Çocuk ve göç
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
TÜRKÇE ABSTRACT Bu araştırmada, göç etmiş ergenlerle göç etmemiş ergenlerin, yaşam doyumu, benlik saygısı ve sosyal destek ağlan açısından karşılaştırmaları amaçlanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, göç etmiş ergenlerin yaşam doyumları, benlik saygıları, sosyal destek ağları ve kültürlerime düzeyleri ile ilgili olabilecek değişkenlerin de incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Toplam beş gruptan oluşan araştırma örnekleminin birinci ve üçüncü grupları, göç etmemiş, İzmir ve Kızıltepe-Nusaybin'de yaşayan ergenlerden oluşurken, ikinci grup Mardin ve köylerinden İzmir'e göç eden ergenlerden, dördüncü grup Kızıltepe- Nusaybin'e yalan köylerden Kızıltepe-Nusaybin'e göç eden ergenlerden beşinci grup ise köyde yaşayan ve hiç göç etmemiş ergenlerden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi 12-15 yaşlan arasında eşit sayıda kız ve erkekten oluşan toplam 305 ergen ile sınırlıdır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular şöyle özetlenebilir: İzmir'e göç eden ergenlerin yaşam doyumu ve benlik saygısı diğer gruplardan daha düşüktür. Ayrıca İzmir'de yaşayan kontrol grubunun sosyal destek ağlarındaki arkadaş sayısı diğer gruplardan farklı olarak daha fazladır. Göç etmiş ergenlerin yaşam doyumları, benlik saygıları, sosyal destek ağlan ve kültürlerime düzeyleri yaş ve cinsiyetlerine göre farklılaşmamaktadır. Okula giden ergenlerin yaşam doyumları daha yüksek bulunurken, sürekli çalışan ergenlerin kültürlenme düzeylerinin daha düşüktür. Diğer yandan, hem evlerinde sadece anadillerini kullanan hem de genelde (hayatın her alanında) anadillerini kullanan ergenlerin benlik saygıları daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, genelde anadillerini kullanan ergenlerin yaşam doyumu ve kültürlenme düzeyleri de yüksektir. Ayrıca göç edipte geri dönmek isteyenlerin kültürlenme düzeylerinin daha düşük olduğu bulunmuştur. 1990-95 yıllarında göç edenlerin kültürlenme düzeyleri 1995 ve sonrasında göç edenlerinkinden daha yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Son olarak, yalan ilçelere göç eden ergenlerin kültürlenme düzeyleri uzak ile göç eden ergenlerinkinden daha yüksektir.Bu bulgular ekolojik kuram çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRACT The purpuse of this study is to compare the life satisfaction, self esteem and social support networks of two groups of migrant and nonmigrant adolescents.. Furthermore, the variables which are related to life satisfaction, self esteem, social support networks and acculturation level of migrated adolescents are also invistigated. Studuy sample was made of 5 groups; 1st and 3th groups were comparison groups and were made of nonmigrant adolescents in İzmir and Kizdtepe-Nusaybin. 2nd group adolescents who migrated to İzmir from villages of Mardin, 4th group adolescents who migrated to Kızütepe-Nusaybin from near by villages, 5th group adolescents who living in a villages and never migrated. Study sample is limited with 305 adolescents between the ages of 12-15 with equal number of males and females. Findings can be summarized as in the following: The life satisfaction and self esteem of adolescents who have migrated to İzmir was lower than the rest of the groups. Different from the other groups the comparison adolescent group who is living in İzmir has more friends in their social support networks. There were no age and gender difference between the life satisfaction, self esteem, social support networks and acculturation levels of migrant groups. While the life satisfaction points of adolescents that are in education system is higher, the acculturation of the working (full time) adolescents is lower. On the other hand, the self esteem of the adolescents that use their mother tongue at home and in life general is high. Moreover, the life satisfaction and the acculturation level of the adolescents that use their mother tongue in general life are also high. In addition, the acculturation level of the adolescents who migrated but want to move back is low. The acculturation of the adolescents who migrated between 1990-1995 is higher than the ones migrated after 1995 and on. The acculturation of the adolescents that migrated to close towns is higher man lite ones that migrated to a far city. The above findings are discussed in relation to Ecological Theory. #
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRACT The purpuse of this study is to compare the life satisfaction, self esteem and social support networks of two groups of migrant and nonmigrant adolescents.. Furthermore, the variables which are related to life satisfaction, self esteem, social support networks and acculturation level of migrated adolescents are also invistigated. Studuy sample was made of 5 groups; 1st and 3th groups were comparison groups and were made of nonmigrant adolescents in İzmir and Kizdtepe-Nusaybin. 2nd group adolescents who migrated to İzmir from villages of Mardin, 4th group adolescents who migrated to Kızütepe-Nusaybin from near by villages, 5th group adolescents who living in a villages and never migrated. Study sample is limited with 305 adolescents between the ages of 12-15 with equal number of males and females. Findings can be summarized as in the following: The life satisfaction and self esteem of adolescents who have migrated to İzmir was lower than the rest of the groups. Different from the other groups the comparison adolescent group who is living in İzmir has more friends in their social support networks. There were no age and gender difference between the life satisfaction, self esteem, social support networks and acculturation levels of migrant groups. While the life satisfaction points of adolescents that are in education system is higher, the acculturation of the working (full time) adolescents is lower. On the other hand, the self esteem of the adolescents that use their mother tongue at home and in life general is high. Moreover, the life satisfaction and the acculturation level of the adolescents that use their mother tongue in general life are also high. In addition, the acculturation level of the adolescents who migrated but want to move back is low. The acculturation of the adolescents who migrated between 1990-1995 is higher than the ones migrated after 1995 and on. The acculturation of the adolescents that migrated to close towns is higher man lite ones that migrated to a far city. The above findings are discussed in relation to Ecological Theory. #
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Psikoloji, Psychology, Benlik saygısı, Self esteem, Ergenlik, Puberty, Göçler, Migrations, Kültür, Culture, Sosyal destek, Social support, Yaşam doyumu, Life satisfaction, Çocuklar, Children