Gediz Nehri ve çevresinin radyoaktif, majör ve iz element seviyelerinin belirlenerek faktör analizi yöntemi ile incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET GEDİZ NEHRİ VE ÇEVRESİNİN RADYOAKTİF, MAJOR VE İZ ELEMENT SEVİYELERİNİN BELİRLENEREK FAKTÖR ANALİZİ YÖNTEMİ İLE İNCELENMESİ BAKAÇ, Mustafa Doktora Tezi, Nükleer Bilimler Anabilim Dalı (Fizik) Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Mehmet N. KUMRU 1998, 247 sayfa Gediz Nehri, Gediz ilçe merkezinin doğusundaki Murat Dağı yamaçlarından doğar ve İzmir körfezinin kuzey kesiminde Foça ilçesi yakınlarında Ege Denize dökülür. Gediz Nehri akıntısı boyunca başlıca metamorfik, volkanik, paleozoik, mesozoik ve neojen özellikteki jeolojik yapılardan geçmektedir. Gediz Havzası 38°.04'-39°.13' kuzey enlemleri ile 260.42'-290.45' doğu boylamları arasında yer almaktadır. 1996 ve 1997 yaz aylarında yapılan çalışmada, nehrin denize döküldüğü noktadan başlayarak yukarı doğru her km'de bir olmak üzere nehirsel işlemler de dikkate alınarak su, dip sediment, toprak ve her 10 km'de bir olmak üzere de süspanse sediment örneklemeleri yapıldı. Aynı zamanda arazi çalışmaları sırasında hava ve su sıcaklık ölçümleri, sularda pH, Eh, öz iletkenlik ve toplam alkalinite, nehir çevresinde gama ve beta aktiviteleri ile yüzey gama ölçümleri yapıldı. Nehir boyunca örneklemelerin yapılması esnasında nehre kansan dere ve çaylardan su, sediment ve toprak örnekleri ile kuyu, pınar ve çeşmelerden de suVI örnekleri toplandı. Örneklemeler yapılırken nehirle ilgili bilgiler de not edildi. Labaratuvar çalışmaları olarak toprak, dip sediment ve süspanse sediment örneklerinde radon kollektör yöntemi kullanılarak Ra226; çok kanallı gama spektroskopi yöntemi kullanılarak eU238, eTh232 ve %K40; toprak, su ve süspanse sediment örneklerinde AAS yöntemi kullanılarak Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Co, Mg, Ca, Na, Al, K; dip ve süspanse sediment örneklerinde XRF yöntemi kullanılarak Ca, Ti, Mn, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce; su örneklerinde radon kollektör yöntemi kullanılarak Ra226, laser fluometrik yöntem kullanılarak uranyum; süspanse sediment örneklerinde PAR yöntemi kullanılarak uranyum tayinleri yapıldı. Sonuçlar grafik ve çizelgeler halinde verilerek tartışıldı. Bu şekilde, Gediz Nehri ve çevresinin radyoaktif, major ve iz element seviyesi belirlenmeye çalışıldı. Daha sonra toprak, su, dip sediment ve süspanse sediment örneklerinde elde edilen sonuçlar, faktör analiz yöntemi ile ayrı ayrı incelendi. Böylece nehrin geçtiği hat boyunca, nehir ve çevresinde yüksek çıkan değerlerin sebepleri araştırılarak faktör analizi yöntemi ile bunların kaynaklan tesbit edilmeye çalışıldı. Faktör analiz istatistiğinin Gediz Nehri boyunca uygulanmasıyla bu faktörlerin jeolojik, antropojen etkiler sonucunda oluşmuş endüstriyel ve evsel, radyoaktif, volkanik, tarımsal, ekonomik hammadde ve deniz faktörleri olabileceği sonucuna varıldı. Anahtar sözcükler: Faktör analizi, major ve iz element, nehir, radyoaktivite
VII ABSTRACT THE EXAMINATION OF THE GEDIZ RIVER AND ITS SURROUNDINGS BY THE FACTOR ANALYSIS METHOD DETERMINING THE LEVELS OF RADIOACTIVITY, MAJOR AND TRACE ELEMENT BAKAÇ, Mustafa Ph.D. Thesis, Nuclear Sciences (Physics) Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet N. KUMRU 1998, 247 pages The Gediz River orginates at the slopes of Murat Mountain in the east of Gediz village and is discharged to the Aegean Sea near Foça village in the north of Izmir Gulf. The bedrock structure is mainly composed of metamorphic and volcanic rocks of paleozoic, mesozoic and neojen ages. The Gediz Basin stands between 38o.04'-39°.13' north latitudes and 26°.42,-29°.45' east longitudes. The study has been made in the summer seasons of 1996 and 1997. Water, bottom sediment and soil samplings have been made at 1 km intervals and suspended sediment samplings have been made at 10 km intervals. These studies have been made from the point at which the river joins the sea to source of the river. In addition, in the course of field samplings air and water temperatures, pH, Eh, specific conductivity and total alcalinity of waters, beta and gamma activities, gamma survey in the vicinity of the river have been measured. Furthermore; water, sediment and soil samples have been collected from the streams which join theVIII river and water samples have been collected from the springs, wells and drinking waters. In the course of samplings, information about the river was also recorded. In the laboratory, the concentration of Ra226 in the