Tüm beyin radyoterapisi alan hastaların vmat tekniği ile hipokampus korumalı ve korumasız olarak yeniden planlanarak doz volüm dağılımlarının karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç Tüm beyin radyoterapisi endikasyonu olan hastalarda hipokampus korunarak yapılan VMAT tedavi planlarının, hedef organ ve riskli organ dozları açısından uygulanabilir olup olmadığının araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (EÜTF) Radyasyon Onkolojisi Anabilim Dalı' nda Ocak - Mart 2017 tarihleri aralığında çeşitli tanılarla kranyal RT uygulanan 10 olgu çalışmamız için incelenmiştir. Hastaların kranyal simülasyon BT'leri kullanılarak, hipokampus korumalı ve hipokampus korumasız olarak 2 farklı tedavi tekniği ile tüm beyin radyoterapisi planı yapılmıştır. Hastaların simülasyon BT'leri MR'ları ile füzyon edilmiştir. Tüm beyin hedef hacim olarak; sağ ve sol optik sinir, kiazma, sağ ve sol lens, sağ ve sol orbita ve hipokampus riskli organlar olarak konturlanmıştır. Hipokampus konturlaması T1 ağırlıklı kontrastlı MR sekanslarında ''Hippocampal Contouring: A Contouring Atlas for RTOG 0933'' rehberliğinde yapılmıştır. Hipokampus'e 5 mm marj verilerek ''Hippocampal Avoidance Zone'' (HA zone) oluşturulmuştur. Hipokampus korumasız TBRT planından farklı olarak, HK TBRT planında, hedef beyin hacmi, tüm beyin hacminden HA zone hacmi çıkarılarak hesaplanmıştır HK TBRT planı için "Volumetric modulated Ark Therapy (VMAT)" tekniği, hipokampus koruması olmayan TBRT için karşılıklı 2 yan saha konformal teknik kullanılmıştır. Her iki yöntemde de 10 x 3 Gy (30 Gy) RT dozu hedef beyin hacmine planlanmıştır. Hedef ve orbita ve lens dışı kritik organlar için, RTOG 0933 çalışmasının hipokampus korumalı TBRT için belirlediği kabul edilebilir doz sınırlamaları, orbita ve lens dozları için ise RTOG 0615 ve RTOG 0539 çalışmaları kriter olarak alınmıştır. Ayrıca homojenite indeks (HI) de her iki planlama da hesaplanmıştır. Ölçümler sonucunda elde edilen verilerin analizi SPSS 18.0 istatistik programı kullanılarak paired sample t test signed rank testi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. İstatistiksel değerlendirmede p< 0.05 anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular Hem hipokampus korumalı hem hipokampus korumasız yapılan TBRT planlarının verileri incelendiğinde, sağ ve sol optik sinir, kiazma, sağ ve sol orbita dozlarının kritik doz sınırlarını aşmadığı görülmüştür. Lens dozları ise HK TBRT' de ortalama 8 Gy ile sınırlamanın biraz üstündedir. Hipokampus korumasız planda lens ve kiazma dozları HK TBRT planına göre anlamlı olarak düşükken, orbita dozları için bu durum HK TBRT planı lehinedir (p<0.01). Hipokampus korumalı planda hesaplanan ortalama hipokampus Dmaks ve Dmin dozları, 14.2 Gy ve 8.7 Gy olarak bulunmuştur ve sırasıyla hedefimiz olan 17 Gy ve 10 Gy' in altındadır. Hipokampus Dort ise 10.4 Gy bulunmuştur. Hipokampus BEDgeç etki ve EQD2 dozları, korumasız plana göre %80 azaltılmıştır. Hipokampus koruması yapılmayan planda ortalama homojenite indeksi (HI) 0,08; hipokampus korumalı planda ise 0,21 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Fark hipokampus korumasız plan lehine anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.01). PTV Beyin D2%, D98% ve V30Gy, hipokampus korumasız planda anlamlı olarak daha iyi olmakla birlikte, V30Gy dışındaki hedef hacim doz parametreleri HK TBRT ile sağlanabilmiştir. Ortalama hipokampus hacmi 3.1 cm3' tür. Sonuç Çalışmamızda, hipokampus dozlarımızın, hipokampus korumalı TBRT için kabul edilen doz parametrelerini sağladığı görülmüştür. Bunun yanında lens dışında kritik organ doz hedeflerimizin hepsine sadık kalınmış, hedef hacim doz ve homojenitesinden büyük ölçüde ödün verilmemiştir. Sonuç olarak mevcut durumda, HK TBRT' nin günlük pratikte uygulanabilirliği teyit edilmiştir.
