Çocuklarda üst orta keser dişlerin mine dentin kırıklarının restorasyonunda iki farklı kompozit materyalin uzun dönem estetik ve fonksiyonel klinik başarısının araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı üst orta keser dişlerin mine-dentin kırığı restorasyonlarında nano-kompozit teknoloji kullanılarak geliştirilmiş nanoseramik ve submikrohibrit yapıda farklı iki kompozit materyalinin uzun dönem klinik başarısının karşılaştırılmasıdır. Bu çalışma, Ege Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Pedodonti Anabilim Dalı Kliniği'ne başvuran, herhangi bir sistemik hastalığı olmayan 7-13 yaş arası toplam 106 hastada 132 diş ile gerçekleştirildi. Bir veya iki adet üst ön daimi kesici dişlerinde pulpayı içine almayan mine-dentin kırığı olan hastalar çalışmaya dahil edildi. Mine dentin kırıkları nanoseramik partiküller içeren kompozit materyali (Ceram-X Duo; Dentsply/De Trey Konstanz, Germany) ve submikrohibrit kompozit materyali (Esthet-X HD; Dentsply/De Trey Konstanz, Germany) ile restore edilmek üzere rasgele iki gruba ayrıldı. Kompozit restorasyonlar tedavi bitiminde (başlangıç), 6, 12, 18 ve 24. ayda 2 deneyimli ve kalibre gözlemci tarafından Modifiye Ryge ve FDI kriterlerine göre değerlendirildi. Restorasyonlarda zaman içinde meydana gelen renk değişimleri de spektrofotometre ile ve standart alınan fotoğraflar üzerinde yapılan renk ölçümlerinden hesaplandı. Elde edilen tüm veriler istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. İki yılın sonunda toplam 3 restorasyonda retansiyon kaybı gözlendi. Tüm kontrol dönemlerinde iki kompozit materyali arasında FDI kriterlerine göre toplam estetik ve fonksiyonel skorda ve Modifiye Ryge kriterlerine göre anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Zaman içinde her iki materyalde de başlangıca göre 6. aydan itibaren fonksiyonel özelliklerinde, 12. aydan itibaren de estetik özelliklerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark gözlendi (p<0.05). Esthet-X HD'de bir ve iki yılın sonunda meydana gelen renk değişimi daha fazla olmasına rağmen iki materyal arasında anlamlı fark gözlenmedi. Sonuç olarak mikrohibrit ve nanoseramik yapıdaki kompozit materyaller estetik gereksinim ve mekanik dayanıklılığın önemli olduğu ön diş kırık restorasyonlarında doğru sistematik uygulama basamakları ve uygun polisaj sisteminin seçimi ile estetik ve fonksiyonel olarak yüz güldürücü ve tatmin edicidir
The aim of this study is to evaluate long term clinical sucsess of two composite materials developed by nanocomposite technology, one having a nanoseramic and the other submicrohybrid composition used for the restoration of upper middle incisor enamel-dentine fractures. The study was performed on 132 teeth in 106 patients aged between 7-13 years without any accompanying medical problems who referred to Department of Pedodontics, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry. Patients with enamel-dentine fractures on their one or both of the upper middle insicors not involving the pulp were included in the study. The patients were randomly divided into two groups for the restoration of the fractured crowns utilizing a composite with nanoseramic particles (Ceram-X Duo; Dentsply/De Trey Konstanz, Germany) and a submicrohybrid composite material (Esthet-X HD; Dentsply/De Trey Konstanz, Germany). Composite restorations were evaluated according to the Modified Ryge and FDI criteria by two experienced and calibrated examiners at the end of the treatment and at 6, 12, 18, 24 month follow up visits. Color changes of the restorations were also evaluated by spectrophotometer and color measurements were done by the standardised digital photographs. Statistical evaluations were performed for all data. At the end of the two years it was observed that 3 restorations were lost. No significant differences regarding the esthetic and functional scores of the FDI criteria and Modified Ryge criteria were found between two composites at all follow up periods. For both materials statistically significant differences were observed at both functional and esthetic parameters initating at 6 and 12th month follow-ups respectively (p<0.05). Although the color change was more prominent in Esthet-X HD restorations at the end of one and two years there was not a significant difference among the two composites. It could be concluded that both microhybrid and nanoseramic composites used for anterior teeth fracture restorations where esthetics and mechanical strength are very important showed satisfactory esthetic and functional results if used with proper systematic application steps and appropiate polishing system selection.
The aim of this study is to evaluate long term clinical sucsess of two composite materials developed by nanocomposite technology, one having a nanoseramic and the other submicrohybrid composition used for the restoration of upper middle incisor enamel-dentine fractures. The study was performed on 132 teeth in 106 patients aged between 7-13 years without any accompanying medical problems who referred to Department of Pedodontics, Ege University, Faculty of Dentistry. Patients with enamel-dentine fractures on their one or both of the upper middle insicors not involving the pulp were included in the study. The patients were randomly divided into two groups for the restoration of the fractured crowns utilizing a composite with nanoseramic particles (Ceram-X Duo; Dentsply/De Trey Konstanz, Germany) and a submicrohybrid composite material (Esthet-X HD; Dentsply/De Trey Konstanz, Germany). Composite restorations were evaluated according to the Modified Ryge and FDI criteria by two experienced and calibrated examiners at the end of the treatment and at 6, 12, 18, 24 month follow up visits. Color changes of the restorations were also evaluated by spectrophotometer and color measurements were done by the standardised digital photographs. Statistical evaluations were performed for all data. At the end of the two years it was observed that 3 restorations were lost. No significant differences regarding the esthetic and functional scores of the FDI criteria and Modified Ryge criteria were found between two composites at all follow up periods. For both materials statistically significant differences were observed at both functional and esthetic parameters initating at 6 and 12th month follow-ups respectively (p<0.05). Although the color change was more prominent in Esthet-X HD restorations at the end of one and two years there was not a significant difference among the two composites. It could be concluded that both microhybrid and nanoseramic composites used for anterior teeth fracture restorations where esthetics and mechanical strength are very important showed satisfactory esthetic and functional results if used with proper systematic application steps and appropiate polishing system selection.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry