerin makina kalitesi üzerine etkilerini incelemek,. Tarım alet ve makinalan sektöründe makina kalitesini belirleyici, malzeme kaynaklı unsurları ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu amaçla, öncelikle imalatçı ve çiftçiler ile bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Çiftçilerin ve imalatçıların alet ve makina kalitesi konusundaki görüşleri detayları ile araştırılmıştır. Aynca, imalatçı anketi çalışması için geniş kapsamlı bir tanm alet ve makinası imalatçı katalogu hazırlanmıştır. Anket sonuçlan ve üretim miktarlarına bağlı kalınarak saptanan bazı yerli yapım tarım alet ve makinalan incelenmiş ve makina kalitesini etkileyen kritik elemanlar belirlenmiştir. Bu kritik elemanların yapımındaII kullanılan malzemelerin özellikleri, sorunları ve potansiyelleri saptanmıştır. Anket sonuçlan tarım alet makinaları sektöründe malzeme seçiminin doğru olarak yapılmadığını göstermiştir. İmalatçı, malzeme seçimi ve potansiyelinin geliştirmesi konusunda yeterli bilgiye sahip değildir. İmalatta kullanılan malzemeler daha çok genel yapı çeliğidir. Bu malzemeyi kullanan imalatçı, ısıl işlem yapsa bile istediği sonucu alamamakta ve düşük verimle çalışmaktadır. Diğer taraftan bazı imalatçılar da doğal sertliklerinden dolayı yüksek karbonlu çelikleri tercih etmektedir. Oysa bu çeliklerin, yüksek karbon oranları nedeniyle işlenmesi zor ve ısıl işlem uygulanması sakıncalıdır. Bu amaçla, mevcut teknolojiye uygun olarak orta karbonlu çeliklerin kullanılması daha uygundur. Bu konuda imalatçının bilgilendirilmesi ve eğitilmesi gerekmektedir. Anahtar sözcükler: Yerli imalat, kalite, malzeme, ısıl işlem, çelik
m ABSTRACT A STUDY ON THE QUALITY CONCEPT REGARDING MATERIALS USED AND IMPROVEMENT OF SOME DOMESTICLY MANUFACTURED AGRICUTURAL MACHINES ÇAKMAK, Bülent PhD in Agricultural Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. EdizULUSOY August 1999, 244 pages The objectives of this study were:. to determine the materials used in agricultural machinery sector widely,. to investigate the effects of these materials on the quality of machine built and,.to reveal the current problems related to materials and their use. In order to meet the above objectives, a survey study was conducted with both, manufacturers and farmers. The concepts of farmers and the manufacturers in terms of tool and machinery quality were investigated in details. Additionally, an agricultural tool and machinery catalogue was prepared prior to the survey study to be conducted. Based on the results of the survey study and the investigation made on domestic tools and machinery, critical machine components affectingIV the quality were determined. The features of the materials used to form these components and material related problems and their potential were also determined. The results of the study indicated that material selection in agricultural tools and machinery construction was not made correctly and the manufacturers did not have enough knowledge and education in order to select the correct material and also to develop the present potential. Those who have heat treatment equipments were found not to obtain the expected results. On the other hand, some manufacturers prefer high- carbon steels since high-carbon steels have higher natural hardness than the others. However, because of the high carbon contents it is difficult to form such parts and heat-treatment to these types of steels must be avoided. For this reason, the use of medium-carbon steels should be preferred and the manufacturers have to be informed and educated in this respect. Keywords: Domestic farm machinery manufacturing, quality, material, heat-treatment, steel.
m ABSTRACT A STUDY ON THE QUALITY CONCEPT REGARDING MATERIALS USED AND IMPROVEMENT OF SOME DOMESTICLY MANUFACTURED AGRICUTURAL MACHINES ÇAKMAK, Bülent PhD in Agricultural Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. EdizULUSOY August 1999, 244 pages The objectives of this study were:. to determine the materials used in agricultural machinery sector widely,. to investigate the effects of these materials on the quality of machine built and,.to reveal the current problems related to materials and their use. In order to meet the above objectives, a survey study was conducted with both, manufacturers and farmers. The concepts of farmers and the manufacturers in terms of tool and machinery quality were investigated in details. Additionally, an agricultural tool and machinery catalogue was prepared prior to the survey study to be conducted. Based on the results of the survey study and the investigation made on domestic tools and machinery, critical machine components affectingIV the quality were determined. The features of the materials used to form these components and material related problems and their potential were also determined. The results of the study indicated that material selection in agricultural tools and machinery construction was not made correctly and the manufacturers did not have enough knowledge and education in order to select the correct material and also to develop the present potential. Those who have heat treatment equipments were found not to obtain the expected results. On the other hand, some manufacturers prefer high- carbon steels since high-carbon steels have higher natural hardness than the others. However, because of the high carbon contents it is difficult to form such parts and heat-treatment to these types of steels must be avoided. For this reason, the use of medium-carbon steels should be preferred and the manufacturers have to be informed and educated in this respect. Keywords: Domestic farm machinery manufacturing, quality, material, heat-treatment, steel.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Isıl işlem, Heat treatment, Kalite, Quality, Tarım makineleri, Agricultural machinery, Yerli üretim, Domestic production, Çelik-bitki, Cutting-plant