Purpose To evaluate the feasibility of hippocampal sparing whole brain radiotherapy using VMAT technique in terms of target volume and organ at risk doses. Materials and Method: 10 anonymous patients received whole brain radiotherapy at Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology from January to March 2017 were replanned. Using the CT simulation scan images, two treatment plans with or without hippocampal sparing were generated. All patients had their CT simulation images fused with axial MRI scans. While whole brain was contoured as target organ, optic nerves, chiasm, lenses, orbits and hippocampus were contoured as organ at risk.The hippocampus was contoured on T1-weighted MRI axial sequences following the ''Hippocampal Contouring: A Contouring Atlas for RTOG 0933''. The ''Hippocampal Avoidance Zone'' was generated by expanding the hippocampal contour by 5mm. Differently from without hippocampal sparing plan, whole brain planning target volume defined as the whole brain volume excluding the hippocampal avoidance region volume. VMAT technique was used for HA-WBRT plans and two lateral parallel opposed fields with conformal technique for non HA-WBRT. For both modalities 30 Gy in 10 fractions RT dose was prescribed for whole brain PTV. For treatment plans qualifying we used RTOG 0933 HA WBRT acceptable compliance criteria for target organ and organs at risk excepting orbit and lens and RTOG 0615 and RTOG 0539 for orbit and lens. In addition, the homogeneity index (HI) was calculated in both plans. Statistical comparisons between the two modalities treatment plans were performed using in SPSS software, version 18.0 using paired sample t test signed rank and an upper bound of p< 0.05. Results When analyzing the data, for both two modalities plans, we detected that optic nerves, chiasm and orbits' doses didn't exceed dose constraints. In HA-WBRT plans, lens dose is slightly above the limit with 8 Gy. While non HA-WBRT plan was adventageous regarding chiasm and lens doses, HA-WBRT was more adventageous regarding orbit dose (p<0.01). In HA-WBRT plans, hippocampus Dmax and Dmin are 14.2 Gy and 8.7 Gy, respectively and these doses are within the protocol criteria of 17 Gy and 10 Gy. Hippocampus Dmean is 10.4 Gy in HA-WBRT plans. Among two modalities, Hipokampus BEDlate effects and EQD2 is reduced by %80 with VMAT technique. In non HA-WBRT plans, mean HI of 0.08 compared to 0.21 for HA-WBRT was found and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). In terms of PTV whole brain D2%, D98% and V30Gy among two modalities, non HA-WBRT was superior for all of the parameters and the difference was statistically significant. However with HA-WBRT modality, target volume parameters' results were still within the protocol's criteria except V30Gy. Average hippocampus volume was 3.1 cm3. Conclusion In our study, hippocampus doses seem to provide the dose compliance criteria for HA-WBRT. Besides, all of the organs at risk doses excepting lens, are within the dose constraints, with no significant compromise from the target volume dose and homogenity. As a result, the feasibility of HA-WBRT technique in daily routine has been confirmed.
Purpose To evaluate the feasibility of hippocampal sparing whole brain radiotherapy using VMAT technique in terms of target volume and organ at risk doses. Materials and Method: 10 anonymous patients received whole brain radiotherapy at Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology from January to March 2017 were replanned. Using the CT simulation scan images, two treatment plans with or without hippocampal sparing were generated. All patients had their CT simulation images fused with axial MRI scans. While whole brain was contoured as target organ, optic nerves, chiasm, lenses, orbits and hippocampus were contoured as organ at risk.The hippocampus was contoured on T1-weighted MRI axial sequences following the ''Hippocampal Contouring: A Contouring Atlas for RTOG 0933''. The ''Hippocampal Avoidance Zone'' was generated by expanding the hippocampal contour by 5mm. Differently from without hippocampal sparing plan, whole brain planning target volume defined as the whole brain volume excluding the hippocampal avoidance region volume. VMAT technique was used for HA-WBRT plans and two lateral parallel opposed fields with conformal technique for non HA-WBRT. For both modalities 30 Gy in 10 fractions RT dose was prescribed for whole brain PTV. For treatment plans qualifying we used RTOG 0933 HA WBRT acceptable compliance criteria for target organ and organs at risk excepting orbit and lens and RTOG 0615 and RTOG 0539 for orbit and lens. In addition, the homogeneity index (HI) was calculated in both plans. Statistical comparisons between the two modalities treatment plans were performed using in SPSS software, version 18.0 using paired sample t test signed rank and an upper bound of p< 0.05. Results When analyzing the data, for both two modalities plans, we detected that optic nerves, chiasm and orbits' doses didn't exceed dose constraints. In HA-WBRT plans, lens dose is slightly above the limit with 8 Gy. While non HA-WBRT plan was adventageous regarding chiasm and lens doses, HA-WBRT was more adventageous regarding orbit dose (p<0.01). In HA-WBRT plans, hippocampus Dmax and Dmin are 14.2 Gy and 8.7 Gy, respectively and these doses are within the protocol criteria of 17 Gy and 10 Gy. Hippocampus Dmean is 10.4 Gy in HA-WBRT plans. Among two modalities, Hipokampus BEDlate effects and EQD2 is reduced by %80 with VMAT technique. In non HA-WBRT plans, mean HI of 0.08 compared to 0.21 for HA-WBRT was found and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). In terms of PTV whole brain D2%, D98% and V30Gy among two modalities, non HA-WBRT was superior for all of the parameters and the difference was statistically significant. However with HA-WBRT modality, target volume parameters' results were still within the protocol's criteria except V30Gy. Average hippocampus volume was 3.1 cm3. Conclusion In our study, hippocampus doses seem to provide the dose compliance criteria for HA-WBRT. Besides, all of the organs at risk doses excepting lens, are within the dose constraints, with no significant compromise from the target volume dose and homogenity. As a result, the feasibility of HA-WBRT technique in daily routine has been confirmed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Radyoterapi, Hipokampus, VMAT, Nörokognitif Yan Etki, TBRT, Radiotherapy, Hippocampus, Neurocognitive Side Effects, WBRT