Küçük Menderes havzası bazı bitkisel üretim alanlarındaki damla sistemlerinde kullanılan suları ile gübrelerin etkileşimleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET KÜÇÜK MENDERES HAVZASİ BAZİ BİTKİSEL ÜRETİM ALANLARINDAKİ DAMLA SİSTEMLERİNDE KULLANILAN SULAMA SULARI İLE GÜBRELERİN ETKİLEŞİMLERİ ERYÜCE, Kamil Burak Doktora Tezi, Toprak Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Dilek ANAÇ Mayıs 2005, 130 sayfa Çalışma Küçük Menderes Havzası Seralarında kullanılan sulama sularının, damla sulama uygulamalarında yaygın kullanılan gübrelerle oluşturduğu tepkimeleri incelemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Yöreyi temsil eden 36 sulama suyu örneği incelenerek, aralarından seçilen 10 adeti ve 11 farklı gübrenin üçer dozlarıyla hazırlanan çözeltilerde tepkime (pH), tuzlulukla ilgili bir ölçüm olan elektriksel geçirgenlik (EC), türbidimetre ve çökelti değerleri belirlenmiştir. Artan gübre dozları incelenen tüm değişkenlerin artmasına neden olmuş, ancak türbidimetrede kontrole göre yüksek olmakla birlikte gübre uygulamaları arasında fark gözlenmemiştir. İncelenen gübrelerden Fosforik Asit en düşük tepkimeyi, en yüksek çökeltiyi vermiş, EC değerlerinde ise artma eğilimi gözlenmekle birlikte, en yüksek dozda durmuştur. Üre en yüksek tepkime, Çinko Sülfat da en yüksek türbidimetre değerlerini vermiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Tepkime, elektriksel geçirgenlik, türbidimetre, çökelti
VII ABSTRACT İNTERACTÎONS BETWEEN THE IRRIGATION WATERS AND THE FERTILIZERS IN THE CROP PRODUCTION AREAS OF KÜÇÜK MENDERES BASİN ERYÜCE, Kamil Burak Ph. D in Soil Sciences Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dilek Anaç May, 2005, 130 pages The objective of the study was to investigate the interactions of the irrigation waters and the commonly used water soluble fertilizers in the fertigation systems of the greenhouses of Küçük Menderes Valley. In order to represent the region, 36 irrigation waters were sampled, examined in relation to their quality properties and the number decreased to 10. Three different doses of the above stated 1 1 fertilizers were added to the waters under consideration in the laboratory and the solutions were analyzed for their pH, EC, turbidimetric measurements and the precipitation. Enhanced doses of fertilizers changed all of the studied properties excluding the turbidimetric readings. This specified property was found higher than the control treatment however no differences existed among the fertilizer doses. Phosphoric acid resulted in the lowest reaction, highest precipitation and some kind of increasing tendency in the EC values which quitted at the highest dose. Urea resulted in the highest reaction and zinc sulphate in the highest turbidimetric measurements. Keywords: reaction, electrical conductivity, turbid imetry, precipitation
VII ABSTRACT İNTERACTÎONS BETWEEN THE IRRIGATION WATERS AND THE FERTILIZERS IN THE CROP PRODUCTION AREAS OF KÜÇÜK MENDERES BASİN ERYÜCE, Kamil Burak Ph. D in Soil Sciences Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dilek Anaç May, 2005, 130 pages The objective of the study was to investigate the interactions of the irrigation waters and the commonly used water soluble fertilizers in the fertigation systems of the greenhouses of Küçük Menderes Valley. In order to represent the region, 36 irrigation waters were sampled, examined in relation to their quality properties and the number decreased to 10. Three different doses of the above stated 1 1 fertilizers were added to the waters under consideration in the laboratory and the solutions were analyzed for their pH, EC, turbidimetric measurements and the precipitation. Enhanced doses of fertilizers changed all of the studied properties excluding the turbidimetric readings. This specified property was found higher than the control treatment however no differences existed among the fertilizer doses. Phosphoric acid resulted in the lowest reaction, highest precipitation and some kind of increasing tendency in the EC values which quitted at the highest dose. Urea resulted in the highest reaction and zinc sulphate in the highest turbidimetric measurements. Keywords: reaction, electrical conductivity, turbid imetry, precipitation
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture