İzmir tulum peynirinden ekstrakte edilen endojen ve eksojen peptitlerin olası biyolojik etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada geleneksel yolla inek sütünden İzmir Tulum peyniri üretilmiş
ve peynirler 180 gün boyunca 4±1 °C ‘de depolanmıştır. Peynir örneklerinin genel
bileşiminin belirlenmesinin yanında depolama süresince meydana gelen proteoliz,
suda çözünen azot, %12‘lik TCA‘da çözünen azot ve OPA yöntemi ile
değerlendirilmiştir. Bunun yanında peynir örneklerinin Laktobasil, Laktakok ve
maya sayıları depolama süresi boyunca incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada esas olarak
İzmir Tulum peynir örneklerinden depolama süresi boyunca elde edilen endojen
(%50 aseton ekstraktı) ve eksojen peptit (in vitro gastrointestinal sindirim)
ekstraktlarının antioksidan, metal şelatasyon, DPP-IV inhibitör, deglikasyon, ACE
inhibitör ve antimikrobiyal aktivitelerinin ve RP-HPLC profillerinin
değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Suda çözünen azot ve %12‘lik TCA‘da çözünen azot değerlerine
bakıldığında özellikle depolamanın 60. gününde proteolizin hızla ilerlediği ve
depolama süresi sonunda da maksimum değere ulaştığı belirlenmiştir.
Laktobasiller peynirin olgunlaşma başlangıcından sonuna kadar peynir florasında
baskın mikroorganizma grubunu oluşturmuştur. Depolama süresi boyunca
Laktobasil sayıları 7,58-9,32 log kob/g aralığında değişmiştir. Depolama süresinin
başlangıcında Laktakok sayısı 8,30 log kob/g iken depolama sonunda 7,09 log
kob/g‘a düşmüştür. Laktobasil ve Laktakok sayılarının depolama süresi sonunda
depolamanın başlangıcına göre istatiksel olarak önemli düzeyde değiştiği
belirlenmiştir (p<0,05).
Endojen ve eksojen peptit ekstraktlarının depolama süresi boyunca
CUPRAC ve DPPH yöntemleriyle belirlenen antioksidan aktivitelerinin depolama
süresi sonunda düştüğü, en yüksek antioksidan aktiviteye ilk gün örneklerinin
sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Depolama süresi boyunca eksojen peptit
ekstraktlarının metal şelatasyon aktvitelerinin endojen peptit ekstraktlarına kıyasla
daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Endojen peptit ekstraktlarının CUPRAC
yöntemiyle elde edilen antioksidan aktivite sonuçları ile metal şelatasyon
sonuçları arasında p<0,05 anlamlılık düzeyinde çok yüksek korelasyon (r=0,84)
olduğu saptanmıştır. Eksojen peptit ekstraktlarının DPP-IV enzim inhibitör
aktivitesinin endojen peptit ekstraktlarına göre daha düşük olduğu görülmektedir.
Endojen ve eksojen peptit ekstraktlarının depolama süresi boyunca deglikasyon
aktivitelerinin önemli düzeyde değişmediği görülmüştür. Depolama süresi
boyunca eksojen peptit ekstraktlarının ACE inhibitör aktivitelerinin endojen peptit
ekstraktlarından daha düşük olduğu görülmüştür. En yüksek ACE inhibitör
aktiviteye her iki ekstraktta da depolamanın 60. günü rastlanılmıştır. Hem endojen
hem de eksojen peptit ekstraktlarının gram negatif Escherichia coli ATCC 35210
üzerine antimikrobiyal etkisi olmadığı saptanmıştır. Endojen peptit ekstraktlarının
Listeria monocytogenes, eksojen peptit ekstraktların ise Bacillus cereus üzerine
yüksek antimikrobiyal aktivitesinin bulunduğu görülmüştür. Tüm biyolojik
aktivitelere ait IC50 ve EC50 değerleri incelendiğinde endojen ve eksojen peptit
ekstraktlarında en düşük IC50 değeri (15,22 μg/mL) deglikasyon aktivitesi için
RP-HPLC peptit profilleri değerlendirildiğinde depolama süresi boyunca
eksojen peptit sayısının endojen peptitlere göre çok daha fazla olduğu
görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte hem endojen hem de eksojen peptit profillerinin
depolama süresine bağlı olarak çok değişmediği görülmüştür.
