Türkiye'de ticari amaçla yetiştirilen ipekböceği ırklarında yumurta verimi ve gonad histolojisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
37 ÖZET Çin, Japonya ve Avrupa ırkı ipekböceklerine ait safhat ve hidrid formlar laboratuvarda birbirini takip eden iki generasyon halinde yetiştirilmiş ve bu canlılarda ekonomiye yönelik olarak yumurta verimleri, yumurta açılımları ve koza ağırlıkları belirlenmeğe çalışılmıştır. Hibrid larva fenotipinde morfolojik olarak resesif kalmasına karşılık Çin ırkı, gerek yumurta verimi ve gerekse açılım oranlannda hem safhat hemde hibrid bireylerinde bir üstünlük göstermektedir. Virjin dişi kelebeklerin ovariollerinde mevcut yumurta sayılan birinci dölde fazla, F1 dölünde daha düşük olmuştur fakat döl içi karşılaştırmada hibridler üstün kalmıştır. Koza kabuk ağırlığı bakımından hibridler daha iyi değerler vermiştir. 5. instar erkek ve dişi larvalarda gonad yapılan incelenmiştir. Erkek larvaların testis loblarında sperm tüplerinin enine kesitleri olan folikül yapılarında spermatogenezin bilhassa ileri evreleri ayrı ayrı gözlenmiştir. Dişi larvalann ovaryumlarında mevcut ovariol tüplerinde oosit ve yardımcı hücreleri birer odacık içinde sıralar oluşturmaktadır. Ekonomiye yönelik karakter açısından ipekböceği yetiştiricilerinin tek döl olarak hibrid içerisinde yoğunlaşmaları gerektiği tekrar vurgulanmış olmaktadır
38 SUMMARY Pure lines of silkworms in each Chinese, Japanese and European races were rared in two successive generations under laboratory conditions. The characteristics contributing to the industry such as egg production, hatching percentage and cocoon weight were determined. Chinese race characters were found recessive in morphological appearance but more much dominant in egg production and hatching rate in both pure line and hybrid forms. Cocoon weight was found higher in hybrid silkworms. The gonads were dissected from the 5th instar of male and female silkworm larvae. Sections of testis follicular lobes were found to be formed by different stages of spermatogenesis. Ovaries, however, were composed of ovariols of tubular form. Oocyte and nurse cells were found to arrange themselves in a row of egg chambers along the ovarian tubules. It was suggested that sericulturests would rather rare the first hybrid eggs for economical purposes.
38 SUMMARY Pure lines of silkworms in each Chinese, Japanese and European races were rared in two successive generations under laboratory conditions. The characteristics contributing to the industry such as egg production, hatching percentage and cocoon weight were determined. Chinese race characters were found recessive in morphological appearance but more much dominant in egg production and hatching rate in both pure line and hybrid forms. Cocoon weight was found higher in hybrid silkworms. The gonads were dissected from the 5th instar of male and female silkworm larvae. Sections of testis follicular lobes were found to be formed by different stages of spermatogenesis. Ovaries, however, were composed of ovariols of tubular form. Oocyte and nurse cells were found to arrange themselves in a row of egg chambers along the ovarian tubules. It was suggested that sericulturests would rather rare the first hybrid eggs for economical purposes.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Gonadlar, Gonads, Yumurta verimi, Egg yield, İpek böceği, Silkworm