Domateslerde erken yanıklık hastalığı etmeni (alternaria solani ell and martin) SOR. 'ne bazı modern (tek yer engelleyici) fungusitlerin etkililikleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET DOMATESLERDE ERKEN YANIKLIK HASTALIĞI ETMENİ (Alternaria solanı EH. and Martin) SOR. 'ne BAZI MODERN (TEK YER ENGELLEYİCİ) FUNGİSİTLERİN ETKİLİLİKLERİ KUŞOGLU, Gülenay Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Nafiz DELEN Şubat 2000, 41 sayfa Bu çalışmada, 1997-1999 yıllarında, Marmara, Ege ve Akdeniz Bölgeleri'nin çeşitli yörelerinde, sera ve açık domates ekim alanlarından A. solanı izolatları toplanmış, toplanan 22 izolatın tek yer engelleyici 6 fungisite karşı duyarlılıkları test edilmiştir. A. solanı, heterokaryotik bir organizmadır ve yüksek sporalasyon yeteneğindedir. Bundan dolayı, yoğun ve bilinçsiz ilaçlamalar patojenin fungisitlere duyarlılığım azaltabilmektedir. Yaptığımız testlerde, çalışma kapsamındaki tüm izolatlann sırasıyla; azoxystrobin, iprodion, imazalil, prochloraz, fenhexamid ve myclobutanıl'e karşı duyarlılıkları incelenmiş ve sonuç olarak imazalil, A. solan? ye en etkili fungisit olarak saptanmıştır. Daha sonra sırasıyla, prochloraz ve myclobutanıl en etkili fungisitler olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Etkililiği en düşük olan fungisitler ise azoxystrobin ile iprodion'dur. Anahtar Kelimeler : A. solanı, domates, fungisit, erken yanıklık
VII ABSTRACT EFFECTIVENESS OF SOME MODERN FUNGICIDES AGAINST TO EARLY BLIGHT (Alternaria solanı Ell. and Martin) SOR. DISEASES OF TOMATOES KUŞOGLU, GfUenay MSc. in Plant Protection Supervisor : Prof Dr. Nafiz DELEN February 2000, 41 pages In this study, A.solani isolates from greenhouse and open field grown tomato were collected from Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean Areas during 1997-1999. The 22 isolates of them were tested for their sensitivities to spesific mode of action 6 fungicides. A.solani is a heterocaryotic organism and İt has high sporulation ability. Therefore, intensive and misuse pesticide applications could give rise to development of less sensitivity to fungicides. In our tests, sensitivities of the isolates to azoxystrobin, iprodion, imazaliL, prochloraz, fenhexamid and myclobutanil were studied, and in conclusion, imazalil was found the most effective fungicide to A.solani, and prochloraz and myclobutanil also were effective to the A.solani isolates, respectively. Azoxystrobin and iprodion were the least effective fungicides. Key words:A.solani, tomato, fungicide, early blight
VII ABSTRACT EFFECTIVENESS OF SOME MODERN FUNGICIDES AGAINST TO EARLY BLIGHT (Alternaria solanı Ell. and Martin) SOR. DISEASES OF TOMATOES KUŞOGLU, GfUenay MSc. in Plant Protection Supervisor : Prof Dr. Nafiz DELEN February 2000, 41 pages In this study, A.solani isolates from greenhouse and open field grown tomato were collected from Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean Areas during 1997-1999. The 22 isolates of them were tested for their sensitivities to spesific mode of action 6 fungicides. A.solani is a heterocaryotic organism and İt has high sporulation ability. Therefore, intensive and misuse pesticide applications could give rise to development of less sensitivity to fungicides. In our tests, sensitivities of the isolates to azoxystrobin, iprodion, imazaliL, prochloraz, fenhexamid and myclobutanil were studied, and in conclusion, imazalil was found the most effective fungicide to A.solani, and prochloraz and myclobutanil also were effective to the A.solani isolates, respectively. Azoxystrobin and iprodion were the least effective fungicides. Key words:A.solani, tomato, fungicide, early blight
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Alternaria solani, Alternaria solani, Bitki hastalıkları, Plant diseases, Bitki koruma, Plant protection, Domates, Tomato, Erken yanıklık hastalığı, Early blight disease, Fungusitler, Fungicides