Atıksu arıtımı için adapte aşı kültürünün çeşitli taşıyıcılar kullanılarak kuru karışım olarak üretimi ve ürün verimlerinin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Atık su arıtma sistemi üzerindeki talepler ve ihtiyaçlar inorganik azot ve fosforun uzaklaştırılması, organik karbonun yıkımı, patojen giderimi, parçalanması zor ksenobiyotik bileşimlerinin parçalanması konusunda yıldan yıla önemli ölçüde artmıştır. Etkili bir ksenobiyotik uzaklaştırma kapasitesine sahip bir mikrobiyal topluluğun oluşturulması genellikle, bileşiğe mevcut bir çamurun yavaş ya da az uyumu ile bozulmaktadır. Bu duruma N-, P- ve C- uzaklaştırılmasında bozulma ile çamur çökme problemleride eşlik etmektedir. Biyoaugmentasyon yani bakteri ya da genetik bilgilerin eklenmesi ile yeni metabolik işlevlerin oluşturulması; topluluk içerisinde, bu sorunların üstesinden gelmek için olası bir yöntemdir. Bu çalışma ile petrokimya endüstrisi atık sularında bulunan p-toluik asit (p-TOL), 4-karboksibenzaldehit (4-CBA) ve tereftalik asit (TFA) parçalama kapasitesinde olan adapte, oldukça etkili ve performansı yüksek aşı kültürü oluşturulup, reaktör sistemlerinde uygun ve ekonomik substratlar varlığında çoğaltılması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çoğaltılan bakteri kültürlerinin, parçalama ve canlılık aktivitesi en uygun olacak şekilde liyofilizasyon ve farklı saklama koşullarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Saklama koşulları +4°C ve +27°C olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Aynı zamanda liyofilizasyon sonrası vakumsuz saklama denemeleride yapılmıştır. Bu aşı kültürü karışımı belirli taşıyıcılar ile en uygun koşullarda liyofilize edilmiştir. Taşıyıcı olarak, lignoselülozik doğal nişasta bileşenlerinden olmayan bitki materyalleri Medicago sativa, Glycine max ve Helianthus annuus kullanılmıştır. Taşıyıcılar farklı koruyucu maddeler ile eşleştirilip farklı kuru karışım ürün içerikleri oluşturulmuştur. Elde edilen ürünün 18 ay boyunca biyoparçalama ve canlılık aktivitesi belirlenmiştir. En iyi ürünler sürekli karışımlı tank reaktörü'nde (CSTR) aktif çamur sisteminde denenmiştir. CSTR ölçeğinde, toplam kimyasal konsantrasyonları en yüksek 1200 mg/L olacak şekilde TFA, p-TOL ve 4-CBA degradasyonu değerlendirilmiştir. Ürün içerisinde seçili mikroorganizmaların CSTR reaktörde Real-Time PCR ile takibi yapılmıştır. Moleküler sonuçlar Comamonas, Acinetobacter, Chryseobacterium ve Raoutella'nın en iyi ürün reaktöründe baskın cinsler olduğunu gösterdi. +4°C ''yonca'' içeriği, tez çalışmasında kullanılan içerikler arasında canlılığını en yüksek düzeyde koruyan grubudur. +4°C'deki en iyi HPLC sonuçlarına baktığımızda TFA (40 mg/L), p-TOL (40 mg/L) ve 4-CBA (30 mg/L)'nın %100 giderimi 4-7 saat içerisinde ''yonca'', ''ayçiçeği küspesi+skimmilk'' ve ''soya küspesi'' ürün içeriklerinde gerçekleşmiştir. +27°C'de ise en iyi grup ''yonca+silika'' olmuştur. Ayrıca ekotoksikolojik değerlendirmeler Mikrotoks (Modern Water M500) toksisite ölçüm cihazı verilerine dayanarak yapılmıştır. Biyoparçalanma aktivitesi sonucu oluşan metabolitlerin ekotoksikolojik sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde EC50 eşik değerinin altında kaldığı, toksik olmadığı saptanmıştır. Bu sayede ticarileştirilebilecek, raf ömrü uzun aşı kültürleri elde edilmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Biyoaugmentasyon, biyoparçalanma, atık su arıtımı, liyofilizasyon, taşıyıcı kullanarak kurutma, petrokimya endüstrisi
The demands and needs on the wastewater treatment system have increased significantly over the years in the subjects of removal of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus, reduction of organic carbon, pathogen removal, breakdown of difficult-to-break xenobiotic compounds. The formation of a microbial community which is capable of effective xenobiotic removal is often impaired by slow or poor adaptation of a slurry present to the compound. This situation is accompanied by impaired removal of N-, P- and C- and sludge settling problems. Within the community, bioagumentation which means creating new metabolic functions by adding bacteria or genetic information; is a possible method for dealing with these problems. With this study, an adapted, highly effective and high performance inoculation of culture with the degradation capacity of p-toluic acid (p-TOL), 4-carboxybenzaldehyde (4-CBA) and terephthalic acid (TPA) which are found in petrochemical industry wastewater was created, and thereafter in the reactor systems reproduction was carried out in the presence of economic substrates. It is aimed to determine the lyophilization and different storage conditions of the replicated bacterial cultures so that the lysis and viability activity will be optimal. Storage conditions are compared as +4°C and +27°C. At the same time, non-vacuum storage trials were conducted after lyophilization. This reproducted mixed culture is lyophilized with specific carriers under optimal conditions. As carriers, plant materials Medicago sativa, Glycine max and Helianthus annuus, which are not lignocellulosic natural