Sonuç olarak, ülkemizde sıklıkla beğenilerek tüketilen İzmir Tulum
peynirinin hem endojen hem de eksojen peptit ekstraktlarının vücut bağışıklığını
arttırmada antioksidatif, metal şelatlayıcı ve antimikrobiyal etki, Tip 2 diyabet ile
ilişkili DPP-IV inhibitör ve deglikasyon aktivitesi ve hipertansiyon için ACE
inhibitör aktiviteye sahip olduğu ve bu sayede sağlık üzerine pozitif etki
gösterebileceği ortaya konulmuştur.
In this study, Izmir Tulum cheese were produced with traditional method from cow milk and stored at 4±1 °C for 180 days. In addition to the general composition of cheese samples, the water-soluble nitrogen, soluble nitrogen in 12% TCA and OPA assay were evaluated to determine the proteolysis degree. In addition, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus and yeast counts were determined during the storage period. Mainly, In the study, it was aimed that antioxidant, metal chelating, DPP-IV inhibitory, deglication, ACE inhibitory and antimicrobial activities of endogenous (50% acetone extract) and exogenous peptide (in vitro gastrointestinal digestion) extracts obtained from Izmir Tulum cheese samples were evaluated and compared. In addition, RP-HPLC profiles of peptide extracts were determined during the 180 day of the storage period. When the water-soluble nitrogen and soluble nitrogen in 12% TCA values were evaluated, it was determined that proteolysis progressed rapidly on the 60th day of storage and reached the maximum value at the end of the storage period. Lactobacillus was the dominant microorganism group in the cheese flora during the storage period. Lactobacillus counts varied from 7.58 to 9.32 log cfu/ g. While the count of Lactococcus was 8.30 log cfu/g at the beginning of the storage period while it decreased to 7.09 log cfu/g at the end of the storage. It was determined that Lactobacillus and Lactacoccus counts changed statistically significantly at the end of storage period compared to beginning of the storage period (p<0.05). It was observed that the antioxidant activities of endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts determined by CUPRAC and DPPH methods decreased at the end of the storage period and the the highest antioxidant activity was detected on the 1st day of storage. Metal chelating activities of exogenous peptide extracts during the storage period were found to be higher compared to endogenous peptide extracts. A very high correlation (r=0.84) was found between the antioxidant activity results obtained by the CUPRAC method of endogenous peptide extracts and the metal chelation activity results. DPP-IV enzyme inhibitory activity of exogenous peptide extracts appears to be lower than endogenous peptide extracts. It has been observed that the antiglication activities of the endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts did not change significantly during the storage period. ACE inhibitory activities of exogenous peptide extracts were found to be lower than endogenous peptide extracts during the storage period. The highest ACE inhibitory activity was found on the 60th day of storage in both extracts. It was found that both endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts have no antimicrobial effects on gram negative Escherichia coli ATCC 35210. Endogenous peptide extracts were found to have high antimicrobial activity on Listeria monocytogenes and exogenous peptide extracts on Bacillus cereus. When the IC50 and EC50 values of all biological activities are examined, the lowest IC50 values (15.22 μg / mL) been determined in endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts of Izmir Tulum cheese for the deglication activity. When RP-HPLC peptide profiles are evaluated, it is seen that the number of exogenous peptides is much higher than the endogenous peptides during the storage period. However, it has been observed that both endogenous and exogenous peptide profiles do not change significantly during the storage period, In conclusion, endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts of Izmır Tulum cheese have antioxidant, metal chelating, antimicrobial activities and DPP-IV inhibitöry and antiglication activity related to Type II diabet and ACE inhibitöry activity for antihypertensive effect. In this study, it is determined that due to these biological activities, Izmir Tulum cheese has ability on positive effects on human health.
