Mekanik vibrasyon kuvvetlerinin diş hareketleri üzerindeki etkisinin sonlu elemanlar analizi ile incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
AMAÇ: Ortodontik tedavinin hızlandırılması hem hekim hem de hasta açısından önemli olan ve üzerinde yoğun olarak çalışılan bir konudur. Piyasada vibrasyon kuvvetleri ile diş hareketini hızlandıran pek çok aparey bulunmaktadır; fakat bunların diş hareketi üzerindeki etkileri kesin ve net değildir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, mekanik vibrasyon kuvvetlerinin diş hareketi üzerindeki stres dağılımına ve diş hareket hızına olan etkisinin üç boyutlu (3D) sonlu elemanlar analizi ile bilgisayar ortamında incelenmesidir. MATERYAL VE METOD: Ortodontik tedavi gereği üst 1. premolar dişlerinin çekilmesine karar verilen sınıf II malokluzyona sahip bir hastanın CBCT görüntüsü kullanılarak 3D model elde edilmiş ve bu model üzerinde Algor Fempro (ALGOR, Inc. 150 Beta Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2932 USA) programı kullanılarak sonlu elemanlar analizi yapılmıştır. Tek bir model üzerinde üç farklı analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çekim sonrasında tedavinin bir aşaması olarak gerçekleştirilen kanin distalizasyonu safhasında kanin dişe 150 g kuvvet, 150 g kuvvet ile beraber 30Hz (0,2 N), 150 g kuvvet ile beraber 111 Hz (0,06 N) uygulanmıştır. Bunun sonucunda uygulanan kuvvetin ve vibrasyonun uygulandığı ilk andaki değişimler değerlendirilerek, gerilme ve yer değiştirme dağılımları karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. BULGULAR: Kanin dişine mezialden distale doğru kuvvet uygulanmıştır. Bunun sonucunda bu düzlemde elde edilen toplam yer değiştirme miktarı incelendiğinde; 150 g kuvvet ve 30 Hz uygulanan ikinci analizde en fazla yer değiştirme (0,002885 mm), 150 g kuvvet ve 111 Hz uygulanan üçüncü analizde daha az (0,001787 mm) ve sadece 150 g kuvvet uygulanan birinci analizde ise en az yer değiştirme (0,001030 mm) elde edilmiştir. Birinci analizde kanin dişte distovestibül yönde rotasyon olurken ikinci ve üçüncü analizde distopalatal yönde rotasyon eğilimi gözlemlenmiştir. Sadece kuvvet uygulaması sonucu dişte ekstrüzyon gözlenirken, doğrusal kuvvet ve vibrasyon kuvvetleri birlikte dişte intrüzyona sebep olmuştur. SONUÇ: Çalışmamızda belli aralık değerindeki vibrasyon kuvvetlerinin diş hareketini hızlandırdığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Diş hareketi esnasında uygun olan kuvvet ve vibrasyon değerlerinin sonlu elemanlar analizi ile incelenmesi klinik çalışmalara yol göstermesi açısından önemlidir.
AIM: Acceleration of orthodontic treatment is a significant issue which is studied extensively and also important for doctors and patients. There are many appliances in the market to accelerate tooth movement by vibration forces; but the effects of these on the tooth movement are not precise and clear. The purpose of this study, the evaluation of the effect of mechanical vibration force to the stress distribution on tooth movement and tooth movement speed by using three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis on computer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 3D model was created by using CBCT image of a patient who has cl 2 mallaocclusion and decided to extract upper first premolars because of orthodontic treatment and finite element analysis were performed on this model by using Algor Fempro (ALGOR, Inc., 150 Beta Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2932 USA) program. Three different analysis were performed on a single model. After extraction, at the stage of canine distalization which was implemented as a stage of the treatment, 150 g force, 150 g force 30Hz (0,2 N) together, 150 g force 111 Hz (0,06 N) together were applied to canine. As a result, it was evaluated the first moment effect of force and vibration, stress and displacement distribution were investigated comparatively. RESULTS: Force was applied to canine from mesial to distal direction. As a result of this investigation; when it was obtained the total amount of displacement; maximum displacement in the second analysis applied 150 g force and 30 Hz (0,002885 mm), less displacement in the third analysis applied 150 g force and 111 Hz (0,001787 mm) and least displacement in the first analysis applied only 150 g force (0,001030 mm) were gained. While in the first analysis canine rotated distovestibule direction, in the second and third analysis distopalatal direction was observed. While it was observed that only force application caused extrusion in the tooth, linear and vibration forces together caused intrusion. CONCLUSION: In our research; it has been concluded that in a certain range of values of periodic vibration force accelerated tooth movement. Investigation of suitable strength and vibration values during tooth movement using finite element analysis is important in guiding the clinical studies.
AIM: Acceleration of orthodontic treatment is a significant issue which is studied extensively and also important for doctors and patients. There are many appliances in the market to accelerate tooth movement by vibration forces; but the effects of these on the tooth movement are not precise and clear. The purpose of this study, the evaluation of the effect of mechanical vibration force to the stress distribution on tooth movement and tooth movement speed by using three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis on computer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 3D model was created by using CBCT image of a patient who has cl 2 mallaocclusion and decided to extract upper first premolars because of orthodontic treatment and finite element analysis were performed on this model by using Algor Fempro (ALGOR, Inc., 150 Beta Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2932 USA) program. Three different analysis were performed on a single model. After extraction, at the stage of canine distalization which was implemented as a stage of the treatment, 150 g force, 150 g force 30Hz (0,2 N) together, 150 g force 111 Hz (0,06 N) together were applied to canine. As a result, it was evaluated the first moment effect of force and vibration, stress and displacement distribution were investigated comparatively. RESULTS: Force was applied to canine from mesial to distal direction. As a result of this investigation; when it was obtained the total amount of displacement; maximum displacement in the second analysis applied 150 g force and 30 Hz (0,002885 mm), less displacement in the third analysis applied 150 g force and 111 Hz (0,001787 mm) and least displacement in the first analysis applied only 150 g force (0,001030 mm) were gained. While in the first analysis canine rotated distovestibule direction, in the second and third analysis distopalatal direction was observed. While it was observed that only force application caused extrusion in the tooth, linear and vibration forces together caused intrusion. CONCLUSION: In our research; it has been concluded that in a certain range of values of periodic vibration force accelerated tooth movement. Investigation of suitable strength and vibration values during tooth movement using finite element analysis is important in guiding the clinical studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ortodonti, Kanin Distalizasyonu, Vibrasyon, Diş Hareketinin Hızlandırılması, Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi, Orthodontics, Canine Distalization, Vibration, Acceleration Of Tooth Movement, Finite Element Analysis