Asma bitkisinde (Vitis vinifera L.) ABC proteinlerinden PDR alt ailesinin ifade analizi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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ATP bağlayıcı kaset (ABC) taşıyıcı genleri, evrimsel olakarak yüksek oranda korunmuş, tüm organizmalarda bulunan en büyük membran protein sınıflarından biridir. Ökaryotik ABC taşıyıcılarının tipik bir yapısı, korunmuş iki alandan oluşur: bir transmembran alanı (TMD) ve bir nükleotit bağlama alanı (NBD). Ökaryot ABC taşıyıcıları, sekans benzerliği ve alan organizasyonuna göre yedi ana ailede (ABCA - ABCG) sınıflandırılır. PDR alt ailesi ABCG'nin tam yapı üyelerinden oluşur. Genel olarak, PDR'ler kütiküler lipidleri ve balmumlarının üretimini veya taşınmasında görev almaktadır. ABA, JA, sitokininler ve oksinler gibi farklı hormonların taşınmasından sorumludurlar. Ayrıca, abiyotik ve biyotik tepkilere katılırlar. Farklı meyve gelişim aşamalarında ve farklı dokularda ifadeleri değişkendir Bu tezçalışmasında, farklı gelişim dönemlerinde alınan meyvelerden elde edilen toplam RNAlardan cDNAlar sentezlenmiş ve PDR gen ailesine ait genlerin ifade analizleri Real-time PCR tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. MEGA10 programı ile filogenetik ağaç oluşturulmuş ve fonksiyonları hakkında fikir sahibi olmak için STRING veritabanını kullanarak etkileşime girdiği diğer proteinler belirlenmiştir. VvABCG31, VvABCG37, VvABCG42, VvABCG45'in kütikular lipitlerin ve süberin taşınmasında, VvABCG33, VvABCG34, VvABCG59 ve VvABCG61'in lignin biyosentezinde. VvABCG36 ve VvABCG46'nın çiçeğe özgü kütinlerin taşınmasında görev aldığı ve çiçeklerin oluşması ve dökülmesinde rol aldığı düşünülmektedir. VvABCG32'nin ksenobiyotik detoksifikasyonunda, VvABCG48'in oksine bağlı hücre desenlenmesinde ve mantarlarla kökler arasında kolonizasyonda, VvABCG49'un etilene bağlı gelişim süreçlerinde, VvABCG51'in yağ asitlerinin taşınmasında görev alabileceği düşünülmektedir. VvABCG56'nın sinyal metabolizmasında ve çeşitli sekonder metabolitlerin taşınımında görev alabileceği düşünülmektedir. VvABCG47'nin plazma membranı ve kloroplast zarında lokalize olabileceğini ve çeşitli proteinlerin taşınımında görev alabileceği düşünülmektedir. VvABCG58'in klorofil sentezi ve taşınmasında görevli olabileceği düşünülmektedir. VvABCG35, VvABCG38, VvABCG39, VvABCG44, VvABCG60 ve VvABCG62'nin ABA'ya bağlı sinyal yolağında görev alabileceği, VvABCG40'ın ABA'nın taşınmasında taşıyıcı protein olarak görev yapabileceği düşünülmektedir. VvABCG52, VvABCG53, VvABCG54, VvABCG55, VvABCG57, VvABCG63 proteinlerinin birlikte hareket ettiği, ABA'ya yanıt verdiği ve çeşitli yağ asidi ve sterollerin metabolizmasında ve taşınmasında görev alabileceği düşünülmektedir.
The ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter genes are evolutionary highly conserved in all organisms and one of the largest classes of membrane proteins. A typical structure of eukaryotic ABC transpoters consist of two conserved domain: a transmembrane domain (TMD) and a nucleotide binding domain (NBD). Eukaryotes ABC transporters are classified in to seven main families (ABCA to ABCG) based on sequence similarity and domain organization. PDR subfamily is composed of full structure members of ABCG.Generally, PDRs require for cuticular lipids and waxes production or export. They are responsible to transport different hormons such as ABA, JA, cytokinins and oksins. Also, they participate in abiotic and biotic responses. Their expression in different berry development stages and different tissues are changeable. In this research, total RNA from berries during different developmental stages were isolated and cDNA synthesis their relative expression were analyzed by Real-time PCR technique. We constructed phylogenetic tree by MEGA10 using homologues from other plants. We identified proteins interacting with PDR subfamily proteins using STRING tool to predict their function. We suggest that VvABCG31, VvABCG37, VvABCG42, VvABCG45 transport of cuticular lipids and suber. VvABCG33, VvABCG34, VvABCG59 and VvABCG61 may be involved in the lignin biosynthesis. VvABCG36 and VvABCG46 are thought to be involved in the transport of flower-specific cutin and are involved in the formation and shedding of flowers.VvABCG32 is thought to be involved in xenobiotic detoxification. VvABCG48 is involved in auxin-induced cell patterning and colonization between fungi and roots. VvABCG49 is involved in the ethylene-induced growth processes, and VvABCG51 transports fatty acids. VvABCG56 is thought to be involved in signal metabolism and carry various secondary metabolites. WvABCG47 is thought to be localized in plasma membrane and chloroplast membrane and may be involved in transport of various proteins. WvABCG58 is thought to be involved in the synthesis and transport of chlorophyll. It is believed that VvABCG35, VvABCG38, VvABCG39, VvABCG44, VvABCG60 and VvABCG62 are involved in the ABA-linked signaling pathway, and VvABCG40 acts as a carrier protein in transporting ABA. WvABCG52, WvABCG53, WvABCG54, WvABCG55, WvABCG57, WvABCG63 proteins are thought to act together, respond to ABA and are involved in the metabolism and transport of various fatty acids and sterols.
The ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter genes are evolutionary highly conserved in all organisms and one of the largest classes of membrane proteins. A typical structure of eukaryotic ABC transpoters consist of two conserved domain: a transmembrane domain (TMD) and a nucleotide binding domain (NBD). Eukaryotes ABC transporters are classified in to seven main families (ABCA to ABCG) based on sequence similarity and domain organization. PDR subfamily is composed of full structure members of ABCG.Generally, PDRs require for cuticular lipids and waxes production or export. They are responsible to transport different hormons such as ABA, JA, cytokinins and oksins. Also, they participate in abiotic and biotic responses. Their expression in different berry development stages and different tissues are changeable. In this research, total RNA from berries during different developmental stages were isolated and cDNA synthesis their relative expression were analyzed by Real-time PCR technique. We constructed phylogenetic tree by MEGA10 using homologues from other plants. We identified proteins interacting with PDR subfamily proteins using STRING tool to predict their function. We suggest that VvABCG31, VvABCG37, VvABCG42, VvABCG45 transport of cuticular lipids and suber. VvABCG33, VvABCG34, VvABCG59 and VvABCG61 may be involved in the lignin biosynthesis. VvABCG36 and VvABCG46 are thought to be involved in the transport of flower-specific cutin and are involved in the formation and shedding of flowers.VvABCG32 is thought to be involved in xenobiotic detoxification. VvABCG48 is involved in auxin-induced cell patterning and colonization between fungi and roots. VvABCG49 is involved in the ethylene-induced growth processes, and VvABCG51 transports fatty acids. VvABCG56 is thought to be involved in signal metabolism and carry various secondary metabolites. WvABCG47 is thought to be localized in plasma membrane and chloroplast membrane and may be involved in transport of various proteins. WvABCG58 is thought to be involved in the synthesis and transport of chlorophyll. It is believed that VvABCG35, VvABCG38, VvABCG39, VvABCG44, VvABCG60 and VvABCG62 are involved in the ABA-linked signaling pathway, and VvABCG40 acts as a carrier protein in transporting ABA. WvABCG52, WvABCG53, WvABCG54, WvABCG55, WvABCG57, WvABCG63 proteins are thought to act together, respond to ABA and are involved in the metabolism and transport of various fatty acids and sterols.
Anahtar Kelimeler
ABC Taşıyıcıları, ABC Proteinleri, ABCG, PDR, mRNA ifadesi, Vitis vinifera L., Real Time PCR, ABC Transporters, ABC Proteins, ABCG, PDR, mRNA Expression, Vitis vinifer L., Real-time PCR