Capsicum annuum L. 'un bazı varyeteleri üzerinde doku kültürü çalışmaları
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET CAPSICUM ANNUUM L.' UN BAZI VARYETELERİ ÜZERİNDE DOKU KÜLTÜRÜ ÇALIŞMALARI AKI,Cüneyt Doktora Tezi, Biyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof.Dr. M.Günnehir O?UZ Mart 1997, 82 sayfa Çalışmamızda ülkemiz açısından ekonomik önemi bulunan Capsicum annuum L. 'un, bazı varyeteleri üzerinde in vitro çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Denemelerimizde kullanılacak bitkisel materyaller in vitro koşullarda yetiştirilmiştir. Bu amaç ile C annuum varyetelerine ait olan tıhumlar % 70' lik Etanolde 4 dk., % 10' luk Hipoklorit içerisinde 6 dk. tutularak sterilizasyonları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Daha sonra pH' ı 5.7-5.8 olarak ayarlanan, % 0.7' lik agar ile katılaştırılmış, % 2 sakkaroz eklenen hormonsuz M.S. ortamlarına ekilen tohumlar, iklim odasına alınmıştır. 3 haftalık fıdeciklere ait olan hipokotil ve kotiledon eksplantları kesilerek, bitki büyüme düzenleyicilerinden NAA, IAA, BAP ve KIN' in 1-5-10 mg.l1 konsantrasyonları ve NAA:BAP, IAA:BAP ve NAA:KIN, IAAıKIN1 in 1:2 mg/1' ve 1:4 mg/T lik kombinasyonları ile desteklenen M.S. ortamlarında kültüre alınmışlardır.Denemelerimizde M.S. ortamına eklenen oksinlerden 5 mg/1 NAA ve IAA, 5 mg/1 KIN ve BAP kallus oluşumunu uyarmada en etkili konsantrasyon olarak saptanmıştır. Daha düşük veya yüksek dozların kültüvarlar arasında farklı tepkiler verdiği ortaya koyulmuştur. Kullandığımız oksin (NAA ve IAA) : sitokinin (KIN ve BAP) kombinasyonlarından kallus oluşumu için en etkili ortamların oksin sitokinin oranın 1:2 olarak eklendiği M.S. ortamları olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu kombinasyonlarda da kültüvarlar arası farklılıklar göze çarpmaktadır. Denemelerimizin diğer bölümünde ise kallus verimi yüksek bulunan kültüvarlardan Kandil Dolma ve Yağlık 28' in osmotik basıncı % 10 PEG eklenerek değiştirilmiş M.S. ortamlarındaki canlı kütle değişimi üzerinde oksin ve sitokininlerin birlikte ve tek başlarına etkilerini araştırılmıştır. Bu şekilde iki kültüvardaki canlı kütle değişimleri arasındaki farklılıklar ortaya konmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Capsicum annuum L., oksin, sitokinin, PEG, kallus
V ABSTRACT IN VITRO STUDIES ON SOME VARIETIES OF CAPSICUM ANNUUM L. AKI, CÜNEYT Ph Ü Thesis in Biology Department Supervisor: Prof.Dr. M. Giinnehir O?UZ March 1997, 82 pages In this investigation, in vitro studies was made on the Capsicum annuum varieties that is very important crop for Turkey. During the in vitro studies, M.S. (Murashige-Skoog) medium was supplemented with various kind and combinations of auxines and cytokinins which are very useful for in vitro studies like plant growth regulators. In this study, we excised the hypocotyl, cotyledone segments from aseptically grown three weeks old seedling of pepper varieties. This seedlings grown from seeds which surfaced sterilized with % 70 ethanol for 4 min % 10 NaOCl (commercial bleach) solution for 6 min. The seeds were sown on the surface of hormone free M.S. (Murashige-Skoog) medium, ph adjusted to 5.7-5.8, the medium was solidified with % 0.7 of bactoagar and % 2 of sucrose used for carbon and energy source. After that, the cultures of the seeds germinated under 16 h. photoperiod at 25°C. Cotyledone and hypocotyl explants of 3 weeks old seedlings were excised in approximately 1 cm. length segments. These explants were cultured on M.S. basal medium supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of the different plant growth regulators like auxines (IAA:NAA) and cytokinins ( BAP: KIN ). We used this plant growth regulators in 1, 5, 10 mg/1 dozes for supplement the M.S. medium and most effective concentration for callus initation from explants was found 5 mg/1 for some of the cultivars which we get to the culture. Combination of auxines and cytokinin 1:2 was found most effective dozes for callus formation in all cultivars. In addition that, when we finished this series, we determined to find drought stress or lowering osmotic potential conditions in the medium, what were the effects on the callus formation and response of the biomass induction. For this reason, we added commonly PEG 3350 in % 10 concentration to the M.S. medium. PEG is a reason for water stress and lovering osmotic potential conditions in the medium which there are callus portion. After addition % 10 PEG to the medium, we get the measurement of biomass with 3 weeks interval from the callus. Keywords : Capsicum annuum L., auxines, cytokinins, PEG, callus
V ABSTRACT IN VITRO STUDIES ON SOME VARIETIES OF CAPSICUM ANNUUM L. AKI, CÜNEYT Ph Ü Thesis in Biology Department Supervisor: Prof.Dr. M. Giinnehir O?UZ March 1997, 82 pages In this investigation, in vitro studies was made on the Capsicum annuum varieties that is very important crop for Turkey. During the in vitro studies, M.S. (Murashige-Skoog) medium was supplemented with various kind and combinations of auxines and cytokinins which are very useful for in vitro studies like plant growth regulators. In this study, we excised the hypocotyl, cotyledone segments from aseptically grown three weeks old seedling of pepper varieties. This seedlings grown from seeds which surfaced sterilized with % 70 ethanol for 4 min % 10 NaOCl (commercial bleach) solution for 6 min. The seeds were sown on the surface of hormone free M.S. (Murashige-Skoog) medium, ph adjusted to 5.7-5.8, the medium was solidified with % 0.7 of bactoagar and % 2 of sucrose used for carbon and energy source. After that, the cultures of the seeds germinated under 16 h. photoperiod at 25°C. Cotyledone and hypocotyl explants of 3 weeks old seedlings were excised in approximately 1 cm. length segments. These explants were cultured on M.S. basal medium supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of the different plant growth regulators like auxines (IAA:NAA) and cytokinins ( BAP: KIN ). We used this plant growth regulators in 1, 5, 10 mg/1 dozes for supplement the M.S. medium and most effective concentration for callus initation from explants was found 5 mg/1 for some of the cultivars which we get to the culture. Combination of auxines and cytokinin 1:2 was found most effective dozes for callus formation in all cultivars. In addition that, when we finished this series, we determined to find drought stress or lowering osmotic potential conditions in the medium, what were the effects on the callus formation and response of the biomass induction. For this reason, we added commonly PEG 3350 in % 10 concentration to the M.S. medium. PEG is a reason for water stress and lovering osmotic potential conditions in the medium which there are callus portion. After addition % 10 PEG to the medium, we get the measurement of biomass with 3 weeks interval from the callus. Keywords : Capsicum annuum L., auxines, cytokinins, PEG, callus
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Biber, Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum annuum, Doku kültürü, Tissue culture