Püskürtmeli kurutucu ile ıspanak ve havuç sularının kurutulması ve örnek gıda sisteminde denenmesi
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Ispanak ve havuç Türkiye'de yüksek miktarlarda yetiştirilen sebzelerdir. Üretim verileri göz önüne alındığında çeşitli yöntemlerle ıspanak ve havuç kullanımının ve raf ömrünün arttırılmasının; ülkemiz için ekonomik ve tarımsal fayda sağlayacağı gözler önüne serilmektedir. Bu tez kapsamında, ıspanak ve havuç suyunun liflerinden uzaklaştırılarak, sindirimi kolay toz ürün formuna dönüştürülmesi ve püskürtmeli kurutucuda kurutulmasıyla; çorbalarda, salata soslarında, bebek mamalarında, yemeklerde ve detoks suları gibi özel amaçlı ürünlerde ve ayrıca lezzet ve renk ajanı gibi katkı maddesi olarak kullanılabilecek toz ürün üretimi hedeflenmiştir. Böylece, ıspanak ve havuçların raf ömrü arttırılmış, paketleme, depolama, taşıma ve doz ayarlama kolaylığı sağlanmış, üretim fazlası değerlendirilerek atık oluşumu engellenmiş ve ekonomik potansiyeli ve kullanım alanları (kozmetik, ilaç sanayi vb.) arttırılmış olacaktır. Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, püskürtmeli kurutucuda kurutulmuş ıspanak ve havuç suyu tozu eldesi ve kurutma işlemi sırasında işlem parametrelerinin (hava giriş ve çıkış sıcaklığı) ve farklı kurutma ajanlarının ve konsantrasyonlarının son ürünün kalite özellikleri (fiziksel, kimyasal ve toz ürün özellikleri, morfoloji ve camsı geçiş sıcaklığı) üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla, ıspanak suları kurutma ajanı kullanılmadan, havuç suları ise kurutma ajanı eklenmeksizin kurutulması mümkün olmadığı için, farklı oranlarda (12, 16 ve 20{486}Briks kuru madde içeriğine sahip olacak miktarda) maltodekstrin (18-20 DE), peynir altı tozu ve gam Arabik ilave edilerek püskürtmeli kurutucuda (160-200{486}C/ 80-100 {486}C hava giriş/çıkış sıcaklıkları) kurutulmuştur. Ispanak ve havuç sularına ısı uygulamasından kaynaklanabilecek kayıplara neden olmamak amacıyla herhangi bir ön evaporasyon/ ısıtma işlemi uygulanmamıştır. Elde edilen toz ürünlerin fiziksel (nem içeriği, su aktivitesi, renk ve pH), kimyasal (C vitamini, toplam karotenoid, toplam klorofil (ıspanak tozları için) ve toplam fenolik madde miktarı ve mineral madde içeriği) ve toz ürün özelliklerinde (çözünürlük, ıslanabilirlik, dağılabilirlik, yığın ve sıkıştırılmış yoğunluk, akabilirlik, yapışkanlık ve dağılabilirlik), camsı geçiş sıcaklığı ve morfolojisinde meydana gelen değişimler belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, püskürtmeli kurutucunun enerji verimi ve toz ürün veriminin belirlenmesi de tez çalışmasının kapsamı içindedir. Seçilen kurutma koşullarında üretilen (160/100 °C) sade ıspanak tozları ve maltodekstrin, peynir altı suyu tozu ve gam Arabik içeren havuç suyu tozları alüminyum kaplı polietilen ambalajda ambalajlandıktan sonra 3 farklı sıcaklıkta (+4±2 °C, +20 ±2 °C ve +30±2 °C) depolanmış ve depolama boyunca ıspanak ve havuç suyu tozlarında meydana gelen değişimler takip edilmiştir. Depolama süresi ıspanak suyu tozları için 5 ay, havuç suyu tozları için ise 3 ay olarak belirlenmiştir. Depolama boyunca 30 günlük periyodlarla sebze tozlarının fiziksel (nem içeriği, su aktivitesi, renk ve pH), kimyasal (C vitamini, toplam karotenoid, toplam klorofil (ıspanak tozları için) ve toplam fenolik madde miktarı) ve toz ürün özelliklerinde (çözünürlük, ıslanabilirlik, dağılabilirlik, yığın ve sıkıştırılmış yoğunluk, akabilirlik ve yapışkanlık) meydana gelen değişimler belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen ıspanak ve havuç suyu tozlarının tüketici tarafından tercih edilirliğinin belirlenmesi amacıyla örnek gıda sistemi olarak süzme yoğurt seçilmiş ve ıspanak/havuç suyu tozu içeren dip sos üretilmiştir Üretilen ıspanak/ havuç suyu tozları örnek gıda olarak seçilen süzme yoğurda farklı oranlarda ilave edilerek dip sos yapılmıştır. Yarı eğitilmiş 15 panelist ile duyusal olarak dip sosların; renk, koku, kaşıkta ve ağızda kıvam, homojen ve jelimsi yapı, lezzet, yabancı lezzet ve genel beğeni özellikleri değerlendirilmiştir.
Spinach and carrot are widely harvested in substantial amounts in our country. According to production figures, the increase either in the consumption or in the shelf-life of these vegetables will provide economical and agricultural advantages. The aim of this thesis is to obtain the powder form of the easy to digest spinach and carrot powder (which do not have fiber) by spray drying of spinach and carrot juices. The obtained product has the potential of being used in food industry as additives in several foods (as instant soup, baby food, instant vegetable puree and salad dressing etc.). By this way, the shelf-life of spinach and carrots will be extended, packaging, storage, transportation and dosage will be easy, the amount of waste will be prevented, the economic potential and the consumption areas (cosmetics, pharmaceuticals industries etc) will be increased. The objectives of this thesis were to obtain spray dried spinach and carrot juice powders; to determine the influence of process variables (inlet/outlet temperatures) and different drying agents and their concentration on the quality paramaters (physical, chemical, and powder properties, morphology and glass transition temperature) of the final product. For this purpose, the spinach powder directly and carrot powder with the addition of different amount (the total soluble solid content was adjusted to 12, 16 and 20ºBrix) of maltodextrin (18-20DE), whey powder, and gam Arabic were spray dried (160-200ºC/ 80-100ºC inlet/outlet temperatures, respectively). In order to protect heat sensitive components, spinach and carrot juices were spray dried without any pre-concentration/ heating process. The physical (moisture content, water activity, color, and pH), chemical (vitamin C, total carotenoid and total chlorophyll (for spinach powder) contents, and total phenolic compounds), and powder properties (solubility, wettability, dispersibility, bulk and tapped densities, flowability, and cohesiveness), glass transition temperature, and morphology of the obtained powders were determined. In addition, the energy efficiency of a present spray dryer and the powder yield were calculated. The spinach powders and the carrot powders with different drying agents were spray dried at the selected conditions (160/100°C), packaged by using aluminum polyethylene bags and stored at three different storage temperatures (4±2°C, 20±2°C, and 30±2°C). The storage periods were determined as 5 months for the spinach powders and 3 months for the carrot powders with different drying agents. During storage, the physical (moisture content, water activity, color, and pH), chemical (vitamin C, total carotenoid and total chlorophyll (for spinach powder) contents, and total phenolic compounds), and powder properties (solubility, wettability, dispersibility, bulk and tapped densities, flowability, and cohesiveness) of vegetable powders were determined at 30 days intervals. In order to determine the consumer's acceptance of the obtained spinach and carrot powders, strained yoğurt was chosen as a food system and dipping sauces which included spinach or carrot powder with different drying agents were produced. The vegetable powders with were added to the strained yoğurt at different amounts. For the sensory panel, semi-trained 15 panellists evaluated the color, odor, consistency at spoon and mouth, homogenous structure, jelly structure, taste, and stranger taste of the produced dipping sauces.
Spinach and carrot are widely harvested in substantial amounts in our country. According to production figures, the increase either in the consumption or in the shelf-life of these vegetables will provide economical and agricultural advantages. The aim of this thesis is to obtain the powder form of the easy to digest spinach and carrot powder (which do not have fiber) by spray drying of spinach and carrot juices. The obtained product has the potential of being used in food industry as additives in several foods (as instant soup, baby food, instant vegetable puree and salad dressing etc.). By this way, the shelf-life of spinach and carrots will be extended, packaging, storage, transportation and dosage will be easy, the amount of waste will be prevented, the economic potential and the consumption areas (cosmetics, pharmaceuticals industries etc) will be increased. The objectives of this thesis were to obtain spray dried spinach and carrot juice powders; to determine the influence of process variables (inlet/outlet temperatures) and different drying agents and their concentration on the quality paramaters (physical, chemical, and powder properties, morphology and glass transition temperature) of the final product. For this purpose, the spinach powder directly and carrot powder with the addition of different amount (the total soluble solid content was adjusted to 12, 16 and 20ºBrix) of maltodextrin (18-20DE), whey powder, and gam Arabic were spray dried (160-200ºC/ 80-100ºC inlet/outlet temperatures, respectively). In order to protect heat sensitive components, spinach and carrot juices were spray dried without any pre-concentration/ heating process. The physical (moisture content, water activity, color, and pH), chemical (vitamin C, total carotenoid and total chlorophyll (for spinach powder) contents, and total phenolic compounds), and powder properties (solubility, wettability, dispersibility, bulk and tapped densities, flowability, and cohesiveness), glass transition temperature, and morphology of the obtained powders were determined. In addition, the energy efficiency of a present spray dryer and the powder yield were calculated. The spinach powders and the carrot powders with different drying agents were spray dried at the selected conditions (160/100°C), packaged by using aluminum polyethylene bags and stored at three different storage temperatures (4±2°C, 20±2°C, and 30±2°C). The storage periods were determined as 5 months for the spinach powders and 3 months for the carrot powders with different drying agents. During storage, the physical (moisture content, water activity, color, and pH), chemical (vitamin C, total carotenoid and total chlorophyll (for spinach powder) contents, and total phenolic compounds), and powder properties (solubility, wettability, dispersibility, bulk and tapped densities, flowability, and cohesiveness) of vegetable powders were determined at 30 days intervals. In order to determine the consumer's acceptance of the obtained spinach and carrot powders, strained yoğurt was chosen as a food system and dipping sauces which included spinach or carrot powder with different drying agents were produced. The vegetable powders with were added to the strained yoğurt at different amounts. For the sensory panel, semi-trained 15 panellists evaluated the color, odor, consistency at spoon and mouth, homogenous structure, jelly structure, taste, and stranger taste of the produced dipping sauces.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ispanak, Havuç, Toz Ürün, Püskürtmeli Kurutucu, Kurutma Ajanı, Fiziksel Özellikler, Verim Enerji Tüketimi, Kimyasal Kompozisyon, Toz Özellikler, Depolama, Spinach, Carrot, Powder Product, Spray Dyring, Dyring Agents, Physical Properties, Efficiency, Energy Consumption, Chemical Composition, Powder Properties, Storage