Radikal radyoterapi uygulanan lokal ileri evre akciğer, baş-boyun ve serviks kanserlerinde serum selenyum düzeyi ve tedaviye yanıt ile ilişkisi
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AMAÇ Lokal ileri akciğer, baş-boyun ve serviks karsinomlu olgularda radyoterapi öncesi selenyum düzeyini etkileyen faktörleri ve tedaviye yanıt ile ilişkisinin araştırılmasıdır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM Radikal radyoterapi uygulanan 33 olgunun genel özellikleri, tedavi öncesi selenyum düzeyleri ve tedavi yanıtı değerlendirildi. Selenyum ölçümü Perkin Elmer marka Atomik Absorbsiyon Spektrometresi (AAS) ve hidrür sistem kullanılarak yapıldı. Tedavi yanıtı Dünya Sağlık Örgütü kriterlerine göre değerlendirildi. BULGULAR Medyan yaşı 57 (aralık: 37-80) olan, 18 (%54.5) akciğer, 8 (%24.2) baş-boyun, 7 (%21.2) serviks karsinomlu olgunun 23'ü erkek (%69.7), 10'u kadındı (%30.3). Radyoterapi öncesi ortalama selenyum düzeyleri 102.2 µg/L (aralık: 53-141 µg/L) olarak bulundu, KPS ve Hb değeri düşüklüğü olan olgularda selenyum seviyesi de düşük bulundu (sırasıyla p=0.04, p=0.00). Tümör yanıtı ile selenyum seviyesi arasındaki ilişki değerlendirildiğinde, selenyum seviyesi yükseldikçe tedaviye yanıtın arttığı saptandı (p=0.02). SONUÇ Çalışmamızda selenyum düzeyinin düşüklüğünün tedaviye yanıtı kötü yönde etkilediği, selenyum düzeyinin Hb ve KPS ile ilişkili olduğu bulundu.
OBJECTIVES To evaluate the preradiotherapy selenium levels, the factors affecting these levels and its relation with the treatment response in locally advanced lung, head and neck and cervix carcinoma. METHODS Patient characteristics, preradiotherapy selenium levels and treatment response were evaluated in 33 patients who were treated with radical radiotherapy. Serum selenium level was analyzed and measured by using Perkin Elmer Atomic Absorption Spectrometer and hydrur system. Treatment response was assessed according to World Health Organization criteria. RESULTS Median age was 57 (range: 37-80 years). Twenty-three patients (69.7%) were male and ten patients (30.3%) were female. Eighteen patients (54.5%) had lung cancer, 8 patients had (24.2%) head and neck cancer and 7 patients (21.2%) had cervix carcinoma. Preradiotherapy mean selenium level was found to be 102.2 µg/L (range: 53-141 µg/L). The selenium level was also significantly low in patients with low KPS and low Hb level (p=0.04, p=0.00, respectively). When the relation between the selenium level and tumor response was evaluated it was found that as the selenium levels increased response to treatment also increased (p=0.02). CONCLUSION In the present study it was concluded that low selenium levels affected the treatment response unfavorably and selenium levels were found to be associated with KPS status and Hb levels.
OBJECTIVES To evaluate the preradiotherapy selenium levels, the factors affecting these levels and its relation with the treatment response in locally advanced lung, head and neck and cervix carcinoma. METHODS Patient characteristics, preradiotherapy selenium levels and treatment response were evaluated in 33 patients who were treated with radical radiotherapy. Serum selenium level was analyzed and measured by using Perkin Elmer Atomic Absorption Spectrometer and hydrur system. Treatment response was assessed according to World Health Organization criteria. RESULTS Median age was 57 (range: 37-80 years). Twenty-three patients (69.7%) were male and ten patients (30.3%) were female. Eighteen patients (54.5%) had lung cancer, 8 patients had (24.2%) head and neck cancer and 7 patients (21.2%) had cervix carcinoma. Preradiotherapy mean selenium level was found to be 102.2 µg/L (range: 53-141 µg/L). The selenium level was also significantly low in patients with low KPS and low Hb level (p=0.04, p=0.00, respectively). When the relation between the selenium level and tumor response was evaluated it was found that as the selenium levels increased response to treatment also increased (p=0.02). CONCLUSION In the present study it was concluded that low selenium levels affected the treatment response unfavorably and selenium levels were found to be associated with KPS status and Hb levels.
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