starch components, were used. Carriers were matched with different preservatives and different dry mix product contents were created. Biodegradation and viability activity of the obtained product was determined for 18 months. The best products have been tested in an activated sludge system in a continuous mixing tank reactor (CSTR). On the CSTR scale, TPA, p-TOL and 4-CBA degradation were evaluated with total chemical concentrations of the highest 1200 mg/L. The selected microorganisms in the product were monitored by real-time PCR in the CSTR. Molecular results showed that Comamonas, Acinetobacter, Chryseobacterium and Raoutella were the dominant strains in the top product reactor. The content of +4°C "clover" is the group that preserves its vitality at the highest level among the contents used in the thesis study. When we look at the best HPLC results at +4°C, 100% removal of TPA (40 mg / L), p-TOL (40 mg / L) and 4-CBA (30 mg / L) within 4-7 hours, "clover", "sunflower meal + skimmilk" and "soybean meal" product contents. At +27°C, the best group was "clover + silica" content. In addition, ecotoxicological evaluations were made on the basis of Microtox (Modern Water M500) toxicity measurement device data. When the ecotoxicological results of the metabolites whic are formed as a result of biodegradation activity, were evaluated, it was found that they were below the EC50 threshold level and were not toxic. In this way, inoculation cultures with long shelf life that can be commercialized were obtained. Keywords: Bioaugmentation, biodegradation, wastewater treatment, lyophilization,drying using carriers , petrochemical industry.
The demands and needs on the wastewater treatment system have increased significantly over the years in the subjects of removal of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus, reduction of organic carbon, pathogen removal, breakdown of difficult-to-break xenobiotic compounds. The formation of a microbial community which is capable of effective xenobiotic removal is often impaired by slow or poor adaptation of a slurry present to the compound. This situation is accompanied by impaired removal of N-, P- and C- and sludge settling problems. Within the community, bioagumentation which means creating new metabolic functions by adding bacteria or genetic information; is a possible method for dealing with these problems. With this study, an adapted, highly effective and high performance inoculation of culture with the degradation capacity of p-toluic acid (p-TOL), 4-carboxybenzaldehyde (4-CBA) and terephthalic acid (TPA) which are found in petrochemical industry wastewater was created, and thereafter in the reactor systems reproduction was carried out in the presence of economic substrates. It is aimed to determine the lyophilization and different storage conditions of the replicated bacterial cultures so that the lysis and viability activity will be optimal. Storage conditions are compared as +4°C and +27°C. At the same time, non-vacuum storage trials were conducted after lyophilization. This reproducted mixed culture is lyophilized with specific carriers under optimal conditions. As carriers, plant materials Medicago sativa, Glycine max and Helianthus annuus, which are not lignocellulosic natural starch components, were used. Carriers were matched with different preservatives and different dry mix product contents were created. Biodegradation and viability activity of the obtained product was determined for 18 months. The best products have been tested in an activated sludge system in a continuous mixing tank reactor (CSTR). On the CSTR scale, TPA, p-TOL and 4-CBA degradation were evaluated with total chemical concentrations of the highest 1200 mg/L. The selected microorganisms in the product were monitored by real-time PCR in the CSTR. Molecular results showed that Comamonas, Acinetobacter, Chryseobacterium and Raoutella were the dominant strains in the top product reactor. The content of +4°C "clover" is the group that preserves its vitality at the highest level among the contents used in the thesis study. When we look at the best HPLC results at +4°C, 100% removal of TPA (40 mg / L), p-TOL (40 mg / L) and 4-CBA (30 mg / L) within 4-7 hours, "clover", "sunflower meal + skimmilk" and "soybean meal" product contents. At +27°C, the best group was "clover + silica" content. In addition, ecotoxicological evaluations were made on the basis of Microtox (Modern Water M500) toxicity measurement device data. When the ecotoxicological results of the metabolites whic are formed as a result of biodegradation activity, were evaluated, it was found that they were below the EC50 threshold level and were not toxic. In this way, inoculation cultures with long shelf life that can be commercialized were obtained. Keywords: Bioaugmentation, biodegradation, wastewater treatment, lyophilization,drying using carriers , petrochemical industry.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Mikrobiyoloji, Microbiology, Atık su arıtma, Waste water treatment, Petrokimya endüstrisi, Petrochemical industry