Acil servis asistanlarının iş doyumunun ve yaşam kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmamızda, Türkiye'de acil tıp uzmanlık eğitimi almakta olan acil tıp asistanlarının iş doyumu ve yaşam kalitesi düzeylerini belirlemek, iş doyumu ve yaşam kalitesini etkileyen faktörlerin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırma kesitsel, tanımlayıcı ve analitik türde bir araştırmadır. Çalışma evreni, Ocak 2018 ve Haziran 2018 tarihleri arasında, Türkiye'de 29 adet Üniversite Acil Tıp Anabilimdalı ve 12 adet Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Acil Tıp Kliniği olmak üzere toplam 41 Acil Tıp kliniğinde uzmanlık eğitimi alan toplam 912 kişiden, oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın örneklemini ise araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden, 708 acil tıp asistanı oluşturmuştur. Kapsayıcılık % 69 (708/1031) olarak hesaplanmıştır. Veri toplama formunun ilk bölümünde çalışanların sosyodemografik özellikleri, çalışma hayatına yönelik sorular yer alırken, ikinci bölümde İş Doyum Ölçeği, üçüncü bölümde ise Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Yaşam Kalitesi-Kısa Form'dan (WHOQOL-BREF) yer almaktadır. Veri toplama formları ve çalışmayı kabul ettiklerini belirten onam formları, ulaşılabilen Üniversite ve Eğitim Araştırma Hastanelerinin Acil Servislerinde çalışan Acil Servis Asistanlarına posta(kargo) yoluyla ulaştırılmıştır. Anket formu, Mandıracıoğlu ve ark.ı tarafından geliştirilen 5'li Likert sistemine göre düzenlenmiş 47 soru ve 9 alt faktörden oluşan İş Doyum Ölçeği anketi ve 5'li Likert sistemine göre düzenlenmiş, ikisi genel sorular olmak üzere 4 alan ( 26 soru ) ve 1 ulusal alandan (1 soru ) oluşan WHOQOL-BREF Türkçe versiyonu ile araştırmacı tarafından literatür bilgileri doğrultusunda hazırlanan sosyo-demografik, iş yaşamına ait ve özel yaşama ait sorular olmak üzere toplam 105 sorudan oluşmuştur. Veriler elektronik ortamda veri tabanına aktarılmış ve istatistik analiz uygulanmıştır. Ölçeklerde elde edilen puanlar değerlendirilirken, ortalamalar arası farkın anlamlılığı, Mann-Whitney U testi ve Tek Yönlü Kruskal-Wallis Varyans Analizi; Students' t test ve Varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve oranlar arası farkın anlamlılığı değerlendirilirken Kikare testi uygulanmıştır. Sürekli değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi saptamak için Korelasyon analizi (Pearson). İleri analizde Lineer Regresyon (Stepwise) uygulanmıştır. Tüm analizlerde güven Aralığı %95 kabul edilmiş olup, p<0.05 anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Çalışmamıza katılan acil tıp asistanlarının yaş ortalamaları 29,4 ± 3,5 (min:24, max:48) , %64,8 (n=459)'i erkek, %52,3 (n=370)'ü evli ve %68,6 (n=486)'sı üniversite hastanesinde çalışan, %35,5 (n=251)'nin asistan olarak çalışma yılının 12 aydan daha az olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan tüm asistanların İş Doyum Ölçeğinin alt faktörlerinden ve WHOQOL-BREF Ölçeğinin alt alanlarından aldıkları ortalama puanları ile; cinsiyet, gece vardiyasında bakılan hasta sayısı, gelir algısı, teorik eğitimden memnuniyet, bireysel olarak acil servis eğitimine katkı amaçlı çalışma, öğretim görevlisi danışman varlığı, hobi varlığı, alkol kullanımı, antidepresan-anksiyolitik ilaç kullanımı, acil tıp asistanı olmaktan memnuniyet ve şiddete maruz kalma ve şiddetten etkilenme durumları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. İş doyumu ile yaşam kalitesi arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak acil servislerde nitelikli bir biçimde hasta bakımının sağlanabilmesi, bu hizmeti sunan ATA'ların iş doyumunun ve yaşam kalitesi ile yakından ilişkilidir. Hekim başına düşen hasta sayısının azaltılması, acil servislerde çalışan danışman uzman sayısının artırılması, sosyal etkinliklere ayrılan zamanın arttırılması, hobilere zaman ayırmak, bireysel olarak acil servis ile ilgili çalışmalara zaman ayırmak, şiddet olaylarını engelleyecek önlemlerin alınması, gelir düzeylerinde iyileşmenin sağlanması, uzmanlık eğitimlerinin yeterliliği iş doyumunu ve yaşam kalitesini olumlu etkileyen faktörlerin başında gelmektedir. İş doyumu ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişkileri irdeyebilmek amacıyla daha geniş ve acil servis hekimlerine uygun yeni ölçeklerin geliştirildiği çalışmalara gereksinim vardır.
