Yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin alarm algısı, yorgunluğu ve yönetimlerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu araştırma, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin alarm algısı, yorgunluğu ve yönetimlerinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Üç aşamalı olan çalışma metodolojik, tanımlayıcı, kesitsel ve gözlemsel tiptedir. I. aşamada Amerika Sağlık Teknolojisi Vakfı tarafından geliştirilen 2016 Sağlık Teknolojileri Vakfı Klinik Alarmlar Anketinin (2016 Healthcare Technology Foundatıon (HTF) Clınıcal Alarms Survey) dil uyarlaması yapılarak Türkçeye uyarlanmıştır. İzmir ilinde bir Üniversite Hastanesinde ve T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı İzmir İl Sağlık Müdürlüğüne bağlı bir Üniversite Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde 26 Mart 2022 ve 22 Nisan 2022 tarihleri arasında arasında 47 hemşire ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. II. aşamada araştırmacı tarafından oluşturulan 13 soruluk tanımlayıcı veri formu, dil uyarlaması yapılan 2016 Sağlık Teknolojileri Vakfı Klinik Alarmlar Anketi, Hemşirelerin Alarm Yorgunluğu Ölçeğinden oluşan anket formu ile veri toplanılarak, yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin alarm algısı ve alarm yorgunluğu değerlendirilmiştir. İzmir ilinde bir Üniversite Hastanesinin Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Yoğun Bakım Bilim Dalında 27 Nisan 2022-18 Mayıs 2022 tarihleri arasında 51 hemşire ile yürütülmüştür. Gözlem aşaması olan III. aşamada yoğun bakım hemşirelerinin alarm yönetimleri incelenmiştir. İzmir ilinde bir Üniversite Hastanesinin Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Yoğun Bakım Bilim Dalında 5 Nisan 2022-15 Mayıs 2022 tarihleri arasında 21 hemşire ile yürütülmüştür. Gözlem sonunda toplam 460 alarm kayıt edilmiştir. Araştırma için Ege Üniversitesi Tıbbi Araştırmalar Etik Kurulundan 27.01.2022 tarihinde 22-1.1T/51 karar numaralı araştırma etik onayı alınmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen veriler SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 25.0 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Verileri değerlendirilirken tanımlayıcı istatistiksel metotları (sayı, yüzde, ortalama, standart sapma) kullanılmıştır. Normal dağılım uygunluk normallik testleri ve basıklık çarpıklık değerleri ile kontrol edilmiştir. Kategorik değişkenler arasında arasındaki ilişki için ki kare analizi yapılmıştır. Normal dağılan veriler için niceliksel verilerin karşılaştırılmasında iki grup arasındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak önemliliği bağımsız örneklem t testi ile ikiden fazla grup karşılaştırması F testi ile yapılmıştır. Bulgular: 2016 Sağlık Teknolojileri Vakfı Klinik Alarmlar Anketinin kapsam geçerliliği 0,89 olarak bulunmuştur. Hemşirelerin %54,9'un çalışmaya başladığında alarm ayarlarını kontrol ettiğini belirttiği görülmüştür. Alarm ayarlarını hangi nedenlerden dolayı değiştirdiği incelendiğinde %68,6'sı hastanın durumuna göre; %56,9'u hastanın daha dikkatli izlenmesine göre; %2'si işlerin yoğunluğuna göre olarak ifade ettiği görülmüştür. Hemşirelerin %96,1'inin alarm konusunda özel eğitim almadığını ifade ettiği görülmüştür. Hemşirelerin Alarm Yorgunluğu Ölçeği toplam puan 14,20±6,78 olarak belirlenmiştir. Hafta içi 86 saat, hafta sonu 32 olmak üzere toplam 118 saat gözlem yapılmıştır. Alarm veren cihaz incelendiğinde %80,4'ünün monitör kaynaklı olduğu; alarm nedenleri incelendiğinde %23,7'sinin teknik nedenler ve temas iletim sorunları olduğu, %36,3'ünün hastanın klinik durumundaki sapmalar olduğu; girişimde bulunanlar incelendiğinde ise alarmların %32,8'inde primer hemşirenin girişimde bulunduğu ve alarmların %53,3'ünde girişimde bulunulmadığı görülmüştür. Alarmların %73,7'sinin kontrol edildiği görülmüştür. Ortam gürültüsünün min: 41,90 maks: 83,10 dB olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç: Hemşirelerin alarmların çoğunu kontrol ettiği, alarmların yarısına girişimde bulunduğu görülmektedir. Hemşirelerin alarm konusunda özel bir eğitim almadıkları görülmektedir. Ortam gürültüsünün yoğun bakımlar için ara ara normal sınırları aşmakla birlikte genel olarak ortalama seviyesindedir. Bu çalışma sonuçlarına göre alarm limit ayarlarının çalışmaya başlanılmadan kontrol edilmesi ve hastanın durumuna göre ayarlanması, hemşirelere alarm konusunda özel bir eğitim planı yapılması önerilmektedir
Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the alarm perception, fatigue and management of intensive care nurses. Method: The study, which has three stages, is of a methodologic descriptive, cross-sectional and observational type. In the first stage, the 2016 Healthcare Technology Foundation Clinical Alarms Survey (HTF) developed by the American Health Technology Foundation was adapted into Turkish. It was carried out with 47 nurses between 26 March 2022 and 22 April 2022 at a University Hospital in Izmir and T.C. University Training and Research Hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health İzmir Provincial Health Directorate. In the second stage, data were collected with a descriptive data form consisting of 13 questions created by the researcher, the 2016 Health Technologies Foundation Clinical Alarms Survey, which was adapted into language, and a questionnaire consisting of the Nurses' Alarm Fatigue Scale, and the perception of alarm and alarm fatigue of intensive care nurses were evaluated. It was carried out with 51 nurses between 27 April 2022 and 18 May 2022 in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Intensive Care of a University Hospital in Izmir. In the third stage, which is the observation stage, the alarm management of the intensive care nurses was examined. It was carried out with 21 nurses between April 5, 2022 and May 15, 2022 in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Intensive Care of a University Hospital in Izmir. A total of 460 alarms were recorded at the end of the observation. The research ethics approval with the decision number 22-1.1T/51 was obtained from the Ege University Medical Research Ethics Committee on 27.01.2022 for the research. The data obtained in the research were analyzed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 25.0 program. Descriptive statistical methods (number, percentage, mean, standard deviation) were used while evaluating the data. The normal distribution was checked with