İzmir ve İstanbul illerinde önemli süs bitkilerinde görülen bakteriyel hastalıklar ve etmenlerinin saptanması üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
77 ÖZET Bu çalışmada, İzmir ve İstanbul illerinde görülen bazı bakteriyel hastalık etmenlerinin belirtileri, patojenisitileri, morfolojik ve biyokimyasal özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Araştırma alanında yetiştirilen 13 'ü saksı lı ve 12' si kesme çiçek olmak üzere 25 farklı içmekan süs bitkisinden toplam 117 bakteri izolatı elde edilmiştir. Bu bitkilerde görülen bakteriyel hastalık etmenlerinin izolasyon, patojenisite ve tanılama çalışmaları sonucunda toplam 41 patojen izolat elde edilmiştir. Patojen izolatların elde edildiği bitkiler krizantem, gül, kala, kaktüs, zambak, Afrika menekşesi, Difenbahya ve Gerbera'dır. Krizantem ve gül bitkilerinde gal oluşturan bakteriyel etmenin A. tumefaciens olduğu belirlenmiştir. Orijinal izolatlar kullanarak yapılan karşılaştırmalı çalışmalar sonucunda elde edilen izolatların A. tumefaciens 'in 1 no'lu biovarına dahil edilebileceği kanısına varılmıştır. Ayrıca kala ve Difenbahya' da yaygın olarak görülen, Afrika menekşesi, kaktüs, zambak ve Gerbera'da daha az rastlanan yumuşak çürüklük etmeni ise E. c. subsp. carotovora olarak tanılanmıştır. Farklı süs bitkilerinden elde edilen izolatların patojenisitesinin araştırıldığı çapraz inokulasyon denemeleri ile bu bakterinin konukçuya özelleşme göstermediği saptanmıştır
78 SUMMARY In the present study, the symptoms, their pathogenicity, morphological and biochemical properties of certain phytopathogenic bacteria in the provinces of İzmir and Istanbul were investigated. A total of 117 bacterial isolates were obtained from 25 different indoor ornamental plants, 13 of which were pot-plants and the remaining ones were cut-flowers. As a result of the isolation, pathogenicity and detection studies on the agents of bacterial diseases observed in the mentioned plants, 41 plant pathogenic isolates were totally determined. The plants from which the pathogenic isolates were obtained were Chrysanthemum, Rose, Calla, Cactus, Lily, African violet, Dieffenbachia and Gerbera. The crown gall organism in chrysanthemum and rose plants was found to be A. tumefaciens. It was come to conclusion that the isolates which were obtained in the consequence of the comparative studies by using the original isolates could be included to biovar 1 of A. tumefaciens. On the other hand, the soft-rotting bacterium which was more common in Calla and Dieffenbachia, and less in African violet, Cactus, Lily and Gerbera was identified as E. ç. subsp. carotovora. The pathogenicity tests with the isolates from various ornamental plants by the cross inoculation methods have revealed that this bacterium has no host specificity.
78 SUMMARY In the present study, the symptoms, their pathogenicity, morphological and biochemical properties of certain phytopathogenic bacteria in the provinces of İzmir and Istanbul were investigated. A total of 117 bacterial isolates were obtained from 25 different indoor ornamental plants, 13 of which were pot-plants and the remaining ones were cut-flowers. As a result of the isolation, pathogenicity and detection studies on the agents of bacterial diseases observed in the mentioned plants, 41 plant pathogenic isolates were totally determined. The plants from which the pathogenic isolates were obtained were Chrysanthemum, Rose, Calla, Cactus, Lily, African violet, Dieffenbachia and Gerbera. The crown gall organism in chrysanthemum and rose plants was found to be A. tumefaciens. It was come to conclusion that the isolates which were obtained in the consequence of the comparative studies by using the original isolates could be included to biovar 1 of A. tumefaciens. On the other hand, the soft-rotting bacterium which was more common in Calla and Dieffenbachia, and less in African violet, Cactus, Lily and Gerbera was identified as E. ç. subsp. carotovora. The pathogenicity tests with the isolates from various ornamental plants by the cross inoculation methods have revealed that this bacterium has no host specificity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Botanik, Botany, Bakteriyel hastalıklar, Bacterial diseases, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Süs bitkileri, Ornamental plants, İstanbul, Istanbul, İzmir, Izmir