İki ege tütün çeşidinde farklı dikim zamanları ile plastik örtülü yüksek tünelde kurutmanın verim ve kalite üzerine etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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III ÖZET İki Ege Tütün Çeşidinde Farklı Dikim Zamanlan İle Plastik Örtülü Yüksek Tünelde Kurutmanın Verim Ve Kalite Üzerine Etkileri UZ Ercan Doktora Tezi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; Prof. Dr. Seval SEKİN Ağustos 1997, 70 sayfa Tarla denemeleri 1992 - 1993 yıllarında İzmir - Bornova koşullarında, İzmir tipi iki tütün çeşidinde üç dirim zamanı (15 Nisan, 1 Mayıs, 15 Mayıs) ile geleneksel ve plastik örtü altı kurutma metodunun verim ve kalite üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. En yüksek kuru yaprak verimi, 1993 yılında normal dikim zamanı ve plastik örtü altı kurutmada 92.63 kg. / da. ile Karabağlar 6265 çeşidinde, en düşük kuru yaprak verimi ise 1992 yılında,geç dikim zamanı ve geleneksel kurutmada 48.45 kg. / da. ile Ege 64 çeşidinde elde edilmiştir. Kurutma metodunun, toplam indirgen şeker, toplam N ve toplam alkaloid içeriklerinin yanısıra ham kül ve K, Na, P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu gibi mikro elemenler üzerinde önemli bir etkisi belirlenememiştir. Her iki yılda da kurutulmuş yaprakların ekspertiz kalitesi düşük olmasına rağmen, en yüksek kalite ( AG %22, BG %59, KAPA %19) normal dikim zamanı ve plastik örtü altı kurutmadan, en düşük kalite ise ( AG %18, BG %54, KAPA %28) geç dikim zamanı ve güneşte kurutmadan (geleneksel) elde edilmiştir. Ortalama sıcaklık ve ortalama nisbi nem oranlan plastik örtü ahi kurutmada geleneksel kurutmaya oranla daha yüksektir. Geleneksel kurutmada ortalama sıcaklık 23- 38 °C, ortalama nisbi nem % 18-65, plastik örtü altı kurutmada ortalama sıcaklık 23-58 °C, ortalama nisbi nem % 38-52 olarak bulunmuştur. Kurutma süresinin geleneksel kurutmaya oranla plastik örtü altı kurutmada 3-4 gün daha erken olduğu saptanmıştır
IV ABSTRACT The Effects Of Different Transplanting Dates And Curing In Polythene Covered Tunnel On Yield And Quality In Two Tobacco Cultivars Of Izmir Type. UZ, Ercan Doctoral Thesis, Departman of Agronomy Supervisor, Prof. Dr. Seval SEKİN July 1997,70 pages Field experiments were conducted at Boraova-izmir Location in 1992-1993 to study the effects of different transplanting dates (15th April, 1th May, 15th May) and two curing methods as traditional and in polythene covered tunnel on the yield and quality of two tobacco cultivars of Izmir type. The maximum yield of cured leaves (av. 92.63 kg/da) were obtained in 1993 from cv. 6265 Karabağlar at the normal transplanting time (1th May) and by curing under polythene cover. The lowest yield was found in 1992 (av. 48.45 kg/da) at late planting time from cv. Ege 64 with the application of traditional curing method. Total reducing sugar, total nitrogen and total alkaloid contents, and also the crude ash and the mineral contituents e.g, K, Na, P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu were not affected significantly by the curing methods. Although the leaf quality were low in both of the years, the normal planting date (1* May) and curing in the tunnel gave higher quality values (A grade 22%, B grade 59%, Kappa 19%) than the late planting date and the traditional and sun curing method (AG 18%, BG 54%, KP 28%). Average temperature and the av. relative humidities were higher in tunnel curing system(av. tem. 23-58 °C, av. r. hum. 38-52%) than the conventional curing method (av. tern. 23-38 °C, av. r. hum. 18-65%). As a result of climatical differences of the curing environments, in both cultivars the curing duation in tunnel method was found to be 3-4 days shorter than the conventional method.
IV ABSTRACT The Effects Of Different Transplanting Dates And Curing In Polythene Covered Tunnel On Yield And Quality In Two Tobacco Cultivars Of Izmir Type. UZ, Ercan Doctoral Thesis, Departman of Agronomy Supervisor, Prof. Dr. Seval SEKİN July 1997,70 pages Field experiments were conducted at Boraova-izmir Location in 1992-1993 to study the effects of different transplanting dates (15th April, 1th May, 15th May) and two curing methods as traditional and in polythene covered tunnel on the yield and quality of two tobacco cultivars of Izmir type. The maximum yield of cured leaves (av. 92.63 kg/da) were obtained in 1993 from cv. 6265 Karabağlar at the normal transplanting time (1th May) and by curing under polythene cover. The lowest yield was found in 1992 (av. 48.45 kg/da) at late planting time from cv. Ege 64 with the application of traditional curing method. Total reducing sugar, total nitrogen and total alkaloid contents, and also the crude ash and the mineral contituents e.g, K, Na, P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu were not affected significantly by the curing methods. Although the leaf quality were low in both of the years, the normal planting date (1* May) and curing in the tunnel gave higher quality values (A grade 22%, B grade 59%, Kappa 19%) than the late planting date and the traditional and sun curing method (AG 18%, BG 54%, KP 28%). Average temperature and the av. relative humidities were higher in tunnel curing system(av. tem. 23-58 °C, av. r. hum. 38-52%) than the conventional curing method (av. tern. 23-38 °C, av. r. hum. 18-65%). As a result of climatical differences of the curing environments, in both cultivars the curing duation in tunnel method was found to be 3-4 days shorter than the conventional method.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, Tütün, Tobacco