1970 yılından bu yana İzmir'de kurulan konut kooperatiflerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET 1970 YILINDAN BU YANA İZMİR'DE KURULAN KONUT KOOPERATİFLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ URKUN, Hakan Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Orhan YÜKSEL Eylül 1999, 123 sayfa Bu çalışmada, İzmir ili içerisindeki konut yapı kooperatifi inşaatları incelenmiştir. İlk olarak, Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı İzmir İl Müdürlüğü'nden kooperatiflere ilişkin bilgi formları elde edilmiştir. Bu formlar kooperatif tiplerine göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Kooperatif yönetimlerince her yıl gönderilen bu formların en son hazırlananları göz önüne alınmıştır. İncelenen 1500'e yakın kooperatifin, %54'ü İzmir ili içerisindeki konut yapı kooperatifleri, %39'u İzmir civarında olan konut yapı kooperatifleri, geriye kalanı da diğer kooperatiflerden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın esasını İzmir ili içerisindeki konut yapı kooperatifleri oluşturmaktadır. Bilgi formundan elde edilen; kooperatifin unvanı, dosya numarası, kuruluş tescil tarihi, hukuki durumu, ortak sayısı, konut sayısı, arsa alım tarihi, yeri, inşaatın yaptırılma yöntemi, yapım seviyesi, kullanılan kredi türü ve tutan, ruhsat tarihi, gelir-gider durumu, kuruluştan bu yana tüm ortakların ödentileri toplamı, genel kurulca bir ortak için belirlenen yıllık ödenti tutan verileri her kooperatif için EXCEL programı kullanılarak girilmiştir. İstatistiksel veri analizi için ise SPSS -Statistical Package for Social Sciences- paket programı kullanılmıştır.VI Bu aşamada genel dağılım analizi yapılmış ve hangi veriden ne kadar olduğu, dağılım yüzdeleri, çarpıklık ve basıklık değerleri elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra verilerin birbirleri arasındaki olası ilişkileri incelemek için çapraz çizelgeler oluşturulmuş ve khi-kare testi uygulanmıştır. 80 veya daha az ortaklı kooperatiflerin daha başarılı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. İnşaatın yaptırılma yöntemi ile tamamlanma yüzdeleri arasında kurulan bir ilişki sonucu, konutların emanet yöntemi ile daha çabuk bitirildiği gibi sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Konut kooperatifi, khi-kare testi
vn ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION OF THE HOUSING COOPERATIVES BUILT IN İZMİR SINCE 1970 URKUN, Hakan MSc in Civil Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Orhan YÜKSEL September 1999, 123 pages In this thesis, the housing cooperatives built in İzmir since 1970 were investigated. Firstly, the information forms, relating to all cooperatives were obtained from Ministry of Industry and Commerce İzmir Province Directorate. These forms classified with respect to the type of cooperatives. The most recent forms, prepared every year by the cooperative managers, were taken into consideration. Among approximately 1500 cooperatives, 54% of all are the housing cooperatives located in İzmir, 39% of all are the housing cooperatives located in İzmir country and the remaining are other cooperatives. The major subject of the research is the housing cooperatives located in İzmir. The title, file number, date of registration, legal situation, number of members, number of houses of the cooperatives, owning date of land and its location, bidding method, determination percentage of building, type and amount of credit taken, date of licence of building, income and outlay situation, total and yearly dues paid by the members of each cooperative data obtained from the forms were prepared in a tabular form using EXCEL Program. For statistical data analysis, SPSS -Statistical Package for Social Sciences- Program was used.VIII In this stage, general dispersion analysis was done and the frequency of data, percentage of dispersion, kurtosis and skewness values were obtained. Afterwards, the cross tables were formed to investigate the possible relations among data and chi-square test was aplied. Housing cooperatives having less than approximately 80 members are more successful. The relation between bidding method and determination percentage of buildings indicated that cooperatives used trust method finish the work more quickly. Key words: Housing cooperative, chi-square test.
vn ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION OF THE HOUSING COOPERATIVES BUILT IN İZMİR SINCE 1970 URKUN, Hakan MSc in Civil Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Orhan YÜKSEL September 1999, 123 pages In this thesis, the housing cooperatives built in İzmir since 1970 were investigated. Firstly, the information forms, relating to all cooperatives were obtained from Ministry of Industry and Commerce İzmir Province Directorate. These forms classified with respect to the type of cooperatives. The most recent forms, prepared every year by the cooperative managers, were taken into consideration. Among approximately 1500 cooperatives, 54% of all are the housing cooperatives located in İzmir, 39% of all are the housing cooperatives located in İzmir country and the remaining are other cooperatives. The major subject of the research is the housing cooperatives located in İzmir. The title, file number, date of registration, legal situation, number of members, number of houses of the cooperatives, owning date of land and its location, bidding method, determination percentage of building, type and amount of credit taken, date of licence of building, income and outlay situation, total and yearly dues paid by the members of each cooperative data obtained from the forms were prepared in a tabular form using EXCEL Program. For statistical data analysis, SPSS -Statistical Package for Social Sciences- Program was used.VIII In this stage, general dispersion analysis was done and the frequency of data, percentage of dispersion, kurtosis and skewness values were obtained. Afterwards, the cross tables were formed to investigate the possible relations among data and chi-square test was aplied. Housing cooperatives having less than approximately 80 members are more successful. The relation between bidding method and determination percentage of buildings indicated that cooperatives used trust method finish the work more quickly. Key words: Housing cooperative, chi-square test.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering, Konut kooperatifleri, Housing cooperatives, İzmir, Izmir