soil, water, sediment, eU238, eTh232 and "/oK40 in soil, sediment; Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Co, Mg, Ca, Na, Al, K in soil, water and sediment; Ca, Ti, Mn, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce in bottom and suspended sediment; uranium in water and suspended sediment have been analyzed by using the collector chamber, multichannel gamma spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, laser fluorometric and PAR methods, respectively. The results have been presented giving graphics and in tabular forms. By this study, the level of radioactivity, major and trace element of the Gediz River and its surroundings have been determined. Then, all the results in soil, water and bottom and suspended sediment samples have been estimated by using the factor analysis method, respectively. So, determining the levels of radioactivity and the elements of the river and its surroundings along the river have been established by the factor analysis method. The sources of the high results in the river and its surroundings have been tried to find out. It has been generally fixed that those factors were effective in the samples with the factor analysis along the Gediz River. These factors are named as industry, geology, radioactivity, volcanoes, agriculture, economy, sea and settlement. Key words: Factor analysis, major and trace element, radioactivity, river.
VII ABSTRACT THE EXAMINATION OF THE GEDIZ RIVER AND ITS SURROUNDINGS BY THE FACTOR ANALYSIS METHOD DETERMINING THE LEVELS OF RADIOACTIVITY, MAJOR AND TRACE ELEMENT BAKAÇ, Mustafa Ph.D. Thesis, Nuclear Sciences (Physics) Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet N. KUMRU 1998, 247 pages The Gediz River orginates at the slopes of Murat Mountain in the east of Gediz village and is discharged to the Aegean Sea near Foça village in the north of Izmir Gulf. The bedrock structure is mainly composed of metamorphic and volcanic rocks of paleozoic, mesozoic and neojen ages. The Gediz Basin stands between 38o.04'-39°.13' north latitudes and 26°.42,-29°.45' east longitudes. The study has been made in the summer seasons of 1996 and 1997. Water, bottom sediment and soil samplings have been made at 1 km intervals and suspended sediment samplings have been made at 10 km intervals. These studies have been made from the point at which the river joins the sea to source of the river. In addition, in the course of field samplings air and water temperatures, pH, Eh, specific conductivity and total alcalinity of waters, beta and gamma activities, gamma survey in the vicinity of the river have been measured. Furthermore; water, sediment and soil samples have been collected from the streams which join theVIII river and water samples have been collected from the springs, wells and drinking waters. In the course of samplings, information about the river was also recorded. In the laboratory, the concentration of Ra226 in the soil, water, sediment, eU238, eTh232 and "/oK40 in soil, sediment; Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Co, Mg, Ca, Na, Al, K in soil, water and sediment; Ca, Ti, Mn, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce in bottom and suspended sediment; uranium in water and suspended sediment have been analyzed by using the collector chamber, multichannel gamma spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, laser fluorometric and PAR methods, respectively. The results have been presented giving graphics and in tabular forms. By this study, the level of radioactivity, major and trace element of the Gediz River and its surroundings have been determined. Then, all the results in soil, water and bottom and suspended sediment samples have been estimated by using the factor analysis method, respectively. So, determining the levels of radioactivity and the elements of the river and its surroundings along the river have been established by the factor analysis method. The sources of the high results in the river and its surroundings have been tried to find out. It has been generally fixed that those factors were effective in the samples with the factor analysis along the Gediz River. These factors are named as industry, geology, radioactivity, volcanoes, agriculture, economy, sea and settlement. Key words: Factor analysis, major and trace element, radioactivity, river.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Ana elementler, Major elements, Eser elementler, Trace elements, Faktör analizi, Factor analysis, Gediz Nehri, Gediz River, Radyoaktivite, Radioactivity