İzmir çevresinde ticari amaçla yetiştirilen süs bitkilerinde zararlı Tetranychus spp. (Acarı: Tetrannyhidae)'nin yayılışı konukçu ve zarar şekilleri üzerine incelemeler
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET SUs bitkilerinde zararlı Tetranyohus türlerinin, saptanması içiN İzmir ilinin Bayındır, Menderes, Merkez, ödemiş, Seferihisar, Tire, Torbalı, Urla ilçelerine gidilerek yaprak, sürgün ve tomurcuk örnekleri alınmıştır. Toplanan bu örnek lerde mevcut kırmızı örümöeklerin preparatları hazırlanmış ve türler teşhis edilmiştir. Tür teşhisleri ile ilgili ça lışmalar sonucu İzmir ve civarındaki süs bitkilerinde Tetranyohus urtioae Koch ve T. pinnabarinus(Boisduval türlerinin zarar yaptığı saptanmıştır. Bu türlerin konukçularını saptamak için yapılan çalışmalar sonunda T. urtioae 'nin Dianthus spp. (Karanfil), Rosa spp.(Gül), Zantedeshia spp. (Kala), üroton spp. (Kroton), Dieffenbachia spp. (Difenbahya), Gladiolus spp. (Glayöl), Gerbera spp. (Gerbera) ^n,f «£. cinnabarinu.un ise ; Dianthus sp., Rosa sp., Croton sp., Zantedeshia sp,, Jasminum sambac, Jasminum sp., üzerinde zararlı olduğu orta ya konmuştur. izmir ilinin açıkta veya serada yetiştiricilik yapı lan en önemli ilçeleri olan Merkez, Seferihisar ve Urla 'da her iKi türün önemli zararlar yaptığı ve bu nedenle ekono mik kayıplara neden olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır
SUMMARY STUDIES ON THE DISTRIBUTION, HOST PLANTS AND DAMAGE OF THE TETRANYCHUS SPP. (ACARINA; TETRANYCHIDAE) ON ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IN İZMÎR AND SURROUNDING AREAS'" In order to determine the species of the Tetranychus genus which harmful on the ornamental plants leaf, twig and bud samples vrere taken from Bayındır, Menderes, Merkez,, Ödemiş, Seferihisar, Tire, Torbalı and UrOıa districts of İzmir. In the preparation of the mites in lacto- phenol medium was determined by means of identification key to the family Tetranychidae. As the result of this study T. -urticae Koch and T. cinna- barinus Boisduval were f oimd harmful on the ornamental plants in Izmir. Tetranychus urticae was found in Bayındır, Menderes, Merkez, Ödemiş, Seferihisar, Tire, Torbalı. and Urla districts on Jianthus sp., Rosa sp., Zantedeshia sp., proton sp., Dieff enbachia sp., Gladiolus sp. and Gerbera sp. Tetranychus cinnabarinus was found in Bayındır, Menderes, Merkez, Ödemiş, Seferihisar, Tire, Torbalı, Urla districts on Pianthus sp., Rosa sp., Croton sp., Zantedeshia sp., ^Jasminum sambac, Jasminum sp. and Chrysanthemum sp.25 Both of species, together or single, are usually harmful for the ornamental plants which are grown especially in the greenhouse through along the year. The damage of these spiders is seen on the Rosa spp. between June and September. It is thought that both of species cause serious damage for cultivation, for that reason they cause economic loss in Merkez, Seferihisar and Urla, which are the most important districts of Izmir for cutting flowers at greenhouses or bedding plants.
SUMMARY STUDIES ON THE DISTRIBUTION, HOST PLANTS AND DAMAGE OF THE TETRANYCHUS SPP. (ACARINA; TETRANYCHIDAE) ON ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IN İZMÎR AND SURROUNDING AREAS'" In order to determine the species of the Tetranychus genus which harmful on the ornamental plants leaf, twig and bud samples vrere taken from Bayındır, Menderes, Merkez,, Ödemiş, Seferihisar, Tire, Torbalı and UrOıa districts of İzmir. In the preparation of the mites in lacto- phenol medium was determined by means of identification key to the family Tetranychidae. As the result of this study T. -urticae Koch and T. cinna- barinus Boisduval were f oimd harmful on the ornamental plants in Izmir. Tetranychus urticae was found in Bayındır, Menderes, Merkez, Ödemiş, Seferihisar, Tire, Torbalı. and Urla districts on Jianthus sp., Rosa sp., Zantedeshia sp., proton sp., Dieff enbachia sp., Gladiolus sp. and Gerbera sp. Tetranychus cinnabarinus was found in Bayındır, Menderes, Merkez, Ödemiş, Seferihisar, Tire, Torbalı, Urla districts on Pianthus sp., Rosa sp., Croton sp., Zantedeshia sp., ^Jasminum sambac, Jasminum sp. and Chrysanthemum sp.25 Both of species, together or single, are usually harmful for the ornamental plants which are grown especially in the greenhouse through along the year. The damage of these spiders is seen on the Rosa spp. between June and September. It is thought that both of species cause serious damage for cultivation, for that reason they cause economic loss in Merkez, Seferihisar and Urla, which are the most important districts of Izmir for cutting flowers at greenhouses or bedding plants.
Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Süs bitkileri, Ornamental plants, Tetranychus, Tetranychus, Zararlı böcekler, Insect pests