U-233'ün termal fisyonunda, ani-nötron, ani-gama ve kütle verimi dağılımlarının monte-carlo tekniği ile incelenmesi
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ÖZET U-233 ÜN TERMAL FİSYONUNDA, ANİ-NÖTRON, ANİ-GAMA VE KÜTLE VERİMİ DAĞILIMLARININ MONTE-CARLO TEKNİĞİ İLE İNCELENMESİ BAYBURT, Sevil Doktora Tezi, Nükleer Bilimler Anabüim Dalı (Fizik) Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Güngör YENER Aralık 1999, 149 sayfa U-233 ün termal fısyonunun incelenmesi amacıyla kapsamlı bir simülasyon programı baştan düzenlenerek unix işletim sisteminde çalışır hale getirildi. Monte-Carlo yöntemi ile yapılan hesaplamalarda, U-233 ün yavaş nötron fisyonunda elde edilen, ikincil kütle zinciri verimlerinin dağılımı, ikincil ürünlerin bağımsız verimleri ile bağımsız verim kesirleri hesaplanarak ikincil ürünlerin yük dağılımları ve en olası yük değerleri bulundu. Ürünlerden ayrılan ani-nötronların sayılarının, kütle numarası ile değişimi, laboratuvar enerji spektrumları ve kütle merkezi enerjilerinin ürün kütlesi ile değişimi incelendi. Daha önceki çalışmalardan, Adyabatik modelin, yavaş nötron fisyonunda, deneysel çalışmalarla çok iyi sonuç verdiği görüldüğünden,VI bu çalışmada da Adyabatik model kullanılarak deformasyon enerjilerinin oranı hesaplandı. Ürünlerden ayrılan gama ışınlarının enerjilerinin ürün kütlesi ile değişimi incelendi. U-233 ün yavaş nötron fîsyonunda ikincil ürün yük dağılımı genişlik parametresi değişimi incelendi. Bulunan sonuçlar diğer yavaş fısyon sistemleri ve mevcut olan deneysel değerlerle karşılaştırıldı. Anahtar Sözcükler: U-233, Termal fısyon, Verim, Monte-Carlo
vn ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION OF PROMPT NEUTRON, PROMPT GAMMA AND MASS YIELD DISTRIBUTIONS OF U-233 IN THERMAL NEUTRON FISSION BY MONTE-CARLO METHOD BAYBURT, Sevil Ph D in Nuclear Sciences ( Physics) Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Güngör YENER December 1999, 149 pages In order to investigate the thermal fission of U-233, a detailed simulation programme has been put together and made operational. In the calculations carried out by Monte-Carlo method, the distribution of the secondary mass chain yield obtained through slow neutron fission, independent yield of secondary products as well as their independent yield fractions have been calculated and charge distributions of secondary products and their most probable charge values have been found. The variation of the number of prompt neutrons emitted from the product with the mass number; and similarly energy spectra of the products in the laboratory and in the center of mass systems have been studied. Due to the fact that Adiabatic model has been found to have produced better results in slow neutron fission systems during previousvra experimental studies, the rate of deformation energy in this study has been calculated by utilizing Adiabatic model as well. The distribution of the energy of the gamma rays emitted from the product with the mass of the product itself has been investigated. The width parameter of the secondary product charge distribution of U-233 in thermal neutron fission has also been investigated. The results obtained have been compared with the other thermal fission systems and experimental values available. Keywords: U-233, Thermal fission, Yield, Monte-Carlo.
vn ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION OF PROMPT NEUTRON, PROMPT GAMMA AND MASS YIELD DISTRIBUTIONS OF U-233 IN THERMAL NEUTRON FISSION BY MONTE-CARLO METHOD BAYBURT, Sevil Ph D in Nuclear Sciences ( Physics) Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Güngör YENER December 1999, 149 pages In order to investigate the thermal fission of U-233, a detailed simulation programme has been put together and made operational. In the calculations carried out by Monte-Carlo method, the distribution of the secondary mass chain yield obtained through slow neutron fission, independent yield of secondary products as well as their independent yield fractions have been calculated and charge distributions of secondary products and their most probable charge values have been found. The variation of the number of prompt neutrons emitted from the product with the mass number; and similarly energy spectra of the products in the laboratory and in the center of mass systems have been studied. Due to the fact that Adiabatic model has been found to have produced better results in slow neutron fission systems during previousvra experimental studies, the rate of deformation energy in this study has been calculated by utilizing Adiabatic model as well. The distribution of the energy of the gamma rays emitted from the product with the mass of the product itself has been investigated. The width parameter of the secondary product charge distribution of U-233 in thermal neutron fission has also been investigated. The results obtained have been compared with the other thermal fission systems and experimental values available. Keywords: U-233, Thermal fission, Yield, Monte-Carlo.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Gama ışınları, Gamma rays, Kütle verimi, Mass yield, Monte Carlo Yöntemi, Monte Carlo Method, Termal fisyon, Thermal fission