Üst gastrointestinal sistem kanamalı 502 hastanın değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji Kliniği'nde 1993-1995 yılları arasında üst gastrointes¬tinal sistem kanaması nedeniyle izlenmiş olan 502 has¬ta demografik özellikleri, geliş şikayet ve öyküleri, etyo-lojileri, tedavileri ve akıbetleri açısından retrospektif olarak gözden geçirildi. Üçyüzyetmişsekiz'i erkek (%75), 124'ü kadın (%25) olan hastaların yaş ortalaması 53.6+0.7 idi. Varis dışı üst GlS kanaması ile gelen has¬taların 211'inde (%50) aspirin ve nonsteroid anti-infla-matuvar ilaç (NSAII) kullanımı öyküsü alındı. On has¬ta antikoagülan ilaç kullanmaktaydı. Saptanan kana¬ma hastaların 294'ünde ilk, 114'ünde ikinci, 35 inde üçüncü kanama olup, 59'unda 4 ve üzerinde kanama öyküsü vardı. Hastaların 464'üne (%92) üst GİS endos-kopisi yapıldı. Dörtyüziki hastanın (%80) endoskopisi ilk 24 saat içinde uygulandı. En sık rastlanan kanama nedenleri duodenum ülseri (227 hasta, %45), mide ülse¬ri (89 hasta, %17), özefagus varis kanaması (80 hasta, %15.8), ve midede erozyon ve gastrit (35 hasta, %6.9) olarak bulundu. Destek tedavi ve ilaç tedavisi, sklerote-rapi ve Sengstaken-Blakemore tüpü uygulaması gibi te¬davilere yeterli yanıt vermeyen 45 hasta Genel Cerrahi Kliniği'ne sevk edildi ve 31'i (%6.1) öpere edildi. Top¬lam olarak 26 hasta (%5.1) eksitus oldu.
502 patients presented with upper gastroin¬testinal bleeding who were admitted to Ege University Gastroenterology Department in 1993-1995 were analy¬zed with respect to demographic data, symptomatology, etiology, treatment and outcome. 378 were male, 124 we¬re female and the mean age was 53.6±0.7. Of the pati¬ents with nonvariceal bleeding, 211 (50%) had a history of NSAID use. Ten patients had been using an antico¬agulant drug. The presented bleeding was the first in 294 patients, the second in 114, the third in 35 and mo¬re in 59 patients. Of 464 patients (92%) in whom upper GI endoscopy was performed, 402 (80%) were examined within 24 hours. The most common causes of bleeding were duodenal ulcer (227 patients, 45%), gastric ulcer (89 patients, 17 %), esophageal varices (80 patients, 15.8 %), gastric mucosal erosion and gastritis (35 patients, 6.9 %). Forty-five patients who did not respond to sup¬portive measurement, drug treatment, sclerotherapy or Sengstaken-Blakemore tube application were transfer¬red to the Department of Surgery; 31 (6.1%) were opera¬ted 26 patients (5.1%) died.
502 patients presented with upper gastroin¬testinal bleeding who were admitted to Ege University Gastroenterology Department in 1993-1995 were analy¬zed with respect to demographic data, symptomatology, etiology, treatment and outcome. 378 were male, 124 we¬re female and the mean age was 53.6±0.7. Of the pati¬ents with nonvariceal bleeding, 211 (50%) had a history of NSAID use. Ten patients had been using an antico¬agulant drug. The presented bleeding was the first in 294 patients, the second in 114, the third in 35 and mo¬re in 59 patients. Of 464 patients (92%) in whom upper GI endoscopy was performed, 402 (80%) were examined within 24 hours. The most common causes of bleeding were duodenal ulcer (227 patients, 45%), gastric ulcer (89 patients, 17 %), esophageal varices (80 patients, 15.8 %), gastric mucosal erosion and gastritis (35 patients, 6.9 %). Forty-five patients who did not respond to sup¬portive measurement, drug treatment, sclerotherapy or Sengstaken-Blakemore tube application were transfer¬red to the Department of Surgery; 31 (6.1%) were opera¬ted 26 patients (5.1%) died.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri