Biedermeierzeitliche elemente in Theodor Storms frühen novellen
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Ege Üniversitesi
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VII. TÜRKISCHE ZUSAMMENFASSUNG (Türkçe Özet) Realizm döneminin önemli yazar ve şairlerinden biri olan Theodor Storm, eserlerini yaşamının üç ayrı bölümünde kaleme almıştır. Storm'un şairliği, yazarlığından önce geldiği için ilk gençlik döneminde yazdığı Noveller, önemli ölçüde romantizmin etkisinde kaldığı Noveller' dir. Bu dönemde yazdığı eserlerinde, aşk, şiirsellik, duygulu tablolar, acı, ızdırap ağırlık kazanır. İkinci dönem yazdığı Noveller, konulan açısından çok çeşitlilik gösterir. Bu dönemde yazdığı Noveller' de yazarın şiirselliği kısmen kendini göstermekle birlikte, daha gerçekçi konulara ağırlık verilmiştir. Doğal güzellikler ve aşkı konu alan hikayeleri geri plana itilmiş, bunun yerine yazarın yaşamla yüzyüze geldiği kişisel ve toplumsal sorunlar ön plana çıkmıştır. Üçüncü dönem,yazann olgunluk dönemine rastlar ve ölümüne kadar devam eder. Bu dönemde Storm yazım yeteneğinin doruk noktasındadır. Tarihi ve çağdaş konulan içeren yapıtlannda gerçek psikolojik ve sosyal sorunlan gerçekçi bir dille anlatır. Bu yüksek Lisans tezinin birinci bölümünde Storm'un Edebiyat dünyasındaki yeri ve edebi kişiliği, ikinci bölümde yazann, yukanda bahsedilen üç dönemde yazdığı Novellerin genel bir tanıtımı ve bunlann kısaca içeriklerinden söz edilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise yani tezin asıl konusunu kapsayan ana bölümde ise Storm'un ilk gençlik döneminde yazdığı Novellerdeki "Biedermeier" dönemine ait izler, şiirsellik ve anılann belirtildiği motifler bu dönemde yazılan Novellerden alıntılar yapılarak gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır. 79
ABSTRACT One of the distinguished writers and poets of the period of realism, Theodor Storm, completed his works in three parts of his life. As his poetical works come before novelty, his early novels, written in his younghood have strong reflections of poetry. In his products for this period, romanticism, love, poetical motives, sadness are of paramount importance. His novels written in this period are very different in terms of subjects. More realistic themes were handled by him together with poetical attitudes. Individual and social problems appeared within his themes rather than natural scenes and love. The third period includes his years of maturity and lasts till his death. He completed his most productive works in this period. He reflected psychological and social problems in his works with traditional and modern subjects. In the first part this study, we have dealt with the author's place in literary world and his personality. Part two includes a general introduction to his novels and their contents. Chapter three, which is the main part of the study, includes his early products, motives of poetry and reflections of Biedermeier era giving examples from the novels written in that era.
ABSTRACT One of the distinguished writers and poets of the period of realism, Theodor Storm, completed his works in three parts of his life. As his poetical works come before novelty, his early novels, written in his younghood have strong reflections of poetry. In his products for this period, romanticism, love, poetical motives, sadness are of paramount importance. His novels written in this period are very different in terms of subjects. More realistic themes were handled by him together with poetical attitudes. Individual and social problems appeared within his themes rather than natural scenes and love. The third period includes his years of maturity and lasts till his death. He completed his most productive works in this period. He reflected psychological and social problems in his works with traditional and modern subjects. In the first part this study, we have dealt with the author's place in literary world and his personality. Part two includes a general introduction to his novels and their contents. Chapter three, which is the main part of the study, includes his early products, motives of poetry and reflections of Biedermeier era giving examples from the novels written in that era.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı, German Linguistics and Literature, Alman edebiyatı, German literature, Alman romanı, German novel, Biedermeier Dönemi, Biedermeier Period, Storm, Theodor, Storm, Theodor, Şiir, Poem