The aim of our study was to determine job satisfaction and quality of life of emergency medicine assistants, who received emergency medicine speciality training in Turkey, and to investigate the factors affecting job satisfaction and quality of life. This study is a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytic study. The research population consisted of 912 subjects, who got their residency training in total of 41 emergency medicine clinics between January 2018 and June 2018 in Turkey, 29 of them were the emergency medicine departments of the universities and 12 the emergency medicine departments of the Training and Research Hospitals. The study sample consisted of 708 emergency medicine residents, who have accepted to participate in the study. The calculated comprehensiveness was 69% (708/1031). The first part of the data collection form included questions about the sociodemographic characteristics and working life. The Job Satisfaction Scale was in the second part and the World Health Organization Quality of Life -Bref version (WHOQOL-BREF) in the third part of the form. The data collection forms and the consent forms, which indicated that they had accepted to participate, were sent by cargo to the emergency medicine residents of the Universities and the Training and Research Hospitals.The questionnaire form was composed of a total 105 questions, including Job Satisfaction Scale questionnaire, which was developed by Mandıracıoğlu et al. and composed of 47 questions and 9 sub-factors, and the Turkish version of the WHOQOL-BREF, which was arranged based on the 5-point Likert scale and composed of questions from 4 fields (26 questions, 2 of which were general questions) and 1 national field (1 question), and socio-demographic, working-life and private-life questions which were prepared by the researcher in line with the literature. Following the transfer of the collected data to a digital database the statistical analysis was performed. The scores obtained from the scales were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U test, the One Way Kruskal-Wallis H Analysis, Student's t-test and Variance Analysis (ANOVA) and the significance of the difference between the ratios was assessed with the Kikare test. Pearson's Correlation Analysis was applied for the determination of the correlation between the continuous variables and Linear Regression (Stepwise) was used for further analysis. The confidence interval was accepted as 95% in all analyses and a p value of <0.05 was accepted to be significant. The mean age of the EMRs who participated in our study was 29.2± 3,5 (min:24, max:48), 64.8% ( n: 459) were male, 52.3% ( n:370 ) were married and 68.6% ( n: 486 ) were working in a university hospital, 35.5% ( n:251 ) were found to be less than 12 months. The difference between the mean scores of all assistants participated in the study, which they got from the sub-factors of the Job Satisfaction Scale and from the sub-fields of the WHOQOL-BREF Scale; and gender, number of patients examined in the night shift, income perception, satisfaction with the theoretical training, working to contribute to emergency service training individually, presence of lecturer/counselor, presence of hobby, alcohol use, antidepressant-anxiolytic drug use, satisfaction with being an emergency medical assistant and exposure to violence and affection from violence was found to be statistically significant. A positive correlation was found between job satisfaction and quality of life. In conclusion, the provision of qualified patient care in emergency departments is closely associated with the job satisfaction and quality of life of the EMRs who provide this service. Reducing the number of patients per physician, increasing the number of conselor specialists working in emergency services, increasing the time allocated to social activities, allocating time to hobbies, allocating time to works about Emergency service individually, taking measures to prevent violence, provision of improvements in income levels, efficiency of specialty trainings are the major factors that positively affect job satisfaction and quality of life. In order to examine the correlations between job satisfaction and quality of life, there is a need for larger studies in which new scales suitable for emergency medicine residents are developed.
