Levrek (Dicentrarchus labrax L. ) lavralarında (o-45 gün) hava kesesi oluşumu ve lavral gelişim üzerine olan etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZ LEVREK (Dicentrarchus labrax (JL)) LARVALARINDA (O - 45 GÜN) HAVA KESESİ OLUŞUMU VE LARVAL GELİŞİM ÜZERİNE OLAN ETKİLERİ Bu araştırmada 0-45 günlük dönemde levrek larvalarında hava kesesi gelişiminin larvalar üzerindeki gelişme, yaşama yüzdesi ve deformasyona olan etkileri tuzluluk ve yüzey temizleme faktörleri değiştirilerek saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Normal deniz suyu kullanılan K-l, K-2, K-3 ve K-4 tanklarından K-l ve K-2 tanklarının yüzeyi temizlenirken, K-3 ve K-4 tanklarının yüzeyi temizlenmemiştir. Deneme süresince K-l ve K-2 tanklarında hipertrophi görülmüştür. K-4 tankında 9. günde larva kalmaması üzerine iptal edilmiştir. K-3 tankında % 0.3lük yaşama oram bulunurken, K-l tankında % 2.02, K-2 tankında % 1.01 yaşama oram tespit edilmiştir. %o 26 tuzluluk kullanılan K-5, K-6, K-7 ve K-8 tanklarında K-5 ve K-6 tanklarının yüzeyi temizlenmiştir. Bu tanklardan K-5'te hipertrophiye rastlanmıştır. K-5 tankında hipertrophi görülmesine rağmen uygulanan protokole cevap vermiş ve % 24 yaşama oranı tespit edilmiştir. K-6 tankında ise yaşama oranı % 30.96 olmuştur. Diğer tanklardan K-7'de ise % 4.01, K-8 tankında ise % 3 yaşama oram tespit edilmiştir. Hava kesesi gelişiminde %0 26 tuzluluktaki tanklarda % 86.5 olan oran, normal deniz suyu tuzluluğunda % 69.5 olmuştur. Hava kesesi oram düşük olan tanklarda gelişim düşük, deformasyon oram yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır
vııı ABSTRACT OCCURANCE OF SWIMBLADDER AT SEA BASS (DICENTRARCHÜS LABRAXL.) LARVAE (0-45 DAYS) AND EFFECTS ON LARVAL DEVELOPMENT In present study effect of swimbladder present at sea bass İarvae in 0 - 45 days period by changing salinity, water surface cleaner factors on development, survival rate and deformation of larvae has been investigated. Normal seawater has been used at K-l, K-2, K-3 ve K-4 tanks while surface cleaners were using at K-l, K-2 and not K-3, K-4. During the investigation hipertropghy has been determinated at K-l and K-2 tanks. K-4 tank has been canceled because of mortality at 9. day. Survival rate has been 0.3 % at K-3 tank, 2.02% at K-2 tank, 1.01 % at K-2 tank. During the studies water salinity was 26%o at K-5, K-6, K-7 and K-8 tanks while using surface cleaners at K-5 and K-6. Hypertrophy has been determinated at K-5 tank but at the same tank survival rate was % 24 as aresult of feeding regime. Survival rates were 30.96 % at tank, 4.01 % at K-7 tank and 3 % at tank K-8 tank. Swimbladder development was 5 86.5 at 26 %o salinity and69.5 % at normal seawater. Development was low and deformation rate was high at the tanks that swimbladder occurance in low rate.
vııı ABSTRACT OCCURANCE OF SWIMBLADDER AT SEA BASS (DICENTRARCHÜS LABRAXL.) LARVAE (0-45 DAYS) AND EFFECTS ON LARVAL DEVELOPMENT In present study effect of swimbladder present at sea bass İarvae in 0 - 45 days period by changing salinity, water surface cleaner factors on development, survival rate and deformation of larvae has been investigated. Normal seawater has been used at K-l, K-2, K-3 ve K-4 tanks while surface cleaners were using at K-l, K-2 and not K-3, K-4. During the investigation hipertropghy has been determinated at K-l and K-2 tanks. K-4 tank has been canceled because of mortality at 9. day. Survival rate has been 0.3 % at K-3 tank, 2.02% at K-2 tank, 1.01 % at K-2 tank. During the studies water salinity was 26%o at K-5, K-6, K-7 and K-8 tanks while using surface cleaners at K-5 and K-6. Hypertrophy has been determinated at K-5 tank but at the same tank survival rate was % 24 as aresult of feeding regime. Survival rates were 30.96 % at tank, 4.01 % at K-7 tank and 3 % at tank K-8 tank. Swimbladder development was 5 86.5 at 26 %o salinity and69.5 % at normal seawater. Development was low and deformation rate was high at the tanks that swimbladder occurance in low rate.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Larva, Larva, Levrek balığı, Sea bass