Fallot Tetralojisi Birlikteliğinde Çift Arkus Aortanın Başarılı Tek Aşamalı Tam Düzeltimi
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Fallot tetralojisi ile ilişkili asemptomatik çift aortik ark çok nadir bir konjenital anomalidir. Ekokardiyografi birçok konjenital kalp hastalığı gibi bu hastaların görüntülenmesinde belirleyici bir rol oynamaktadır. Olgumuzdaki gibi şüpheli çift arkus aort varlığında, bilgisayarlı tomografi ve kardiyak kateterizasyon bu gibi kompleks anomalilerin teyit edilmesinde tanısal önem taşımaktadır. Hastamıza bu görüntüleme teknikleri yapılarak mediyan sternotomi yoluyla aortik ark ligasyonu ile birlikte tek aşamalı tam düzeltim onarımı yapıldı. Sorunsuz iyileşme sonrasında hasta ameliyat sonrası beşinci günde taburcu edildi.
Asymptomatic double aortic arch associated with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a very rare congenital anomaly. Echocardiography plays a decisive role in the imaging of these patients as in several congenital heart diseases. In suspected double aortic arch diagnosis as in the current case, computed tomography or cardiac catheterization is of diagnostic importance for confirming complex anomalies such as this. In our case, these imaging techniques were performed and the patient underwent a one-stage total correction with ligation of an aortic arch via median sternotomy. Following an uneventful recovery, the patient was discharged on the postoperative fifth day.
Asymptomatic double aortic arch associated with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a very rare congenital anomaly. Echocardiography plays a decisive role in the imaging of these patients as in several congenital heart diseases. In suspected double aortic arch diagnosis as in the current case, computed tomography or cardiac catheterization is of diagnostic importance for confirming complex anomalies such as this. In our case, these imaging techniques were performed and the patient underwent a one-stage total correction with ligation of an aortic arch via median sternotomy. Following an uneventful recovery, the patient was discharged on the postoperative fifth day.
Anahtar Kelimeler
The Journal of Pediatric Research
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