Değişik zamanlarda uygulanan premedikasyonun hastanın kan basıncı ve kalp atım hızı üzerine olan etkisinin karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu araştırmada, değişik zamanlarda uygulanan premedikasyonun hastaran kan basıncı ve kalp atim hızı üzerine olan etkisinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya Dicîe Üniversitesi Uygulama Hastanesi Cerrahî ve Kadın Doğum kliniklerinde Şubat-Temmuz 1997 tarihleri arasında genel anestezi altında ameliyat olacaklardan ASA sınıflamasına göre î.ve II. grupta yeralan, laboratuar bulguları herhangibir özellik göstermeyen, şişman ve normal ağırlıkta olan, 20-60 yaş arası genç yetişkin ve orta yaş grubu hastalar alınmıştır. Basit rastgele örnekleme yoluyla 3 grupta eşit sayıda (42 hasta) seçilen toplam 126 hastanın 1.grup (Kontrol )= Gece ve sabah premedikasyon uygulanan hastalar 2. grup (Deney I )= Gece premedikasyon uygulanan hastalar 3. grup (Deney II )= Sabah premedikasyon uygulanan hastalar yaş,cins, klinik tanı olarak benzer özellikler taşımasına çalışılarak anestezi polikliniğinde, gece uyumadan hemen önce, sabah uyandıktan hemen sonra, ameliyathanede anesteziye başlamadan hemen önce arteriyeS kan basıncı ve kalp atım hızı ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Araştırmada premedikasyon amacıyla bu hastanede rutin olarak kullanılan gece 10 mg. Diazem cap. P.O. ameliyat sabahı lOmg. Diazem amp.+ 0.5 mg. Atropin amp. İ.M. kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde sayı, yüzde, x2 (ki-kare ), t testi, Mann-Whitney U testi, Varyans Analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Gruplar arasında yapılan ölçümlerin karşılaştırılmasında Kontrol grubu ile Deney î ve Kontrol grubu ile Deney II grubu arasında ölçümlerde anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır (P>0.05). Fakat Deney I grubu ile Deney II grubunun karşılaştırılmasında sadece ameliyathanede ölçülen kan basıncı değerleri anlamlı (P<0.05) farklı bulunmuş. Ameliyathanede ölçülen kalp atım hızı değende anlamlı (P<0.05)farklı bulunmuştur. Deney I ve Deney ligrubundaki hastaların normal kabul edilen ölçümleri ile ameliyathanede ölçülen kan basıncı ve kalp atım hızı değerleri anlamlı (PO.05) farklı bulunmuştur. Cinsiyete göre kadın hastaların normal kabul edilen ölçümlerinden kalp atım hızı anlamlı (P<0.05) farklı bulunmuştur. 91Sigara içenler ve içmeyenler arasında arteriyei kan basıncı ve kalp atım hızı değerlerinde anlamlı (P>0.05) fark bulunmamiştîr. Ameliyat bölgesinin de kan basıncı ve kalp atım hızı değerinde etkili olduğu saptanmıştır. 92
SUMMARY İn this research, the deciding of the effect of premedication, whîch was applied in different îimes on the blood pressure and the speed of heart beat of the patient had been airned. The young and aduît petients, who were fat and normal and whose laboratory findings which were in Group î and II according to the ASA cîassification, hadn't any speciality, who would be operaîed in general anesthesia between the dates of the February and July 1997 in surgical and obstetri clinics in Dicle University research and practice Hospital, who were between the ages of 20 and 60 had been taken to the research Through the help of a simpSe exemplification, the measuring of arteriel blood pressure and heart rate in 3 groups, whlch had 42 patients had been done in 126, chosen patient who were at the same age and sex, and who were simiiar clinic diagnosis.Just after sleeping in the night and waking up in the morning in the anesthesia policlinic and prior to îhe anesthesia in an operating room. 1.Group ( Control ): The patient who were applied premedicaîion at night and in the morning. 2.Group (Test l) ; The patient who were applied premedication at night 3.Group ( Test II) : The paîient who were applied premedication in the morning.. in the research, at night iOrng. Diazem çap P.O. had been used and lOmg. Diazem amp + O.Smg Atropin amp. I.M. had been used in the morning in this hospital in a routine way. in the analysis of the series, number,percent, x2, t test, Mann-Whitney U test, the technique of Varyans Analysis had been utilized.