Ham soyanın farklı işleme teknolojileriyle işlenmesi sonucu elde edilen tam yağlı soyanın etlik piliçlerde farklı parametreler üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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V ÖZET HAM SOYANIN FARKLI İŞLEME TEKNOLOJİLERİ İLE İŞLENMESİ SONUCU ELDE EDİLEN TAM YAĞLI SOYANIN ETLİK PİLİÇLERDE FARKLI PARAMETRELER ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ COŞKUN, Hakan Refik Doktora Tezi, Zootekni Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Asım Kılıç Temmuz 2000, 130 Sayfa Bu araştırmada, etlik piliçlerde ham soyaya uygulanan üç farklı termik işleme yöntemi sonucu elde edilen tam yağlı soyanın, performansa (canlı ağırlık, canlı ağırlık artışı, yem tüketimi, yemden yararlanma ve ölüm oram) ve karkas bileşimine (karın boşluğu yağı) etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla bir deneme yürütülmüştür. Denemede, 3 tekerrürlü 4 grup oluşturularak toplam 720 adet Cobb-500 hibridi etlik civciv kullanılmıştır. Başlatma ve büyütme dönemlerinde sırası ile % 23 ve 20 ham protein ve 3000 ve 3200 kcal/kg metabolik enerji içeren izonitrojenik ve izokalorik rasyonlar düzenlenmiştir. Etlik civcivler, 6 haftalık deneme süresince, ilk 3 hafta toz formda etlik civciv yemi, 3-6. haftalar arasında ise toz formda etlik piliç yemi ile beslenmişlerdir. Denemenin sonunda,canlı ağırlık, canlı ağırlık artışı, yemden yararlanma ve ölüm oranının, ham soyanın farklı termik işleme teknolojileri sonucu elde edilen tam yağlı soya kaynaklarına bağlı olarak değiştiği fakat yem tüketimi ve karın boşluğu yağ miktarı ve oranının ise farklı yağlı soya kaynakları içeren deneme grupları arasında önemli derecede değişmediği saptanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kavrulmuş soya, kuru ekstrüzyon, ekspand soya, ham soya, tam yağlı soya,
vn ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF FULL FAT SOYA OBTAINED OF DIFFERENT THERMAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES OF RAW SOYBEAN ON THE DD7ERENT PARAMETERS OF BROILER CHICKENS COŞKUN, Hakan Refik PhD in Animal Nutrition Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Asım KILIÇ July, 2000, 130 pages This study were conducted to investigate the effects of full fat soya obtained of different thermal processing tecnologies of raw soybean on the performance ( live weight, live weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion and mortality rate) and carcass composition (abdominal fat) of broiler chickens. In the experiment, 720 day - old chicks from Cobb-500 hy bnd were used. This experiment was consisted of 4 groups with 3 replicates. Isonitrogenic and isocaloric diets were formulated containing 23 and 20 % crude protein and 3000 and 3200 kcal M.E./kg for the starting and growing periods, respectively. During the 6 weeks of tnal,while the chicks were fed broiler starter diets m mash form for 21 day, they had consumed broiler finisher diets in mash form for the last three weeks of the trial At the end of the study, live weight, live weight gam, feed conversion ratio and mortality rate of broiler chickens were found to change depending on the full fat soya sources obtained of the different processing technologies of raw soybean. But feed consumption and abdominal fat amount and rate were not affected by different thermal processing treatments of full fat. Key Words: Roasted soya, dry extrusion, expanded soya, raw soybean, full fat soya,
vn ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF FULL FAT SOYA OBTAINED OF DIFFERENT THERMAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES OF RAW SOYBEAN ON THE DD7ERENT PARAMETERS OF BROILER CHICKENS COŞKUN, Hakan Refik PhD in Animal Nutrition Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Asım KILIÇ July, 2000, 130 pages This study were conducted to investigate the effects of full fat soya obtained of different thermal processing tecnologies of raw soybean on the performance ( live weight, live weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion and mortality rate) and carcass composition (abdominal fat) of broiler chickens. In the experiment, 720 day - old chicks from Cobb-500 hy bnd were used. This experiment was consisted of 4 groups with 3 replicates. Isonitrogenic and isocaloric diets were formulated containing 23 and 20 % crude protein and 3000 and 3200 kcal M.E./kg for the starting and growing periods, respectively. During the 6 weeks of tnal,while the chicks were fed broiler starter diets m mash form for 21 day, they had consumed broiler finisher diets in mash form for the last three weeks of the trial At the end of the study, live weight, live weight gam, feed conversion ratio and mortality rate of broiler chickens were found to change depending on the full fat soya sources obtained of the different processing technologies of raw soybean. But feed consumption and abdominal fat amount and rate were not affected by different thermal processing treatments of full fat. Key Words: Roasted soya, dry extrusion, expanded soya, raw soybean, full fat soya,
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Etlik piliç, Broiler chickens, Soya, Soybean, Zootekni, Zootechnics