Marmaris yöresi ballarında polen analizi
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m ÖZET MARMARİS YÖRESİ BALLARINDA POLEN ANALİZİ KEMANCI,Işm Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi:Yrd. Doç.Dr. Lütfı BEKAT Ocak 1999, 38 Sayfa Marmaris yöresinde yapılan bu çalışmada, altı istasyonun ballan analiz edilerek lominant, sekonder ve minör polenler saptanmıştır. Hisarönü köyü bal örneği hariç ılmak üzere diğer tüm örneklerde dominant polenlerin Ericaceae familyasına ait »lduğu tespit edilmiştir.İncelemede sekonder polene rastlanılmamıştır. En fazla Losaceae Familyasına ait minör polenler bulunmuştur. Tüm ballarda bol miktarda eser lolenlere rastlanmıştır.Bunlarda bulunma % 'lerine göre sırasıyla ; Oleaceae, !]aryophyllaceae, Labiatae, Pinus, Cömpositae, Leguminosae, Fagaceae, Lotus, 'apaver, Graminae, Guttiferae,Umbelliferae, Scrophulariaceae, Primulaceae, 'olygonaceae, Vitex, Pvanunculaceae, Rosaceae, Convolvulus, Cupressaceae ve 'ruciferae taksonlanna aittir. Görüldüğü gibi anlar her ne kadar çeşitli bitki türlerinden nektar toplasalarda azı bitki türlerinden daha çok yararlanmakta ve bunlar yörenin önemli nektarlı itkilerini oluşturmaktadır.Bu bitkilerden alınan polenler dominant polenleri oluşturarak alın kalitesini etkilediği gibi sekonder, hatta minör durumdaki polenlerde ait olduğu itkiye bağlı olarak balın kalitesi üzerine etkili olabilmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Bal, Polen Analizi, Nektarlı bitkiler
IV ABSTRACT I THE POLLEN ANALYSIS OF MARMARİS AREA Kemancı, Işın J MSc in Biology Dep. ! Supervisor: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Lütfi BEKAT j January. 1999, 38.pages i In this study, the dominant pollen, the seconder pollen and the minor polen distributions are obtained by analizing the honey samples collected from six different stations in Marmaris area. The pollens of Ericaceae family are found to be dominant in the honey collected from the villages except hisarönü village. There are not found any seconder pollen in the honey samples. The pollens of the Rosaceae family are found to be minor pollen mostly.Big quantities of trae pollens are found in the all the honey samples. According to the research %,the families in order are given as follows; Oleaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Labiatae, Pinus, Compositae, Leguminosae, Fagaceae, Lptus, Papaver, Graminae, Guttiferae, Umbelliferae, Scrophulariaceae, Primulaceae, Pplygonaceae, Vitex, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Convolvulus, Cupressaceae ve Cruciferae. i ( I Although the bees collected nectar from several different species of plants, it seiemed that they prefer some species more than others. These preperred plants which contain much nectar of that area. Although the pollens which are taken from these plants are effecting the quality of honey, the pollens, which have secondary even minor percentege in the honey, may effect the quality of honey depending on plants from which they are extracted. Keywords: Honey, Polen analysis, plants with nectary
IV ABSTRACT I THE POLLEN ANALYSIS OF MARMARİS AREA Kemancı, Işın J MSc in Biology Dep. ! Supervisor: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Lütfi BEKAT j January. 1999, 38.pages i In this study, the dominant pollen, the seconder pollen and the minor polen distributions are obtained by analizing the honey samples collected from six different stations in Marmaris area. The pollens of Ericaceae family are found to be dominant in the honey collected from the villages except hisarönü village. There are not found any seconder pollen in the honey samples. The pollens of the Rosaceae family are found to be minor pollen mostly.Big quantities of trae pollens are found in the all the honey samples. According to the research %,the families in order are given as follows; Oleaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Labiatae, Pinus, Compositae, Leguminosae, Fagaceae, Lptus, Papaver, Graminae, Guttiferae, Umbelliferae, Scrophulariaceae, Primulaceae, Pplygonaceae, Vitex, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Convolvulus, Cupressaceae ve Cruciferae. i ( I Although the bees collected nectar from several different species of plants, it seiemed that they prefer some species more than others. These preperred plants which contain much nectar of that area. Although the pollens which are taken from these plants are effecting the quality of honey, the pollens, which have secondary even minor percentege in the honey, may effect the quality of honey depending on plants from which they are extracted. Keywords: Honey, Polen analysis, plants with nectary
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Bal, Honey, Muğla-Marmaris, Muğla-Marmaris, Çiçek tozu analizi, Pollen analysis