Pamuk tarımı yapılan toprakları uygulanan organo-mineral bir gübrenin toprağın mikrobiyolojik aktivitesi üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET PAMUK TARIMI YAPILAN TOPRAKLARA UYGULANAN ORGANO-MİNERAL BİR GÜBRENİN TOPRA?IN MİKROBİYOLOJİK AKTİVİTESİ ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ PEKER, Rukiye Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Toprak Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi; Doç.Dr.Nur OKUR Eylül 1996, 43 sayfa Bu tezde, pamuk tarımı yapılan topraklara uygulanan organo-mineral bir gübrenin (Org-e-vit), uzun yıllar monokültür tarım yapılan Ege Bölgesi toprak koşullan altında mineralizasyonu ile toprağın mikrobiyel ve enzim aktivitesi üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada topraklara kimyasal gübre, Org-e-vit, Org-e-vit+kimyasal gübre uygulanmış ve üç farklı zamanda (çimlenme, çiçeklerime ve hasat) alman toprak örneklerinde C02-oluşumu, NH4 ve N03-lSFu oluşumları ile dehidrogenaz ve katalaz enzim aktiviteleri saptanmıştır. Araştırmada iklim koşullarına bağlı olarak Org-e-vif in 2 ay gibi bir süre içinde tamamen mineralize olduğu ve bitkilere yarayışlılığının bütün vegetasyon dönemi boyunca devam etmediği ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Ayrıca topraklardaki nem düzeyinin optimumun altına düştüğü Temmuz ayında C ve N mineralizasyonunun yavaşladığı da saptanmıştır. Katalaz enzim aktivitesi toprağa yapılan uygulamalardan etkilenmezken, dehidrogenaz aktivitesi sadece hasat döneminde Org-e-vit+kimyasal gübre uygulanmasından olumlu etkilenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: N-mineralizasyonu organo-mineral gübre, dehidrogenaz aktivitesi, katalaz aktivitesi, toprak solunumu
ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF AN ORGANO-MINERAL FERTILIZER APPLIED COTTON FIELDS ON SOİL MICROBIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY Rukİye PEKER M.Sc in Soil Science Section Supervisor: AssocDoçlDr.Nur OKUR 1996, 43 pages In this research, it was studied the mineralization of an organo-mineral fertilizer (Orgevit) applied cotton fields under the soil conditions which is made monoculture agriculture in Aegean Region for a long time and its effects on microbial and enzyme activity of soils. Field experiment was conducted with the four treatments as blank, Orgevit, Orgevit+chemical fetilizer and chemical fertilizer. In soil samples taken in the three different vegetation times (germination, flowering, and harvest), C02~production, amounts of NH4 and N03-N, dehydrogenase and catalase activities were determined. According to the results, it was found that Orgevit completely mineralized during two months depending on the climate conditions and its availability to plants didn't continue during all of the vegetation period. In addition, it was determined that C and N- mineralization also decreased in July which of the level moisture of soils fell down under the optimum. Although catalase activity was not affected by the fertilizer applications, dehydrogenase increased by the application of Orgevit+chemical fertilizer in harvest period. Key Words: N-mineralization, organo-mineral fertilizer, dehydrogenase and catalase activity, soil respiration.
ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF AN ORGANO-MINERAL FERTILIZER APPLIED COTTON FIELDS ON SOİL MICROBIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY Rukİye PEKER M.Sc in Soil Science Section Supervisor: AssocDoçlDr.Nur OKUR 1996, 43 pages In this research, it was studied the mineralization of an organo-mineral fertilizer (Orgevit) applied cotton fields under the soil conditions which is made monoculture agriculture in Aegean Region for a long time and its effects on microbial and enzyme activity of soils. Field experiment was conducted with the four treatments as blank, Orgevit, Orgevit+chemical fetilizer and chemical fertilizer. In soil samples taken in the three different vegetation times (germination, flowering, and harvest), C02~production, amounts of NH4 and N03-N, dehydrogenase and catalase activities were determined. According to the results, it was found that Orgevit completely mineralized during two months depending on the climate conditions and its availability to plants didn't continue during all of the vegetation period. In addition, it was determined that C and N- mineralization also decreased in July which of the level moisture of soils fell down under the optimum. Although catalase activity was not affected by the fertilizer applications, dehydrogenase increased by the application of Orgevit+chemical fertilizer in harvest period. Key Words: N-mineralization, organo-mineral fertilizer, dehydrogenase and catalase activity, soil respiration.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Mikrobiyoloji, Microbiology, Mineral gübreler, Mineral fertilizers, Pamuk, Cotton, Toprak, Soil