conformity tests of normality and kurtosis skewness values. Chi-square analysis was performed for the relationship between categorical variables. For normally distributed data, the statistical significance of the difference between the two groups in the comparison of quantitative data was made with the independent sample t-test and the comparison of more than two groups with the F-test. Results: The content validity of the 2016 Health Technologies Foundation Clinical Alarms Survey was found to be 0.89. It was observed that 54.9% of the nurses stated that they checked the alarm settings when they started working. When it was examined for what reasons he changed the alarm settings, 68.6% of them were expressed according to the patient's condition; 56.9% according to more careful monitoring of the patient; 2% according to the intensity of work. It was observed that 96.1% of nurses stated that they had not received special training in alarm. The total score of the nurses' Alarm Fatigue Scale was determined as 14.20±6.78. A total of 118 observations were made, including 86 hours on weekdays and 32 on weekends. When the alarming device is examined, 80.4% of them are from the monitor; When the causes of alarm were examined, 23.7% were technical reasons and contact conduction problems, 36.3% were deviations in the clinical condition of the patient; When the interventions were examined, it was seen that the primary nurse intervened in 32.8% of the alarms and no intervention was made in 53.3% of the alarms. It was observed that 73.7% of the alarms were controlled. It has been observed that the ambient noise is min: 41.90 and max: 83.10 dB. Conclusion: It is seen that nurse's control most of the alarms and attempt half of the alarms. It is seen that the nurses did not receive any special training on alarm. Although the ambient noise occasionally exceeds the normal limits for intensive care units, it is generally at the average level. According to the results of this study, it is recommended to check the alarm limit settings before starting the study and adjust them according to the patient's condition, and to make a special training plan for the nurses.
Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the alarm perception, fatigue and management of intensive care nurses. Method: The study, which has three stages, is of a methodologic descriptive, cross-sectional and observational type. In the first stage, the 2016 Healthcare Technology Foundation Clinical Alarms Survey (HTF) developed by the American Health Technology Foundation was adapted into Turkish. It was carried out with 47 nurses between 26 March 2022 and 22 April 2022 at a University Hospital in Izmir and T.C. University Training and Research Hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health İzmir Provincial Health Directorate. In the second stage, data were collected with a descriptive data form consisting of 13 questions created by the researcher, the 2016 Health Technologies Foundation Clinical Alarms Survey, which was adapted into language, and a questionnaire consisting of the Nurses' Alarm Fatigue Scale, and the perception of alarm and alarm fatigue of intensive care nurses were evaluated. It was carried out with 51 nurses between 27 April 2022 and 18 May 2022 in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Intensive Care of a University Hospital in Izmir. In the third stage, which is the observation stage, the alarm management of the intensive care nurses was examined. It was carried out with 21 nurses between April 5, 2022 and May 15, 2022 in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Intensive Care of a University Hospital in Izmir. A total of 460 alarms were recorded at the end of the observation. The research ethics approval with the decision number 22-1.1T/51 was obtained from the Ege University Medical Research Ethics Committee on 27.01.2022 for the research. The data obtained in the research were analyzed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 25.0 program. Descriptive statistical methods (number, percentage, mean, standard deviation) were used while evaluating the data. The normal distribution was checked with conformity tests of normality and kurtosis skewness values. Chi-square analysis was performed for the relationship between categorical variables. For normally distributed data, the statistical significance of the difference between the two groups in the comparison of quantitative data was made with the independent sample t-test and the comparison of more than two groups with the F-test. Results: The content validity of the 2016 Health Technologies Foundation Clinical Alarms Survey was found to be 0.89. It was observed that 54.9% of the nurses stated that they checked the alarm settings when they started working. When it was examined for what reasons he changed the alarm settings, 68.6% of them were expressed according to the patient's condition; 56.9% according to more careful monitoring of the patient; 2% according to the intensity of work. It was observed that 96.1% of nurses stated that they had not received special training in alarm. The total score of the nurses' Alarm Fatigue Scale was determined as 14.20±6.78. A total of 118 observations were made, including 86 hours on weekdays and 32 on weekends. When the alarming device is examined, 80.4% of them are from the monitor; When the causes of alarm were examined, 23.7% were technical reasons and contact conduction problems, 36.3% were deviations in the clinical condition of the patient; When the interventions were examined, it was seen that the primary nurse intervened in 32.8% of the alarms and no intervention was made in 53.3% of the alarms. It was observed that 73.7% of the alarms were controlled. It has been observed that the ambient noise is min: 41.90 and max: 83.10 dB. Conclusion: It is seen that nurse's control most of the alarms and attempt half of the alarms. It is seen that the nurses did not receive any special training on alarm. Although the ambient noise occasionally exceeds the normal limits for intensive care units, it is generally at the average level. According to the results of this study, it is recommended to check the alarm limit settings before starting the study and adjust them according to the patient's condition, and to make a special training plan for the nurses.
02.02.2023 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing