Osman Kibar ve belediye başkanlığı dönemi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Osman Kibar, 25 Aralık 1909 tarihinde, günümüzde Yunanistan sınırları içinde olan Selanik şehrinde dünyaya gözlerini açtı. Ticaretle meşgul olan babasının adı Muhsin, annesinin adı Nebile idi. Kardeşlerinin adları ise, Nevin, Berin, Ali, Abdurrahim ve Kaya idi. Tüccar bir babanın oğlu olan Kibar ilk olarak İstanbul Fevziye Mektebini bitirdi, ardından Robert Kolej’de iktisat eğitimine başladı. Ancak babasının işlerinin kötü gitmesi üzerine okulu bırakarak İzmir’de ticaret hayatına atıldı. Zeytinyağı, sabun ve gliserin ticaret yapan Kibar, 1933 yılında Ulya Koyuncu ile hayatını birleştirdi. Bu evlilikten Seli ve Bige isminde iki evladı oldu.
İzmir Ticaret Odası içindeki sanayicilerin müstakil bir oda kurma gayretlerinde hep ön planda bulundu. 1927 yılında kurulan gayri resmi şekilde kurulan “İzmir Sanayi Birliği”, 1945 yılında resmi olarak “İzmir Sanayi Odası”na dönüştüğünde Kibar, odanın idare heyetinde görev aldı. 1 Aralık 1951 tarihinde kurulan Ege Bölgesi Sanayi Odası’nın başkanlık koltuğuna oturan Kibar, 27 Mayıs 1960 darbesine kadar yaklaşık on yıllık bir süre boyunca bu görevini devam ettirdi.
Aynı zamanda Kibar, Türk demokrasi tarihinde de adından söz ettirmeyi başardı. Çok partili hayata geçişin belki de en önemli ve kilit kenti olan İzmir’de DP teşkilatının kuruluşunda ve parti faaliyetlerinde görev alan Kibar, 1960 darbesinin ardından siyasi kariyerine Adalet Partisi’nde devam etti. 1963 ile 1973 yılları arasında İzmir Belediye Başkanlığı görevini yürüten Kibar, İzmir sokaklarını karış karış asfaltlaması neticesinde kendisine verilen “Asfalt Osman” lakabını da gururla üzerinde taşıdı. Halkla olan samimi ilişkisi, gazetelere kendine bolca yer bulması ve Ankara’yla olan yakın münasebeti sayesinde adını bolca duyuran Kibar, İzmir’in uluslararası arenada itibarının artması adına, İzmir Fuar’ına özel ihtimam göstermiş, Akdeniz Oyunları’nın İzmir’de yapılması için çabalamış ve İzmir’de bir Akdeniz Festivali düzenlenmesine ön ayak olmuştu.
Siyasi yaşamı boyunca sıkı bir hizipçi olarak bilindi. Hizip olmadan politika olmaz sözü dilinden düşmezdi. Belediye başkanlığı görevinin ardından kendini ben artık “Oduncu Osman” oldum diyerek nitelendiren Kibar, bir daha aktif siyasete dönmedi. Ömrünün son yıllarında Tercüman gazetesindeki “Kibarca” isimli köşesinde siyasi yazılar kaleme aldı. Kibar Fransızca, İngilizce ve Rumca biliyordu. Başkanlık döneminde gırtlak kanseriyle giriştiği mücadeleyi kazanan Kibar, 3 Mart 1986 yılında 77 yaşında İzmir’de vefat etti.
Osman Kibar was born in Thessaloniki, which is in the borders of the Greece, at 25th December 1909. His father’s, who is engaged in trade, name was Muhsin; his mother’s name was Nebile. His siblings’ names were Nevin, Berin, Ali, Abdurrahim, and Kaya. Kibar, who is the son of a merchant, finished Istanbul Fevziye School first, and then he started to study at Robert College. But, after his father’s work started to go bad he dropped off of the college and stated to engage in trade in Izmir. Kibar, who is trading in olive oil, soap and glycerin, got married to Ulya Koyuncu. He had two kids named Seli and Bige. Industrialist in the Izmir Chamber of Commerce wanted a private division. And Kibar was always at the center of this demand. When Izmir Industrial Association, which was established unofficially in 1927, was turned into Izmir Chamber of Industry officially Kibar was a member of the steering committee. Kibar became the head of Aegean Region Chamber of Industry at 1st December 1951 and for nearly 10 years he kept this position until the 27th may 1960 coup. Kibar also managed to make his name known in History of Turkish democracy. Kibar also took place at the establishment and party service of the DP in Izmir which was one of the most important cities on the transition to multi-party life. After the 1960 coup, Kibar kept working on his political career at AP. Kibar, who was also the major of the Izmir from 1963 to 1973, paved every street inch by inch so he took the nickname of “Asphalt Osman” and used it proudly. Because of his intimate relationship with the public, always being on the newspapers and his close relationship with Ankara Kibar made a really good name for himself. He really cared for Fair of Izmir so that Izmir could get a better recognition internationally. He really worked to bring Mediterranean Games to Izmir and he helped to create a Mediterranean festival in Izmir. He always has known for his cabal. He always said there would not be politics without cabal. After he left his job as a major he called himself “Lumberjack Osman” and never turned back to politics. At his last years, he wrote political writings at his corner “Kibarca” on the Tercüman newspaper. He knew French, English, and Romaic. While he was a major he won a war against larynx cancer, but at 3rd March 1986 he lost his life to prostate cancer at age of 77.
Osman Kibar was born in Thessaloniki, which is in the borders of the Greece, at 25th December 1909. His father’s, who is engaged in trade, name was Muhsin; his mother’s name was Nebile. His siblings’ names were Nevin, Berin, Ali, Abdurrahim, and Kaya. Kibar, who is the son of a merchant, finished Istanbul Fevziye School first, and then he started to study at Robert College. But, after his father’s work started to go bad he dropped off of the college and stated to engage in trade in Izmir. Kibar, who is trading in olive oil, soap and glycerin, got married to Ulya Koyuncu. He had two kids named Seli and Bige. Industrialist in the Izmir Chamber of Commerce wanted a private division. And Kibar was always at the center of this demand. When Izmir Industrial Association, which was established unofficially in 1927, was turned into Izmir Chamber of Industry officially Kibar was a member of the steering committee. Kibar became the head of Aegean Region Chamber of Industry at 1st December 1951 and for nearly 10 years he kept this position until the 27th may 1960 coup. Kibar also managed to make his name known in History of Turkish democracy. Kibar also took place at the establishment and party service of the DP in Izmir which was one of the most important cities on the transition to multi-party life. After the 1960 coup, Kibar kept working on his political career at AP. Kibar, who was also the major of the Izmir from 1963 to 1973, paved every street inch by inch so he took the nickname of “Asphalt Osman” and used it proudly. Because of his intimate relationship with the public, always being on the newspapers and his close relationship with Ankara Kibar made a really good name for himself. He really cared for Fair of Izmir so that Izmir could get a better recognition internationally. He really worked to bring Mediterranean Games to Izmir and he helped to create a Mediterranean festival in Izmir. He always has known for his cabal. He always said there would not be politics without cabal. After he left his job as a major he called himself “Lumberjack Osman” and never turned back to politics. At his last years, he wrote political writings at his corner “Kibarca” on the Tercüman newspaper. He knew French, English, and Romaic. While he was a major he won a war against larynx cancer, but at 3rd March 1986 he lost his life to prostate cancer at age of 77.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Osman Kibar, Asfalt Osman, İzmir, EBSO, Asphalt Osman