Kemoterapi sonrasında gelişen nekrotizan miyofasiitis: Olgu sunumu
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Nekrotizan miyofasitis (NMF) subkutan dokuları, özellikle fasya ve kas tabakasını içine alan, sık olmayan bir enfeksiyon tablosudur. Kanser hastalarında ise zemindeki immunsüpresyon ve tümöre, cerrahi müdahalelere veya enjeksiyonlara bağlı doku bütünlüğünün bozulması nedeni ile görülebilmektedir. Otuzyedi yaşında, nazofarinks kanseri tanılı erkek hasta, kemoterapiden 15 gün sonra gelişen NMF tablosu nedeniyle acil serviste hospitalize edilmiştir. Yapılan mikrobiyolojik, patolojik ve romatolojik testlere rağmen etiyoloji belirlenememiştir. NMF geniş spektrumlu antibiyoterapi ve debritman ile kontrol altına alınmıştır.
Nekrotising myofasciitis (NMF) is a rare infection that involves subcutaneus tissues, especially fascia and the muscular tissues. It can happen on the basis of immunosupression, tumour, surgery and injection which impair tissue integrity in cancer patients. A 37 year old male, diagnosed as nasopharyngeal carcinoma was accepted to the emergency servise 15 days after chemotherapy with pain in his gluteal region, that later turned to a necrotising lesion involving proximal left lower limb, left lower part of the abdomen and distal right lower limb. No etiological factor was found although all microbiological, pathological and rheumatological tests were done. NMF was taken under control with broad spectrum antibiotics and prompt surgical exploration and removal.
Nekrotising myofasciitis (NMF) is a rare infection that involves subcutaneus tissues, especially fascia and the muscular tissues. It can happen on the basis of immunosupression, tumour, surgery and injection which impair tissue integrity in cancer patients. A 37 year old male, diagnosed as nasopharyngeal carcinoma was accepted to the emergency servise 15 days after chemotherapy with pain in his gluteal region, that later turned to a necrotising lesion involving proximal left lower limb, left lower part of the abdomen and distal right lower limb. No etiological factor was found although all microbiological, pathological and rheumatological tests were done. NMF was taken under control with broad spectrum antibiotics and prompt surgical exploration and removal.
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