The aim of our study was to determine job satisfaction and quality of life of emergency medicine assistants, who received emergency medicine speciality training in Turkey, and to investigate the factors affecting job satisfaction and quality of life. This study is a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytic study. The research population consisted of 912 subjects, who got their residency training in total of 41 emergency medicine clinics between January 2018 and June 2018 in Turkey, 29 of them were the emergency medicine departments of the universities and 12 the emergency medicine departments of the Training and Research Hospitals. The study sample consisted of 708 emergency medicine residents, who have accepted to participate in the study. The calculated comprehensiveness was 69% (708/1031). The first part of the data collection form included questions about the sociodemographic characteristics and working life. The Job Satisfaction Scale was in the second part and the World Health Organization Quality of Life -Bref version (WHOQOL-BREF) in the third part of the form. The data collection forms and the consent forms, which indicated that they had accepted to participate, were sent by cargo to the emergency medicine residents of the Universities and the Training and Research Hospitals.The questionnaire form was composed of a total 105 questions, including Job Satisfaction Scale questionnaire, which was developed by Mandıracıoğlu et al. and composed of 47 questions and 9 sub-factors, and the Turkish version of the WHOQOL-BREF, which was arranged based on the 5-point Likert scale and composed of questions from 4 fields (26 questions, 2 of which were general questions) and 1 national field (1 question), and socio-demographic, working-life and private-life questions which were prepared by the researcher in line with the literature. Following the transfer of the collected data to a digital database the statistical analysis was performed. The scores obtained from the scales were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U test, the One Way Kruskal-Wallis H Analysis, Student's t-test and Variance Analysis (ANOVA) and the significance of the difference between the ratios was assessed with the Kikare test. Pearson's Correlation Analysis was applied for the determination of the correlation between the continuous variables and Linear Regression (Stepwise) was used for further analysis. The confidence interval was accepted as 95% in all analyses and a p value of <0.05 was accepted to be significant. The mean age of the EMRs who participated in our study was 29.2± 3,5 (min:24, max:48), 64.8% ( n: 459) were male, 52.3% ( n:370 ) were married and 68.6% ( n: 486 ) were working in a university hospital, 35.5% ( n:251 ) were found to be less than 12 months. The difference between the mean scores of all assistants participated in the study, which they got from the sub-factors of the Job Satisfaction Scale and from the sub-fields of the WHOQOL-BREF Scale; and gender, number of patients examined in the night shift, income perception, satisfaction with the theoretical training, working to contribute to emergency service training individually, presence of lecturer/counselor, presence of hobby, alcohol use, antidepressant-anxiolytic drug use, satisfaction with being an emergency medical assistant and exposure to violence and affection from violence was found to be statistically significant. A positive correlation was found between job satisfaction and quality of life. In conclusion, the provision of qualified patient care in emergency departments is closely associated with the job satisfaction and quality of life of the EMRs who provide this service. Reducing the number of patients per physician, increasing the number of conselor specialists working in emergency services, increasing the time allocated to social activities, allocating time to hobbies, allocating time to works about Emergency service individually, taking measures to prevent violence, provision of improvements in income levels, efficiency of specialty trainings are the major factors that positively affect job satisfaction and quality of life. In order to examine the correlations between job satisfaction and quality of life, there is a need for larger studies in which new scales suitable for emergency medicine residents are developed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Acil Tıp Uzmanlık Öğrencisi, İş Doyumu, Yaşam Kalitesi, WHOQOL-BREF, Emergency Medicine Resident, Job Satisfaction, Quality Of Life