Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek'in hayatı ve siyasi faaliyetleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek'in hayatı ve faaliyetlerini ele aldığımız bu çalışma, dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, ailesi ve kökeninden söz edilmiş, babasının Girit'ten göç ederek İzmir'e yerleşmesine değinilmiştir. Çocukluğu, tahsili, hekimliği, kişilik özellikleri ve evliliği anlatılmıştır. îkinci bölümde, Türkiye'nin çok partili hayata geçiş süreci çerçevesinde, İttihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti'nin kurulması, çok partili rejim denemeleri, tek parti dönemi ve II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında dünyada esen rüzgarların, Türkiye'nin çok partili hayata geçmesindeki etkileri anlatılmıştır. Siyaseti halka taşıyan Demokrat Parti'nin kuruluşu, muhalefet yılları ve iktidar yılları özetlenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek'in politik yaşamı konu edilmiş; Demokrat Parti'ye katılışı, İzmir Belediyesi'nde meclis üyesi ve belediye başkanı olarak verdiği hizmetler ile parlamentoya milletvekili olarak girişi ve bu dönemdeki faaliyetleri değerlendirilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, 27 Mayıs İhtilali'nin kısa bir değerlendirmesi yapılmış; Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek'in tutuklanması, yargılanması, mahkumiyeti, özgürlüğüne kavuşması sonrasında yeniden hekimliğe dönmesi ve kendini ailesine adaması üzerinde durulmuş; onu ölüme götüren hastalığı ve ölümünün yankıları anlatılmıştır
This study in which Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek's life and activities are considered it consists of four sections. In the first, his family and origin was mentioned and his immigration from Girit and settlement in İzmir was touched on. Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek's childhood, education, p rofession, characteristics and marriage were studied. In the second section, the effect of the establishment of Union and Progress Party (İttihad and Terakki Cemiyeti), the multiparties regime experiments. Single party term and the winds blowing around the world after II. World War on Turkey's passing to multiple parties life was mentioned. The establisment of Demokrat Party, which carried politics to public, the opposition and power years were summed up. In the third section, Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek's political life was made of the topic and his joining to Demokrat Party, with the services he gave in İzmir municipality as an assembly member and a mayor, his joining to the parliement as a member of the Grand National Assembly and his activities in this term were evaluated. In the forth section, a brief evaluation of 27' May Revolution was mentioned, the arrest and judgement of Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek, his punishment and turning back to his profession after getting freedom and his devotion himself to his family were touched on, and his illness, which took him to death and the repercussion of his death were written.
This study in which Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek's life and activities are considered it consists of four sections. In the first, his family and origin was mentioned and his immigration from Girit and settlement in İzmir was touched on. Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek's childhood, education, p rofession, characteristics and marriage were studied. In the second section, the effect of the establishment of Union and Progress Party (İttihad and Terakki Cemiyeti), the multiparties regime experiments. Single party term and the winds blowing around the world after II. World War on Turkey's passing to multiple parties life was mentioned. The establisment of Demokrat Party, which carried politics to public, the opposition and power years were summed up. In the third section, Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek's political life was made of the topic and his joining to Demokrat Party, with the services he gave in İzmir municipality as an assembly member and a mayor, his joining to the parliement as a member of the Grand National Assembly and his activities in this term were evaluated. In the forth section, a brief evaluation of 27' May Revolution was mentioned, the arrest and judgement of Dr. Selahattin Akçiçek, his punishment and turning back to his profession after getting freedom and his devotion himself to his family were touched on, and his illness, which took him to death and the repercussion of his death were written.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyografi, Biography, Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science, Tarih, History, Akçiçek, Selahattin, Akçiçek, Selahattin, Belediye başkanlığı, Mayoralty, Milletvekili, Deputy, Siyaset, Politics, Siyaset felsefesi, Political philosophy, Siyasi hayat, Political life