Bornova tipi melez keçilerde kan proteinleri polimorfizmi ile bazı süt verim özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiler
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET BORNOVA TİPİ MELEZ KEÇİLERDE KAN PROTEİNLERİ POLİMORFİZMİ İLE BAZI SÜT VERİM ÖZELLİKLERİ ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİLER YÜCE, Hüseyin Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Zootekni Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Güldchen BİLGEN Şubat 1998, 89 sayfa Bu çalışmada, Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü Deneme ağılında yetiştirilen Bornova Tipi Melez Keçi populasyonunda kan proteinleri (Hb, Tf) ile bazı önemli süt verim özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. Kan örnekleri 70 keçiden alınmıştır. Hemoglobin tiplemesi için 1:1 oranında sulandırılan alyuvarların parçalanması ile oluşan hemolizat, transferrin tiplemesi için de serum kullanılmıştır. Kan proteinleri örnekleri Ziraat Fakültesi uygulamalı moleküler genetik laboratuvarında nişasta jel elektroforezi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Elektroforetik analizler Hemoglobin tipinin monomorfık ve Transferrin tipinin polimorfik olduğunu göstermiş ve TfAA ve TfAB olmak üzere iki Tf fenolipi tanımlanmıştır. Transferrin fenotipleri TfA ve 1113 olmak üzere iki otomozal kodominant allel tarafından kontrol edilmektedir ve alleller I lardy- Weinberg dengesindedir. Transferrin gen
VII ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BLOOD PROTEINS POLYMORPHISM AND SOME MILK YIELD TRAITS IN BORNOVA CROSS-BRED GOATS YÜCE Hüseyin MSc in Deportment of Animal Secience Supervisor Assoc Prof. Dr. Güldehen Bilgen February 1998, 89 pages In this thesis, association between the blood proteins (Haemoglobin and Transferrin) and some important milk yield traits average daily milk yield, lactation milk yield and length of lactation is investigated in Bornova cross-bred goat population, which is kept in Department of Animal Science, Experimental facilities, Faculty of Agriculture. Blood samples was obtained from 70 Bornova goat and a haemolysate produced by the lysis of 1 : 1 diluted red blood cells was used for haemoglobin typing and serum was used for transferrin typing After Blood protein samples were analysed by means of horizontal starch-gel elektrophoresis technique. In experimental Molecular Genetic Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture. Elektrophoretic analyses indicated that haemoglobin type was monomorphic but transferrin type was polymorphic. Two Tf phenotypes, TfAA and TfAB, were identified.VIII Transferrin phenotypes were controlled by two (TfA, TfB) outosomal codominant alleles and alleles were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in investigated population. The gen frequencies of transferrin were found to be A=0.7857 B=0.2143 so TfA type appear to be predominant in the population. There was no statistically significant association between the Tf types and some milk yield traits. Key words: Goat, blood proteins, electrophoresis, polymorphism
VII ABSTRACT ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BLOOD PROTEINS POLYMORPHISM AND SOME MILK YIELD TRAITS IN BORNOVA CROSS-BRED GOATS YÜCE Hüseyin MSc in Deportment of Animal Secience Supervisor Assoc Prof. Dr. Güldehen Bilgen February 1998, 89 pages In this thesis, association between the blood proteins (Haemoglobin and Transferrin) and some important milk yield traits average daily milk yield, lactation milk yield and length of lactation is investigated in Bornova cross-bred goat population, which is kept in Department of Animal Science, Experimental facilities, Faculty of Agriculture. Blood samples was obtained from 70 Bornova goat and a haemolysate produced by the lysis of 1 : 1 diluted red blood cells was used for haemoglobin typing and serum was used for transferrin typing After Blood protein samples were analysed by means of horizontal starch-gel elektrophoresis technique. In experimental Molecular Genetic Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture. Elektrophoretic analyses indicated that haemoglobin type was monomorphic but transferrin type was polymorphic. Two Tf phenotypes, TfAA and TfAB, were identified.VIII Transferrin phenotypes were controlled by two (TfA, TfB) outosomal codominant alleles and alleles were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in investigated population. The gen frequencies of transferrin were found to be A=0.7857 B=0.2143 so TfA type appear to be predominant in the population. There was no statistically significant association between the Tf types and some milk yield traits. Key words: Goat, blood proteins, electrophoresis, polymorphism
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Kan proteinleri, Blood proteins, Keçiler, Goats, Polimorfizm-genetik, Polymorphism-genetic, Süt verimi, Milk yield