Growth and Survival Rate of Juvenile Sea Cucumbers (Holothuria tubulosa, Gmelin, 1788) at Various Temperatures
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Bu çalışmada, farklı su sıcaklıklarının deniz hıyarı (Holothuria tubulosa ) genç bireylerinin büyüme ve yaşama oranları üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ortalama 20,48±2,33 g ağırlıktaki genç H. tubulosa bireyleri Ege Denizi kıyılarından serbest dalış yöntemiyle elle toplanmıştır. Toplanan bireyler adapte edildikten sonra, laboratuar ortamında 45 gün boyuncadeniz suyu bulunan cam akvaryumlarda denemeye alınmıştır. Deniz hıyarlarının dağılım gösterdiği bölgedeki yaz ve kış deniz sıcaklıkları (en düşük ve en yüksek) sınır olmak üzere 4 farklı deniz suyu sıcaklığında (15, 20, 25 ve 30°C) deneme grupları oluşturulmuştur. Deneme süresince deniz hıyarları kurutulmuş kahverengi alg ile beslenmişlerdir. Deneme süresi sonunda en yüksek spesifik büyüme oranı (SBO) 0,288±0,02 % gün-1 olarak 25°C de kaydedilmiştir. En düşük spesifik büyüme oranı 0,085±0,005 % gün-1 değeri ile 30°C'de görülürken, 15°C'de negatif yönlü (-0,03±0,02 % gün-1) SBO kaydedilmiştir. Büyüme oranlarındaki düşük değerlerin 30°C'de gözlenen estivasyon (uyku) ve 15°C gözlenen hibernasyon davranışına bağlı olduğu düşünülmektedir. Tüm deneme gruplarında yaşama oranı %100 olup en iyi gelişim 25°C 'de tespit edilmiştir (P<0,05)
The effect of various water temperatures on growth and survival rate of juvenile sea cucumbers (Holothuria tubulosa) had been investigated in this research. Average weight of 20.48±2.33 g of juvenile sea cucumbers were collected from the coastal zones of Aegean Sea by scuba diving. After the adaptation period, juveniles were placed into glass aquaria which have 4 different sea water temperatures and researched for 45 days under laboratory conditions. Sea water temperatures of trial groups were selected among the minimum (winter) and maximum (summer) temperatures recorded at the natural habitat of H. tubulosa juveniles. Thus, 4 temperature group were selected as 15, 20, 25 ve 30°C. the sea cucumber juveniles were fed on dried and powdered brown algae as references in the literature. the best specific growth rate (SGR) was recorded as 0.288±0.02 % day-1 in 25°C group. the lowest SGR was recorded as 0.085±0.005 % day-1 in 30°C trial group while the negative specific growth rate (-0.03±0.02 % day-1) was recorded in 15°C trial group. the aestivation observed in 30°C and hibernation in 15°C group would be a reason for such lower specific growth rates. the survival rate for all groups were 100% and the best growth performance was recorded in 25°C among others (P<0.05)
The effect of various water temperatures on growth and survival rate of juvenile sea cucumbers (Holothuria tubulosa) had been investigated in this research. Average weight of 20.48±2.33 g of juvenile sea cucumbers were collected from the coastal zones of Aegean Sea by scuba diving. After the adaptation period, juveniles were placed into glass aquaria which have 4 different sea water temperatures and researched for 45 days under laboratory conditions. Sea water temperatures of trial groups were selected among the minimum (winter) and maximum (summer) temperatures recorded at the natural habitat of H. tubulosa juveniles. Thus, 4 temperature group were selected as 15, 20, 25 ve 30°C. the sea cucumber juveniles were fed on dried and powdered brown algae as references in the literature. the best specific growth rate (SGR) was recorded as 0.288±0.02 % day-1 in 25°C group. the lowest SGR was recorded as 0.085±0.005 % day-1 in 30°C trial group while the negative specific growth rate (-0.03±0.02 % day-1) was recorded in 15°C trial group. the aestivation observed in 30°C and hibernation in 15°C group would be a reason for such lower specific growth rates. the survival rate for all groups were 100% and the best growth performance was recorded in 25°C among others (P<0.05)
Anahtar Kelimeler
Balıkçılık, Zooloji
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri