İri ve orta daneli nohutlarda büyüme verim ve verim öğeleri ile bunlar arasındaki ilişkiler
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
28 6. ÖZET Bornova-izmir koşullarında 1994-1995 sezonu kışlık ekiminde iri ve orta daneli nohut çeşitlerinde büyüme, verim ve verim öğeleri arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Vegetasyon başlangıcından itibaren, bitki boyu yan dal sayısı, kök ve toprak üstü aksamları ağırlıkları iri ve orta daneli çeşitlerde birbirine paralel bir artış göstermiş ve olgunluk döneminde özellikle toprak üstü aksamı ağırlığı yüksek olmak kaydıyla azalma görülmüştür. Tüm vegetasyon dönemi boyunca yan dal sayısı bakımından çeşit ve çeşit grupları arasında fark bulunmazken bitki boyu ve kök ağırlığı bakımından çeşit grupları arasında fark görülmüştür. Verimin, baklada dane sayısı ile pozitif fakat 1000 dane ağırlığı ile negatif ilişki içinde olduğu bulunmuştur. En yüksek Toprak Üstü Aksamı Kuru Madde oluşumu orta daneli çeşitlerde yüksek olmak kaydı ile çiçeklerime dönemi sonunda maximuma ulaşmıştır. Orta daneli nohut çeşitleri, iri danelilere göre daha yüksek dane verimi oluşturmuştur
29 7. SUMMARY In the huge and the middle seeded chickpea growth, yield and the relationship between yield components were examined, under the conditions of Bornova-Izmir, in winter season, in 1994-1995. From the beginning of vegetation starting period, the increase of plant length, number of branches, root and the plant weight were same in both types of chickpea. But in mature period, a decrease was seen in every yield components especially much more in plant weight. In all vegetation periods there were no differences in the number of braches between the varieties and in the variety of groups. But about the plant length and the root weight there were differences between the variety of groups. The yield has positive correlations between the number of seed but negative correlations between 1000 seed weight. The highst plant yield set up to maximum at the end of flowering period, it is the most in middle seeded type chickpea. The middle seeded type chickpea has the highst seed yield than the huge seed type chickpea.
29 7. SUMMARY In the huge and the middle seeded chickpea growth, yield and the relationship between yield components were examined, under the conditions of Bornova-Izmir, in winter season, in 1994-1995. From the beginning of vegetation starting period, the increase of plant length, number of branches, root and the plant weight were same in both types of chickpea. But in mature period, a decrease was seen in every yield components especially much more in plant weight. In all vegetation periods there were no differences in the number of braches between the varieties and in the variety of groups. But about the plant length and the root weight there were differences between the variety of groups. The yield has positive correlations between the number of seed but negative correlations between 1000 seed weight. The highst plant yield set up to maximum at the end of flowering period, it is the most in middle seeded type chickpea. The middle seeded type chickpea has the highst seed yield than the huge seed type chickpea.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Nohut, Chickpea, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, Verim ögeleri, Yield components