Effects of cytozme crop plus on Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.plant yield
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Bu çalışmada, Lycopersicum esculentum Mili. bitkisine uygulanan farklı konsantrasyonlardaki Cytozyme Crop Plus'ın verim üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Fidelikten 15 cm boyda seçilen fidelere, tarlaya dikim sonrası normal bakım işlemi yapılmış ve gelişen bitkilerde ikinci çiçek salkımı oluştuktan sonra, 50 ve 100 ml/dekar konsantrasyonlarında Cytozyme Crop Plus, tek doz olarak, püskürtme şeklinde uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca, 50 ml/dekar konsantrasyon uygulaması bir diğer parselde iki kez tekrarlanmıştır. Tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekrarlı olarak kurulan denemede, elde edilen veriler kontrol ile karşılaştırılmışlar. Günlük sulama ve bakım işlemlerinin yapıldığı deneme parselinde, hasat zamanı belirli verim değerleri incelenmiştir. Bu açıdan, hasat edilen bitkilerde, ortalama meyve sayısı, çapı, karpel sayısı, meyve yaş ve kuru ağırlığı, % kuru madde miktarı, meyve rengi ve şeker içeriği analizleri yanısıra, bitkide kök ve gövde ve meyvede N, P ve K miktarları saptanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, uygulanan Cytozyme Crop Plus, kontrola göre, konsantrasyon ve uygulamaya bağlı olarak domates bitkisinde meyva, kuru madde ve şeker miktarının artmasına neden olmakla verim üzerinde etkili bulunmuştur.
The effects of various concentrations of Cytozyme Crop Plus (CCP) on Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, plant yield have been examined in this study. Single doses of 50 and 100 ml per decare of CCP were pulverized on seedlings of 15 cm height after second flowering, which have been given normal care. in addition, 50 ml per decare has been aplied twice in a separate parcel. the data obtained from the three replicates organized according to random blocks trial pattern have been compared with the control. in the trial parcel where daily irrigation and care procedures were carried out, specific yield values have been examined after har¬vest. the root length, stem height, ffesh and dry weights and N, P and K contents in the root, stem and fruit have been determined besides average number of fruits in the plant, fruit diameter, number of carpels, dry and fresh weight of fruit, % dry matter, col¬our of fruit and sugar content analyses. According to the data obtained, CCP is found to be effective on the yield of tomato plant by increasing the dry matter and sugar content in fruit compared to control group, depending on the concentration and application.
The effects of various concentrations of Cytozyme Crop Plus (CCP) on Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, plant yield have been examined in this study. Single doses of 50 and 100 ml per decare of CCP were pulverized on seedlings of 15 cm height after second flowering, which have been given normal care. in addition, 50 ml per decare has been aplied twice in a separate parcel. the data obtained from the three replicates organized according to random blocks trial pattern have been compared with the control. in the trial parcel where daily irrigation and care procedures were carried out, specific yield values have been examined after har¬vest. the root length, stem height, ffesh and dry weights and N, P and K contents in the root, stem and fruit have been determined besides average number of fruits in the plant, fruit diameter, number of carpels, dry and fresh weight of fruit, % dry matter, col¬our of fruit and sugar content analyses. According to the data obtained, CCP is found to be effective on the yield of tomato plant by increasing the dry matter and sugar content in fruit compared to control group, depending on the concentration and application.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Botany
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri