Akut zehirlenme hastalarının iki yıllık değerlendirilmesi
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G i r i ş : Bu çalışma, iki yıl boyunca bir üniversite acil servisine, intihar amaçlı veya yanlışlıkla ilaç alımı nedeniyle baş- vuran zehirlenme hastalarının epidemiyolojik, demografik ve klinik özelliklerini tanımlamayı ve ülkemizin zehirlen- me verilerine katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı nitelikte çalışma, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Acil Servisine 01.01.2006-31.12.2007 yılları arasında intihar amacıyla veya yanlışlıkla ilaç alımı nedeniyle başvuran tüm yaş gu- rubundaki hastaları geriye dönük olarak incelemektedir. Bu yıllar arasında acil servise başvuran tüm zehirlenme vakalarına, acil servis adli vaka defterlerinden ulaşıldı. Adli vakalar içerisinden acil servise “intihar amacıyla veya yanlışlıkla ilaç alanlar”, “intihar amacıyla ilaç dışı herhangi bir madde alanlar” seçildi ve çalışma popülasyonu oluş- turuldu. Bulgular: Altı yüz sekiz zehirlenme hastasının dosyasına ulaşıldı. Zehirlenme hastaları tüm acil servis başvuruların % 0,4’ü olarak belirlendi. Hastaların %80‘i (n=480) kadındı ve yaş ortalaması 26,8±11 (dağılım 5-93) yıldı. Hastaların %82’si (n=485) 35 yaş altında, %14’ü ise (n=86) pediatrik yaş (18 yaş altı) grubundaydı. Hasta sayısının ilkbaharda arttığı, en sık başvurunun ise Mayıs ve Haziran aylarında olduğu görüldü. Hastaların %72’sinin (n=438) acil servise gece mesaisinde (18:00-08:00) başvurduğu, en sık başvurunun ise 22:00-23:00 saatleri arasında olduğu saptandı. Hastalar en sık (%82.0) “intihar amacıyla ilaç alımı” nedeniyle başvurdu. Hastaların %45,1’inde (n=274) çoklu ilaç alımı mevcuttu. %9,2’sinde (n=56) beraberinde alkol alımı da vardı. intihar amacıyla en sık alınan ilaçlar analjezikler- di. Analjezikleri psikotrop ilaçlar izledi. En sık psikiyatrik tanı (%21,1) “impulsif özkıyım girişimi”, 2. sırada ise %17,6 oranla (n=107) “majör depresyon” bulundu. Hastaların acil serviste ortalama kalış süresi 19,2 ± 2 2,7 saatti (dağılım 0 - 168 saat). Hastaların %4,1’i yoğun bakıma, %2,7’si ise diğer servislere yatırıldı. Hastaların %93,2‘sinin tanı, tedavi ve izlemleri acil serviste yapılıp taburcu edildiler. S o n u ç: Zehirlenme açısından genç kadın popülasyon risk altındadır. En sık zehirlenme nedeni özkıyım girimi olarak s a p t a n d ı. En sık kullanılan ilaçlar analjeziklerdir. Analjezikleri antidepresanlar izlemektedir. Acil servis izlemindeki hastalarda intihar amacıyla alınan ilaçlara bağlı mortalite ve morbidite oranları düşüktür.
Objectives: To analyse and identify epidemiological, demographic and clinical features of the patients who attended to a university hospital emergency department with intentional or accidental drug overdose in a two year period. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study. Data base had been constituted from Ege University School of Medicine Hospital Emergency Department (ED) records. Patients in pediatric and adult age group were includ- ed in the study who attended to the ED between 01.01.2006-31.12.2007. Patients presented with accidental or intentional drug overdose have been chosen from the forensic report records and included in this study popu- lation. Results: 608 patients records were reviewed. Intoxication patients were 0.4% of all attendances. Mean age of the patients included in the study was 26.8±11.0 (5-93) and 80% (n:480) of those were female. Eighty two per- cent (n:485) of the patients were younger than 35 years old and 14% (n:86) of the patients were in pediatric age group (younger than 18 years old). Attendance rate begin to increase especially in spring season with a peak of the attendance rate in May and June. Seventy two percent (n:480) of the patients were attended between 18:00-08:00 hours, most frequent attendances were found between 22:00-23:00 hours. Most frequent reason (82%) was drug overdose for suicide attempt. Two hundred seventy four (45.1%) patients had taken multiple drugs and 9.2% (n:56) of them had alcohol intake additionally. The most commonly used drugs were analgesics, and secondly was psy- chotropic agents. Most frequent diagnose was “impulsive suicide attempt” (21.1%) followed by “major depression” (17.6%; n:107). The average length of stay of patients in the ED was found to be 19.2±22.7 (0-168) hours. 93.2% of the patients were observed and treated in the ED. Rest of the patients were hospitalized, 4.1% of the patients were transferred to the intensive care unit and 2.7% of them to the services. Conclusion: Young woman population is especially at risk of intoxica- tion. Self-poisoning is the most common intoxication type. The most commonly used drugs are analgesics, and secondly antidepressant drugs. Mortality and morbidity rates are low in patients who are intoxi- cated due to suicide attempt.
Objectives: To analyse and identify epidemiological, demographic and clinical features of the patients who attended to a university hospital emergency department with intentional or accidental drug overdose in a two year period. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study. Data base had been constituted from Ege University School of Medicine Hospital Emergency Department (ED) records. Patients in pediatric and adult age group were includ- ed in the study who attended to the ED between 01.01.2006-31.12.2007. Patients presented with accidental or intentional drug overdose have been chosen from the forensic report records and included in this study popu- lation. Results: 608 patients records were reviewed. Intoxication patients were 0.4% of all attendances. Mean age of the patients included in the study was 26.8±11.0 (5-93) and 80% (n:480) of those were female. Eighty two per- cent (n:485) of the patients were younger than 35 years old and 14% (n:86) of the patients were in pediatric age group (younger than 18 years old). Attendance rate begin to increase especially in spring season with a peak of the attendance rate in May and June. Seventy two percent (n:480) of the patients were attended between 18:00-08:00 hours, most frequent attendances were found between 22:00-23:00 hours. Most frequent reason (82%) was drug overdose for suicide attempt. Two hundred seventy four (45.1%) patients had taken multiple drugs and 9.2% (n:56) of them had alcohol intake additionally. The most commonly used drugs were analgesics, and secondly was psy- chotropic agents. Most frequent diagnose was “impulsive suicide attempt” (21.1%) followed by “major depression” (17.6%; n:107). The average length of stay of patients in the ED was found to be 19.2±22.7 (0-168) hours. 93.2% of the patients were observed and treated in the ED. Rest of the patients were hospitalized, 4.1% of the patients were transferred to the intensive care unit and 2.7% of them to the services. Conclusion: Young woman population is especially at risk of intoxica- tion. Self-poisoning is the most common intoxication type. The most commonly used drugs are analgesics, and secondly antidepressant drugs. Mortality and morbidity rates are low in patients who are intoxi- cated due to suicide attempt.
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