İzmir Körfezinde ısparoz balığının (Diplodus annularis L. 1758) beslenme rejimi üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET İZMİR KÖRFEZİ'NDE ISPAROZ BALI?ININ {Diplodus annularis L., 1758) BESLENME REJİMİ ÜZERİNE ARAŞTIRMALAR AKALIN, Sencer Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; Prof. Dr. Tuncer Katağan Ağustos, 1996, 49 sayfa Bu araştırmada, İzmir Körfezi 'nde aylık olarak trol, trata, olta gibi avcılık yöntemleriyle avlanmış olan 360 adet ısparoz balığının biyolojik özellikleri saptanmış, beslenme rejimi detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Araştırma bölgesinden yakalanan örneklerin, % 53.3 'ünün dişi, % 40.8'inin erkek, % 5.9'unun hermafrodit bireylerden oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir. Otolit ve pullardan yapılan yaş tayinleri ile I-X yaş grubuna dahil örnekler bulunmuş, populasyonun büyük bölümünün I-IV yaş arası bireylerden oluştuğu saptanmıştır. Her yaş grubu için ortalama boy ve ağırlıklar hesaplanmıştır. Yaş- boy, yaş-ağırlık ve boy-ağırlık eşitlikleri tespit edilmiştir. Kondisyon faktörü yaşlara ve aylara göre ayrı ayıı hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçta yaşlar arasında önemli bir fark kaydedilmemiş, aylar açısından ise en düşük değere (2.21) aralık ayında, en yüksek değere (2.57) ise mayıs aymda rastlanmıştır. Beslenme rejimi incelemeleri, aylara, cinsiyetlere ve boy gruplarına göre yapılmış, bu incelemelerde sayısal varlık, bulunuş frekansı ve baskınlık yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, 20 çeşit besin grubu tayin edilmiş, bu grupların aylar, cinsiyetler ve boylar arasındaki dağılımı ve farklılıkları saptanmıştır. Isparoz balığının besinini oluşturan en önemli grupların Copepoda, Polychaeta ve Natantia olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır
ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE FEEDING HABITS OF ANNULAR SEA BREAM (Diplodus annularis L., 1758) IN ÎZMİR BAY AKALIN, Sencer Msc in Biology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tuncer Katağan August 1996, 49 pages In this study, the biological peculiarities and mainly feeding habits of 360 annular sea bream caught montly by different catching methods such as trawl surveys, seine nets and fishing line etc. in Izmir Bay were determined. 53.3 % of specimens caught in the research area were females, 40.8 % males and the remains hermaphrodits. By reading of otolits and scales, individuals were found within I-X age groups. The majority of the population was in I-IV age groups. For each age groups, average lenghts and weights were calculated. Age-lenght, age-weight and lenght-weight equations were computed from obtained data. Condition factors were determined according to the age groups and months. As a result condition factors do not change in age groups significantly. In months, minimum and maximum values of condition factor were found in December (2.21) and May (2.57), respectively. The analyses of feeding habits were made one by one according to the months, sexes and Jenght groups. In this investigation, The Numerical Occurrence, The Frequency of Occurrence and The Dominance Method methods were used. 20 different food groups were identified in stomach contents. Consequently, Copepoda, Polychaeta and Natantia were the most important diet components of this species through the year.
ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE FEEDING HABITS OF ANNULAR SEA BREAM (Diplodus annularis L., 1758) IN ÎZMİR BAY AKALIN, Sencer Msc in Biology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tuncer Katağan August 1996, 49 pages In this study, the biological peculiarities and mainly feeding habits of 360 annular sea bream caught montly by different catching methods such as trawl surveys, seine nets and fishing line etc. in Izmir Bay were determined. 53.3 % of specimens caught in the research area were females, 40.8 % males and the remains hermaphrodits. By reading of otolits and scales, individuals were found within I-X age groups. The majority of the population was in I-IV age groups. For each age groups, average lenghts and weights were calculated. Age-lenght, age-weight and lenght-weight equations were computed from obtained data. Condition factors were determined according to the age groups and months. As a result condition factors do not change in age groups significantly. In months, minimum and maximum values of condition factor were found in December (2.21) and May (2.57), respectively. The analyses of feeding habits were made one by one according to the months, sexes and Jenght groups. In this investigation, The Numerical Occurrence, The Frequency of Occurrence and The Dominance Method methods were used. 20 different food groups were identified in stomach contents. Consequently, Copepoda, Polychaeta and Natantia were the most important diet components of this species through the year.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Isparoz balığı, ; İzmir Körfezi, İzmir Bay