în comparing the measuring made among the groups a considerable (P>0.05 ) difference had nor determîned between the group of control and the group of Test I,and betvveen the group of control and the group of Test ü. But in comparing the group of Test I with îhe group of Test II, just îhe blood pressure which was measuret in the operating room had a signiftcant difference ( P<0.05). The measures of the group of Test î was higher.Iî was throught that result depended on the mesures which made in the operating room without premedication operation.In the researches of each group, it had been foundout that the measures of the patients inthe group of controî, which were accepted as normal, were difFerent frorn the value of the blood pressure in the operating room (P<0.05). The value of heart raîe in the operating roorn had been discovered very different (P<0.05). The vaiue of heart rate and bîood pressure measured in the operating room, and the measures vvhich were considered as normal in the patients of the group of Test I and Test II had been found out very different (P<0.05). Accoding to the sex, it had been observed that the measures of female patienîs who were considered as normal and heart rate had a significant difference (P<0.05).Between smokers and non- smokers, îhere hadn't been discovered a significant difference in the value of the bîood pressure and heart rate (P>0.05). it had been determined that the operation part had no effect on bîood pressure and heart rate.
SUMMARY İn this research, the deciding of the effect of premedication, whîch was applied in different îimes on the blood pressure and the speed of heart beat of the patient had been airned. The young and aduît petients, who were fat and normal and whose laboratory findings which were in Group î and II according to the ASA cîassification, hadn't any speciality, who would be operaîed in general anesthesia between the dates of the February and July 1997 in surgical and obstetri clinics in Dicle University research and practice Hospital, who were between the ages of 20 and 60 had been taken to the research Through the help of a simpSe exemplification, the measuring of arteriel blood pressure and heart rate in 3 groups, whlch had 42 patients had been done in 126, chosen patient who were at the same age and sex, and who were simiiar clinic diagnosis.Just after sleeping in the night and waking up in the morning in the anesthesia policlinic and prior to îhe anesthesia in an operating room. 1.Group ( Control ): The patient who were applied premedicaîion at night and in the morning. 2.Group (Test l) ; The patient who were applied premedication at night 3.Group ( Test II) : The paîient who were applied premedication in the morning.. in the research, at night iOrng. Diazem çap P.O. had been used and lOmg. Diazem amp + O.Smg Atropin amp. I.M. had been used in the morning in this hospital in a routine way. in the analysis of the series, number,percent, x2, t test, Mann-Whitney U test, the technique of Varyans Analysis had been utilized.în comparing the measuring made among the groups a considerable (P>0.05 ) difference had nor determîned between the group of control and the group of Test I,and betvveen the group of control and the group of Test ü. But in comparing the group of Test I with îhe group of Test II, just îhe blood pressure which was measuret in the operating room had a signiftcant difference ( P<0.05). The measures of the group of Test î was higher.Iî was throught that result depended on the mesures which made in the operating room without premedication operation.In the researches of each group, it had been foundout that the measures of the patients inthe group of controî, which were accepted as normal, were difFerent frorn the value of the blood pressure in the operating room (P<0.05). The value of heart raîe in the operating roorn had been discovered very different (P<0.05). The vaiue of heart rate and bîood pressure measured in the operating room, and the measures vvhich were considered as normal in the patients of the group of Test I and Test II had been found out very different (P<0.05). Accoding to the sex, it had been observed that the measures of female patienîs who were considered as normal and heart rate had a significant difference (P<0.05).Between smokers and non- smokers, îhere hadn't been discovered a significant difference in the value of the bîood pressure and heart rate (P>0.05). it had been determined that the operation part had no effect on bîood pressure and heart rate.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Perioperatif hemşirelik, Perioperative nursing, Premedikasyon, Premedication