Doğum sonrası fonksiyonel durum envanterinin geçerlilik güvenilirlik çalışması
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Bu araştırma, Doğum Sonu Fonksiyonel Durum Envanteri’nin (ISFAC) Türk kadınları için geçerlik ve güvenilirliğini ölçmek üzere planlanmıştır. Denizli İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı toplam 21 sağlık ocağı arasından, yöre halkının sosyo-ekonomik düzeyleri göz önünde bulundurularak basit rastgele örneklem yöntemi kullanılarak seçilen üç farklı sağlık ocağına kayıtlı 191 doğum yapmış kadın, araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama araçları olarak; annelerinin sosyo-demografik ve diğer değişkenlerin özelliklerini belirleyen soru formu ve Doğum Sonrası Fonksiyonel Durum Envanteri kullanılmıştır. Cronbach’s Alpha iç tutarlılık güvenilirliği ev içi faaliyetlerde 0.83, sosyal ve toplumsal faaliyetlerde 0.66, bebek bakım sorumluluklarında 0.68, öz bakım faaliyetlerinde 0.53, mesleki faaliyetlerde 0.67, toplam IFSAC katsayısı ise 0.75 olarak bulunmuştur. Madde- ölçek arasındaki ortalama korelasyon 0.28- 0.54 arasında iken, ölçek- toplam ISFAC puanları arasındaki korelasyon 0.22 - 0.79 olarak bulunmuştur. Test-tekrar test güvenilirliği toplam IFSAC puanı için 0.99, ölçekler için 0.91 ile 0.99 arasında belirlenmiştir. Ölçekler arası korelasyon oranlarının ise -0.13 ile 0.58 arasında değiştiği saptanmıştır. Evlilik süreleri, doğum sayıları, sosyal destek alma durumları, yaşadıkları yer, gebeliklerini planlama durumları, bebeklerini besleme metotları ile doğum sonrası fonksiyonel durumları arasında ilişki belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca içinde bulunulan doğum sonrası hafta sayısı artıkça kadınların fonksiyonel durumlarında da artış belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; Doğum sonrası fonksiyonel durum envanterinin geçerli ve güvenilir olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ülkemizde doğum sonrası fonksiyonel durumun tanılanması ve fonksiyonel durumu etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi, kadınlara bütüncül yaklaşımla bakım verilmesine ve doğum sonrası döneme adaptasyonlarına olanak sağlayacaktır.
This study of Inventory of Functional Status After Childbirth (IFSAC) was planned to measure its validity and reliability in Turkish women. the study was carried out on women registered at 21 Health Clinics associated with the Denizli Health Department. the clinics used in the study were divided into 3 socioeconomics levels, ie, low, middle and high. These classifications were made by evaluating the local residents‘ socioeconomics levels using the randomly chosen statistics technique. After dividing the clinics according to this criteria, 3 different clinics were selected as subjects for the study. the 191 women formed the sample of the study. Inventory of Functional Status After Childbirth and questionnaire which determined the sociodemographic characteristic and other variables of the women had been excluded in order to obtain data. Cronbach‘s alpha internal consistency reliability coefficients ranged 0.83 for Household Activities, 0.66 for Social and Community Activities, 0.68 for Infant Care Responsibilities, 0.53 for Self-Care Activities, 0.67 for Occupational Activities, 0.75 for total IFSAC. Average corelations for the sub-scala item to subscale total scores ranged from 0.28 to 0.54 while subscale to total IFSAC score correlations ranged from 0.22 to 0.79. Test-retest reability coefficients ranged from 0.91 to 0.99 and the total IFSAC score was 0.99. IFSAC subscale correlations ranged from –0.13 to 0.58. the relationship between the women‘s length of marriage, the number of and births, the amount of social support recieved, their age and place of delivery, infant feeding methods and after childbirth functional status was established. It was also determined that as the number of postpartum weeks increased the women became more functional. According to results, the validity and reliability of IFSAC has been determined. Midwives, nurses and other health professionals may use the IFSAC to assess functional status following childbirth. Establishing the factors that determine the functional levels and assessing the functional situation after childbirth in our country will enable women to receive holistic treatments and postpartum adaptation.
This study of Inventory of Functional Status After Childbirth (IFSAC) was planned to measure its validity and reliability in Turkish women. the study was carried out on women registered at 21 Health Clinics associated with the Denizli Health Department. the clinics used in the study were divided into 3 socioeconomics levels, ie, low, middle and high. These classifications were made by evaluating the local residents‘ socioeconomics levels using the randomly chosen statistics technique. After dividing the clinics according to this criteria, 3 different clinics were selected as subjects for the study. the 191 women formed the sample of the study. Inventory of Functional Status After Childbirth and questionnaire which determined the sociodemographic characteristic and other variables of the women had been excluded in order to obtain data. Cronbach‘s alpha internal consistency reliability coefficients ranged 0.83 for Household Activities, 0.66 for Social and Community Activities, 0.68 for Infant Care Responsibilities, 0.53 for Self-Care Activities, 0.67 for Occupational Activities, 0.75 for total IFSAC. Average corelations for the sub-scala item to subscale total scores ranged from 0.28 to 0.54 while subscale to total IFSAC score correlations ranged from 0.22 to 0.79. Test-retest reability coefficients ranged from 0.91 to 0.99 and the total IFSAC score was 0.99. IFSAC subscale correlations ranged from –0.13 to 0.58. the relationship between the women‘s length of marriage, the number of and births, the amount of social support recieved, their age and place of delivery, infant feeding methods and after childbirth functional status was established. It was also determined that as the number of postpartum weeks increased the women became more functional. According to results, the validity and reliability of IFSAC has been determined. Midwives, nurses and other health professionals may use the IFSAC to assess functional status following childbirth. Establishing the factors that determine the functional levels and assessing the functional situation after childbirth in our country will enable women to receive holistic treatments and postpartum adaptation.
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