Açık ve kapalı tibia kırıklarında kompartman sendromu gelişme riski
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Amaç : Ortopedik travmatolojide akut kompartman sendromu tibia kırıkları sonrasında sık görülen bir komplikasyondur. Çalışmamızda açık ve kapalı tibia kırıkları arasında akut kompartman sendromu gelişmesi açısından fark olup olmadığını araştırıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Klinik muayene sonucu akut kompartman sendromu riski taşıyan 29'u (%69) kapalı, 13'ü (%31) açık, 39 olgunun 42 tibia kırığı travmayı takip eden herbiri 12 saatlik 6 periyot boyunca P (P= Diastolik kan basıncı - Absolü kompartman basıncı) ve absolü kompartman basınçları intrakomparmantal basınç ölçme cihazı ile ölçülerek izlendi. Bulgular: Ortalama absolü kompartman basıncı açık kırıklılarda 31,25 mmHg., kapalı kınklılarda 29,32 mmHg. (p=0,484), ortalama P değeri açık kırıklılarda 47,46 mmHg., kapalı kırıklarda 49,66 mmHg. bulundu (p=0,415). Student's t-testine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı. Açık tibia kırıklarında %7,7, kapalı tibia kırıklarında %6,9, tüm tibia kırıklarında ise %7,1 oranında akut kompartman sendromu tespit edilip fasiyotomi uygulandı. Sonuçlar: Çalışmamızda açık ve kapalı tibia kırıklarında saptanan basınç düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmaması, açık tibia kırıklarının kapalı tibia kırıkları kadar kompartman sendromu riskine sahip olduğu ortaya koymuştur.
Background: in orthopaedic traumatology, acute compartment syndrome is a common complication associated with tibial fractures. in our study, we investigate differences, if any, between open and closed tibial fractures in terms of their risk of compartment syndrome. Methods: Fourty-two tibial fractures of 39 patients, 29 (69%) closed and 13 (31%) open, having the risk of acute compartment syndrome according to the clinical examination, were monitored following traumas during which their DP (DP= Diastolic blood pressure - Absolute compartment pressure) and absolute compartment pressures were measured via intracompartmental pressure measuring equipment. Results: Average absolute compartment pressure was found to be 31.25 mmHg in open and 29,32 mmHg in closed fractures (p=0,484) whereas average DP was measured to be 47,46 mmHg in open and 49,66 mmHg in closed fractures (p=0,415). According to student's test, the difference between the two groups was not significant. We found the incidence of acute compartment syndrome as 7,7% in open fractures 6.9% in closed and 7,1% in overall tibial fractures and fasciotomy was carried out in those cases. Conclusion: Statistically not significant difference between the pressure levels, found in open and closed tibial fractures, showed that open type of tibial fractures holds the risk of compartment syndrome as much as the closed one.
Background: in orthopaedic traumatology, acute compartment syndrome is a common complication associated with tibial fractures. in our study, we investigate differences, if any, between open and closed tibial fractures in terms of their risk of compartment syndrome. Methods: Fourty-two tibial fractures of 39 patients, 29 (69%) closed and 13 (31%) open, having the risk of acute compartment syndrome according to the clinical examination, were monitored following traumas during which their DP (DP= Diastolic blood pressure - Absolute compartment pressure) and absolute compartment pressures were measured via intracompartmental pressure measuring equipment. Results: Average absolute compartment pressure was found to be 31.25 mmHg in open and 29,32 mmHg in closed fractures (p=0,484) whereas average DP was measured to be 47,46 mmHg in open and 49,66 mmHg in closed fractures (p=0,415). According to student's test, the difference between the two groups was not significant. We found the incidence of acute compartment syndrome as 7,7% in open fractures 6.9% in closed and 7,1% in overall tibial fractures and fasciotomy was carried out in those cases. Conclusion: Statistically not significant difference between the pressure levels, found in open and closed tibial fractures, showed that open type of tibial fractures holds the risk of compartment syndrome as much as the closed one.
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