Anatololacerta anatolica'nın termoregülasyon fizyolojisi ve ekolojik nişinin belirlenmesi
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada Anatololacerta anatolica (Anadolu kaya kertenkelesi) türünün
termoregülasyon fizyolojisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında İzmir/Yamanlar,
İzmir/Ödemiş-Bozdağ ve Balıkesir/Güneşli Köy’den toplamda 79 birey
yakalanmıştır. Toplanan tüm bireylerin ısı alıcı kablolar (thermocouple) ve
cihazlar yardımıyla zamana bağlı sıcaklık tercihleri ölçülmüş ve grafik halinde
incelenmiştir. Sonrasında aynı bireyler sabit sıcaklıkta bir gün terleme deneyine
tabi tutulmuş ve bu deney esnasında terleme yolu ile su kayıpları ölçülmüştür.
Elde edilen veriler ile t-testi, Mann-Whitney U testi ve ANOVA analizleri
yapılarak bireylerin cinsiyete ve erişkinliğe bağlı olarak benzerlik ve farklılıkları
araştırılmıştır. Aynı zamanda örnekler bireysel olarak da izlenerek değişen vücut
sıcaklığı karşısındaki davranışları gözlenmiştir. Deneyler sonrasında çalışılan
bireyler sağlıklı ve sağ olarak doğada alındığı bölgelere geri bırakılmışlardır.
Arazi çalışmaları sırasında türe ait gözlenen tüm bireylerin GPS verileri
kaydedilerek ekolojik niş modellemesi yapılarak tür için gelecekteki dağılışı
muhtemel uygun alanların haritaları hazırlanmıştır. Sonuçta türün suya ve neme
bağlı olduğu, artan hava sıcaklığı ve küresel ısınmanın etkisiyle gelecekteki
muhtelemel uygun yaşam alanlarının daha çok kuzey yönüne doğru kayma
eğiliminde olduğu belirlenmiştir.
In this study, thermoregulation physiology of Anatololacerta anatolica (Anatolian rock lizard) was investigated. Within the scope of the study, a total of 79 individuals were caught from İzmir/Yamanlar, İzmir/Ödemiş-Bozdağ and Balıkesir/Güneşli Köy. Time-dependent temperature preferences of all individuals collected were measured with the help of heat-receiving cables (thermocouples) and devices and analyzed in graphics. Subsequently, the same individuals were subjected to a one-day sweating experiment at a constant temperature and during this experiment, water losses by perspiration were measured. T-test, MannWhitney U test and ANOVA analyzes were performed with the obtained data, and differences, similarities and similar situations of individuals depending on gender and adulthood were investigated. At the same time, the species was observed individually and its behavior against changing body temperature was observed. After the experiments, the individuals worked were left back to the area where they were taken in the nature as healthy and healthy. By taking GPS data of all individuals belonging to the species observed during our study, possible future distribution areas were determined. Ecological niche modeling was performed on the species and its possible distribution in the future was determined. As a result, it has been determined that the species is dependent on water and humidity, and that its future habitat tends to change more towards north with the effect of increasing air temperature and global warming.
In this study, thermoregulation physiology of Anatololacerta anatolica (Anatolian rock lizard) was investigated. Within the scope of the study, a total of 79 individuals were caught from İzmir/Yamanlar, İzmir/Ödemiş-Bozdağ and Balıkesir/Güneşli Köy. Time-dependent temperature preferences of all individuals collected were measured with the help of heat-receiving cables (thermocouples) and devices and analyzed in graphics. Subsequently, the same individuals were subjected to a one-day sweating experiment at a constant temperature and during this experiment, water losses by perspiration were measured. T-test, MannWhitney U test and ANOVA analyzes were performed with the obtained data, and differences, similarities and similar situations of individuals depending on gender and adulthood were investigated. At the same time, the species was observed individually and its behavior against changing body temperature was observed. After the experiments, the individuals worked were left back to the area where they were taken in the nature as healthy and healthy. By taking GPS data of all individuals belonging to the species observed during our study, possible future distribution areas were determined. Ecological niche modeling was performed on the species and its possible distribution in the future was determined. As a result, it has been determined that the species is dependent on water and humidity, and that its future habitat tends to change more towards north with the effect of increasing air temperature and global warming.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anatololacerta Anatolica, Ekolojik Niş Modelleme, Sıcaklık, Termoregülasyon, Fizyoloji, Terleme ile Su Kaybı, Anatololacerta Anatolica, İzmir, Temperature, Thermoregulation, Evoporative Water Loss, Physiology, Ecological Niche Modelling