Düzenli TiO2 nanoyapıların fotoanot olarak kullanıldığı katı hal boya duyarlaştırıcılı güneş hücrelerinde yük transfer incelemeleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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PV teknolojileri günümüz enerji ihtiyacını karşılamak için bir alternatif oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda üçüncü nesil güneş hücreleri arasında yer alan sDSSC'ler ucuz maliyet, kolay üretim, kararlılık gibi özelliklerinden dolayı yoğun olarak çalışılmaktadır. Bu doktora çalışması kapsamında, sDSSC'nin performansını arttırmaya yönelik foto-anot üzerindeki yük transfer mekanizmasının iyileştirilmesi üzerine çalışılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda TiO2 malzemesinin gözenekli yapıya sahip olan nanokristal yapısı ve bir boyutlu kristal yapıya sahip olan nanoteller kullanılmış ve elde edilen hücrelerin optik, yapısal, morfolojik ve elektriksel karakterizasyonları incelenmiştir Güneş hücrelerinin çalışma performansının analiz edilebilmesi için arayüzlerde gerçekleşen yük transferi ve rekombinasyon gibi süreçlerin iyi anlaşılabilmesi son derece önemlidir. sDSSC'nin iç dinamiklerini aydınlatabilmek için empedans spektroskopisi önemli ve kuvvetli bir araçtır. EIS ölçümleri ile elektron ömrü, difüzyon katsayısı, difüzyon uzunluğu gibi parametreler belirlenir. IMPS ölçümleri yük transport dinamikleri, IMVS ölçümleri de elektron ömrü ve yük rekombinasyon dinamikleri hakkında bilgi verir. Bu sayede empedans spektroskopisi bir güneş hücresinde verimi belirleyen rekombinasyon oranı ve yük iletim dinamiklerinin hangi durumlarda optimize edilebileceği hakkında değerli bilgiler sağlayarak yol gösterir. Tez çalışmasında Bölüm 3.1' de, TiO2 nanokristal ile üretilen sDSSC'lerin akım-gerilim ve empedans spektroskopisi ile optimizasyonu yapılmış ve en yüksek verimli cihazların yük dinamikleri incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar ile cihaz performansını belirleyen parametreler aydınlatılmıştır. Bölüm 3.2' de ise foto-anot olarak hidrotermal yöntemle farklı sürelerde sentezlenen TiO2 nanotellerin yapısal, optik ve elektronik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Nanotellerin sDSSC hücrelerinin en iyi güç çevrim veriminin elde edildiği sentez süresi belirlendikten sonra, TiO2 nanoteller TiCl4 ile farklı sürelerde dallandırılarak TiO2/boya arayüz alan optimizasyonu yapılmıştır. İdeal dallandırma süresinde, hem yüksek oranda foto-elektron üretilebilmesi hem de HTM malzemenin TiO2 nanoteller arasına nüfuz edebilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Böylece HTM malzeme'den boya üzerine elektron rejenerasyonu verimli bir şekilde sağlanmış olur hem de foto-akımın nanoteller üzerinden düşük rekombinasyon oranı ile iletimi gerçekleşmiş olur. Bölüm 4.'de ise iki farklı TiO2 yapısı için elde edilen hücrelerin sonuçları genel olarak kıyaslanarak avantajları ve dezavantajları belirlenmiştir
PV technologies are an alternative to today's energy needs. In this context, sDSSCs, which are among the third generation solar cells, are being studied intensively due to their low cost, easy production, and stability. Within the scope of this doctoral study, improvement of the charge transfer mechanism on the photo-anode has been studied to increase the performance of sDSSC. For this purpose, the nanocrystal TiO2 material with mesoporous structure and the TiO2 nanowires with one-dimensional crystal structure were used for sDSSC fabrication and their optical, structural, morphological and electrical characterizations were investigated. In order to analyze the performance of solar cells, it is vital to understand the processes such as charge transfer and recombination between the interfaces. Impedance spectroscopy is an essential and powerful tool in order to clarify the internal dynamics of sDSSC. The charge transfer and transport dynamics such as electron lifetime, diffusion coefficient and diffusion length are determined by EIS measurements. IMPS illuminates the charge transport dynamics, whereas IMVS measurements provide information on electron recombination lifetime and charge recombination dynamics. Thus impedance spectroscopy provides valuable information about the optimizations of charge transfer dynamics and the rate of recombination that determines the efficiency of a solar cell. In the thesis study, in Section 3.1, the sDSSCs, fabricated with TiO2 nanocrystals, were optimized by current-voltage and impedance spectroscopy and the charge dynamics of the efficient devices were investigated. The sDSSC performance parameters were explained by the obtained results. In section 3.2, the structural, optical and electronic properties of TiO2 nanowires, synthesized in different time periods by hydrothermal method, were investigated. Firstly, the synthesis time of the TiO2 nanowires was obtained for the highest efficiency of sDSSC. Then TiO2 nanowires were branched with TiCl4 at different incubation times and TiO2 / dye interface area was optimized. In this way, both high-rate photo-electron production and HTM material penetration between TiO2 nanowires are aimed by the optimal branching incubation time. Thus, the electron regeneration of the HTM material to the dye is achieved efficiently, and the photo-current is transmitted through the nanowires with a low recombination rate. In section 4, the advantages and disadvantages of two different structure of TiO2 were clarified by comparing the obtained results of sDSSCs.
PV technologies are an alternative to today's energy needs. In this context, sDSSCs, which are among the third generation solar cells, are being studied intensively due to their low cost, easy production, and stability. Within the scope of this doctoral study, improvement of the charge transfer mechanism on the photo-anode has been studied to increase the performance of sDSSC. For this purpose, the nanocrystal TiO2 material with mesoporous structure and the TiO2 nanowires with one-dimensional crystal structure were used for sDSSC fabrication and their optical, structural, morphological and electrical characterizations were investigated. In order to analyze the performance of solar cells, it is vital to understand the processes such as charge transfer and recombination between the interfaces. Impedance spectroscopy is an essential and powerful tool in order to clarify the internal dynamics of sDSSC. The charge transfer and transport dynamics such as electron lifetime, diffusion coefficient and diffusion length are determined by EIS measurements. IMPS illuminates the charge transport dynamics, whereas IMVS measurements provide information on electron recombination lifetime and charge recombination dynamics. Thus impedance spectroscopy provides valuable information about the optimizations of charge transfer dynamics and the rate of recombination that determines the efficiency of a solar cell. In the thesis study, in Section 3.1, the sDSSCs, fabricated with TiO2 nanocrystals, were optimized by current-voltage and impedance spectroscopy and the charge dynamics of the efficient devices were investigated. The sDSSC performance parameters were explained by the obtained results. In section 3.2, the structural, optical and electronic properties of TiO2 nanowires, synthesized in different time periods by hydrothermal method, were investigated. Firstly, the synthesis time of the TiO2 nanowires was obtained for the highest efficiency of sDSSC. Then TiO2 nanowires were branched with TiCl4 at different incubation times and TiO2 / dye interface area was optimized. In this way, both high-rate photo-electron production and HTM material penetration between TiO2 nanowires are aimed by the optimal branching incubation time. Thus, the electron regeneration of the HTM material to the dye is achieved efficiently, and the photo-current is transmitted through the nanowires with a low recombination rate. In section 4, the advantages and disadvantages of two different structure of TiO2 were clarified by comparing the obtained results of sDSSCs.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, Kimya, Chemistry, Fotoelektrokimyasal piller, Photoelectrochemical cells, Fotoelektrokimyasal yöntemler, Photoelectrochemical methods, Yarı iletken güneş pili, Semiconductor solar cell