In this study, Izmir Tulum cheese were produced with traditional method from cow milk and stored at 4±1 °C for 180 days. In addition to the general composition of cheese samples, the water-soluble nitrogen, soluble nitrogen in 12% TCA and OPA assay were evaluated to determine the proteolysis degree. In addition, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus and yeast counts were determined during the storage period. Mainly, In the study, it was aimed that antioxidant, metal chelating, DPP-IV inhibitory, deglication, ACE inhibitory and antimicrobial activities of endogenous (50% acetone extract) and exogenous peptide (in vitro gastrointestinal digestion) extracts obtained from Izmir Tulum cheese samples were evaluated and compared. In addition, RP-HPLC profiles of peptide extracts were determined during the 180 day of the storage period. When the water-soluble nitrogen and soluble nitrogen in 12% TCA values were evaluated, it was determined that proteolysis progressed rapidly on the 60th day of storage and reached the maximum value at the end of the storage period. Lactobacillus was the dominant microorganism group in the cheese flora during the storage period. Lactobacillus counts varied from 7.58 to 9.32 log cfu/ g. While the count of Lactococcus was 8.30 log cfu/g at the beginning of the storage period while it decreased to 7.09 log cfu/g at the end of the storage. It was determined that Lactobacillus and Lactacoccus counts changed statistically significantly at the end of storage period compared to beginning of the storage period (p<0.05). It was observed that the antioxidant activities of endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts determined by CUPRAC and DPPH methods decreased at the end of the storage period and the the highest antioxidant activity was detected on the 1st day of storage. Metal chelating activities of exogenous peptide extracts during the storage period were found to be higher compared to endogenous peptide extracts. A very high correlation (r=0.84) was found between the antioxidant activity results obtained by the CUPRAC method of endogenous peptide extracts and the metal chelation activity results. DPP-IV enzyme inhibitory activity of exogenous peptide extracts appears to be lower than endogenous peptide extracts. It has been observed that the antiglication activities of the endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts did not change significantly during the storage period. ACE inhibitory activities of exogenous peptide extracts were found to be lower than endogenous peptide extracts during the storage period. The highest ACE inhibitory activity was found on the 60th day of storage in both extracts. It was found that both endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts have no antimicrobial effects on gram negative Escherichia coli ATCC 35210. Endogenous peptide extracts were found to have high antimicrobial activity on Listeria monocytogenes and exogenous peptide extracts on Bacillus cereus. When the IC50 and EC50 values of all biological activities are examined, the lowest IC50 values (15.22 μg / mL) been determined in endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts of Izmir Tulum cheese for the deglication activity. When RP-HPLC peptide profiles are evaluated, it is seen that the number of exogenous peptides is much higher than the endogenous peptides during the storage period. However, it has been observed that both endogenous and exogenous peptide profiles do not change significantly during the storage period, In conclusion, endogenous and exogenous peptide extracts of Izmır Tulum cheese have antioxidant, metal chelating, antimicrobial activities and DPP-IV inhibitöry and antiglication activity related to Type II diabet and ACE inhibitöry activity for antihypertensive effect. In this study, it is determined that due to these biological activities, Izmir Tulum cheese has ability on positive effects on human health.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İzmir Tulum Peyniri, Biyoaktif Peptit, Antioksidan Aktivite, ACE İnhibitör Aktivite, Antimikrobiyal Aktivite, DPP-IV İnhibitör Aktivite, Izmir Tulum Cheese, Bioactive Peptide, Antioxidant Activity, ACE Inhibitöry Activity, Antimicrobial Activity, DPP-IV Inhibitöry Activity